Status: This story does not have a romance pairing yet! Help me out! Who should Reina 'be' with?


"but I just don't know Santana"

Chapter 5:

I, Selena Reina Lopez, felt so bad for my sister, Santana Lopez. Even though me and my fellow New Direction peers basically felt her wrath for a whole miserable week, I felt terribly sorry for her.

All weekend in the Lopez household, Santana made a point of not making eye contact with me. I wasn't sure if it was more out of embarrassment or anger, but enough was enough.

Sunday night, I slowly walked to her bedroom that was just down the hall from mine. My idea wasn't well thought out, but I needed to talk to her. However estranged we may be, Santana was my sister.

The door was open and I could clearly see Santana laying on her bed, texting on her phone. I knocked on the door to make myself known. She didn't even look up as she said, "What do you want?" I crossed the threshold and her eyes flickered up to look at me. She glared. "Get out Reina."

"We need to talk." I said seriously. She continued to glare, but set her phone down and sat up.

"What exactly do we need to talk about?" The way Santana said those words came out as a sort of threat.

I crossed my arms, "You know what. Santana, I didn't know you were keeping you and Brittany a secret, but –"

Santana abruptly stood up and shut the door. "Are you stupid?!" she hissed before walking into my personal bubble space and glared straight into my eyes. "No digas mas!"

I took a step back but kept my gaze steady with hers, "I finally realize why you're so angry all the time. This secret of yours is so obviously eating at you and –"

"You don't know anything about me!" She shouted. "You never even lived here! Once you turned thirteen you started living at the damn school and barely came around here! So don't act like you know me por que no es así!"

I clenched my teeth, "Be that as it may, you obviously need to talk to someone. I'm sure your mom or dad –"

Santana's eyes widened and she again invaded my personal space, "Don't you dare tell them, Selena." Her words were an obvious threat, but you could also clearly hear the fear in them. She even called me by my first name.

"I won't."

"So is Santana still angry?"

I was walking with Blaine to yet another glee club meeting. We had ran into each other whilst leaving class and apparently Kurt was freaking over the election so much he was in need of a talk with his right hand gal, Rachel Berry.

"Angry is an understatement, pero si." I replied as we walked down the hall towards the choir room.

"Have you tried consoling her? She is your sister."

I shrugged, "I tried, sort of. I just don't think that I, personally, can help her through this. I'm just her estranged half-sister."

And as we took our seats in the choir room, it seemed someone else had decided to take up what others may think of as a sibling responsibility.

I hadn't voiced my thoughts on why on earth the Troubletones were sitting opposite side of New Directions but it seemed Finn had the explanation. "This week, the Troubletones and the New Directions will both be singing songs by ladies and for ladies."

"Oh hell no." Only the infamous Santana would make such a comment. I cringed in my seat by Blaine and wondered where exactly Finn was going with this.

"Next week all of us will be going to sectionals where one of us is probably going to win but Santana," Finn's eyes were on my sister, "we're worried about you."

And Santana glared right back at him, "Worry about yourself fetus face."

"This is not going to end well." I leaned over and whispered to Blaine.

He shrugged, "Finn knows what he's doing… I think."

"Glee is about learning how to accept yourself for who you are no matter what other people think" Finn motioned towards the white board behind him in which he had written the words, LADY MUSIC WEEK, "and that's what this music is all about."

"Wait I don't even get a say in this," Santana interrupted. "Not cool."

Finn's face saddened but he strode closer to Santana, his whole demeanor turning serious, "Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany and we don't judge you for it we celebrate it because it's who you are. Look I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know that in this rotten stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be." Everyone's eyes were on Santana, watching her reaction. I on the other hand sat back in my seat, staring off into space as I thought Finn's words over. "That's it. That's what we're doing here… Blaine, Kurt."

I snapped my attention back to reality as Blaine stood up and followed Kurt to take Finn's spot in the front of each show choir group.

"Santana," Blaine began. "Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car and we want to sing that for you right now."

I joined everyone else in watching Santana's reaction once more. Her face looked as expressionless as ever. "Well there's nothing I'd love more than having two pretty ponies serenade me. I think that we'll get further staging a gel-ervention for Blaine than singing lady music."

"I know that it's hard," Kurt interrupted her, "it was hard for me too but you can get through this."

