Bevin and Taylor

one and only

Bevin didn’t know exactly what she would end up needing, so she cleared out her entire bathroom cabinet. She sorted through all of her tiny appliances to find her favorite flat iron. She would definitely tame her curls for this special day and stun Taylor into one of his famous goofy smiles. With a laugh Bevin surrendered and just upturned her bag, emptying the contents on her best friend’s bed. Her flat iron was within sight and she hastily went into the bathroom to plug it in.

Hilary poked her head into the pink bathroom and smiled. “We found the perfect dress for you to wear. You’re going to die when you see it!”

Bevin smirked. “Die from excitement or repulsion?”

“Trust me, Bevin, you will die from excitement. Hurry up with that mane of yours because there’s no telling when my parents are coming back home.”

She nodded and began to straighten her hair. It wouldn’t have taken long but Hilary came back and decided to add a swoop to the front, a bump at the top, and a curl at the bottom. Bevin couldn’t sit still for much more than that. The giddiness was starting to get to her and if she didn’t see Taylor soon, she would start bouncing off the walls. Being with Taylor had changed her life and she knew he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life. Bevin was in a dark place before she met Taylor and there was no way she would go back. Putting on the dress that Hilary bought for her, Bevin never felt surer that they were doing the right thing.

“I hope you’re ready for this,” Hilary said as she steered her bike through the empty road.
Bevin was sitting on the handle bars, bracing herself so she wouldn’t fall, but smiling from ear to ear. There was no hiding her joy as she replayed last night’s events in her mind. It had been the end of yet another perfect date and Bevin was enjoying the feel of being in Taylor’s arms, giving her safety she desperately needed. She lifted her chin and placed her lips onto his.

“You’re so gorgeous.”

“You’re perfect.” They kissed once more before the porch lights came on, a signal from her parents that it was time to come inside. Bevin groaned but kissed Taylor one more time before going inside. She didn’t utter a word to her parents as she headed upstairs to her room. She closed the door and sat on the corner of her bed, lightly touching her bottom lip. It was still warm from Taylor’s wonderful kiss.

A tap at the window caused Bevin to stand up. There was another tap and she walked toward her window. Taylor was outside, gazing up at her. She smiled before hurrying from the window to find her phone in the purse she’d discarded on her desk. She sent him a quick text telling Taylor about the ladder beside the gutter behind the house. She watched him disappear around the corner of the house and come back toting a metal ladder. It seemed effortless how he carried it then placed it gently against the wall of the house. As he climbed the ladder, Bevin opened her window. She helped him inside.

“Is this alright?” he asked. “I just didn’t want to be away from you just yet.”

She smiled. “I’m glad.”

“Bevin, I love you.”

If possible, her smile grew wider. “I love you too Taylor.”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you that for a while… basically ever since I met you. I know we haven’t been together very long but I really want to be with you forever.”

“I want us to be together forever too.” She wrapped her arms around his torso. “You have no idea how much you mean to me. Thank you for being everything I need.”

“Marry me Bevin.”

She looked up at him. “What?”

“Marry me. Tomorrow. We can really be together then.”

Bevin was brought back to the present once Hilary stopped pedaling the bike. It hadn’t been easy to get her parents to sign the consent form for marriage without having them read it first but she managed. Hilary ran it to the courthouse while Bevin got her stuff together for the ceremony they would have near the lake. Anna, their other best friend, had gotten up early to decorate as best she could and with the help of her boyfriend, Kyle, and Taylor’s best friend, Stephen, the quaint set-up nearly brought Bevin to tears. There were four white chairs in a straight line with a path of white flower petals going down the middle. There was no altar or anything but they’d gotten a white wooden archway from Anna’s backyard to decorate with more white flowers.

“It’s even more beautiful than I thought,” Bevin said.

“No time to stare just yet. It’s about to start,” Anna said, rushing toward her.

Bevin was ushered to the left and poised to stand behind Hilary who was behind Anna. On the other side of the cute set-up was Kyle, Stephen, and Taylor. Anna nodded at her little brother who was standing off to the side with his violin. He rarely went anywhere without it and it proved to be useful to Anna for once. He began to play a classical piece and the ceremony started. Anna met Kyle in the middle and went to take their seats. Hilary and Stephen were next and that’s when Bevin and Taylor saw each other. He looked dashing in just a white button up shirt and a pair of jeans. They walked toward each other and laughed when they realized they were both wearing Chuck Taylors.

“You look beautiful.”

“So do you.”

A justice of the peace stood in front of the young couple. Bevin was in auto-pilot during the short service; she was still dazed by the moment she was in at that very moment. There was no reasonable doubt in her mind that this wouldn’t work. Taylor was perfect and she knew that as long as she was by his side, she had the potential to be perfect for him.

“Bevin and Taylor, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”