"If you would just stop being so defensive." Blaine tried.

"I'm trying," Santana bit back at them, "but your hideous bow ties are provoking me." I scoffed and was about to say something when the ever intelligent Noah Puckerman decided to make a comment.

"Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl because there's a big difference."

"Puck focus," Mr. Schuester said, "Okay Kurt, Blaine why don't you just kick us off with what you've got."

Santana's face remained expressionless as the music began. I wanted to jump from my seat and shake her! Finn had just made a perfect speech that had me feeling nostalgic about my old school. The school that made anyone feel welcome and like family, just like this glee club and Santana wasn't showing any sign that she even cared. It was difficult for me to pay attention to Blaine and Kurt performing as I just glared at Santana with poignant irritation.

"If you ever, ever feel like you're nothing you are perfect to me…"

My eyebrows furrowed as I watched Santana break out in smiles.

"Thank you guys, thank you Finn especially," My eyes widened, "you know with all the horrible crap I've been through in my life," I was wrong, she was letting Finn help her, letting us help her, "now I get to add that."

My, along with everyone else's, face fell. Santana returned her haughty expression.

Later that day at the Lopez household I confronted Santana once she returned from Brittany's house, which happened to be very late in the evening, but I understood that Santana didn't want to be home.

I waited in her room, probably the first clue that my idea was a bad one, and crossed my arms as she walked in. Santana automatically went in defense mode and shut the door behind her.

"If you're thinking about bringing up –"

"I'm not!" My interruption caused her to glare daggers at me and cross her own arms, "Tienes que dejar que te ayudemos."

Santana stifled a laugh, "As usual, the illiterate Mexican has no idea what she's talking about."

My jaw clenched, but I didn't let her words anger me, "I'm not going to even justify how wrong what you just said is but as I was saying, you need to let people in." I strode closer to her and let my arms fall to my sides, "Those friends of yours, they're just trying to help and you're remaining unfazed like you don't care."

Santana rolled her eyes but I continued, "And I know you do care. You wouldn't get so defensive if you didn't."

Santana scoffed, "Okay Finn, are you done now?"

"You know Finn's just trying to help."

"What Finn is doing," Santana raised her voice, "is blackmailing me!"

I rolled my eyes, "You tried to blame Snicks for slapping him!" My voice too, raised.

My words made Santana smirk, "It's worked before."

That brought my tirade to a stop as a memory flashed before my eyes. My young-self crying and tattling on Santana. Santana blaming Snicks for the cut on my knee. I unfortunately had tattled to her mother.

"Your mom thought Snicks was some demonio." I mumbled, shaking the flashback away.

Santana chuckled, "As if we were living Paranormal Activity."

I smirked, "Well unlucky for you, Corcoran nor Shuester are superstitious."

"¿Qué está pasando aquí?" Speak of the devil, no pun intended, Santana's mother opened the door with a distressed look on her face, "I heard shouting."

"Reina was just being her usual obnoxious self." Santana piped in before I could say anything, giving me a snide smirk.

"Yeah, well I wasn't the only one," I bit back as I made my exit, "Snicks."

"It's only fear that makes you run, the demons that you're hiding from. When all the promises are gone, I'm the only one."

While I fully enjoyed Puckerman's performance the next day, his voice is great, I couldn't help feeling uncomfortable as he ogled the person sitting to my right. Quinn Fabray. It wasn't until I realized that he wasn't exactly looking at Quinn, but at the Troubletones leader.

"Her eyes and arms and skin won't make it go away. You'll wake up tomorrow and wrestle the sorrow that holds you down today."

I turned my head towards Rory on my left, who was moving to the thrum of Puck's guitar and seemed oblivious to his advances towards Shelby. Rory glanced at me, a grin on his face before turning back to the performance. I couldn't be the only one noticing this!

"But I'm the only one who'd walk across the fire for you. And I'm the only one who drowned in my desire for you."

I glanced towards Quinn and she seemed to have the same look that graced my own features.

"I'm the only one…yeah." I clapped with the others, but I was very confused. "That was for you." He pointed in Quinn (or Shelby's) direction than motioned towards the other side of the room, "Santana."

I stifled a laugh, "I almost forgot he was singing for Santana." I muttered to Rory. Rory didn't hear me, but someone else did.

"What did you say?" Quinn asked, a touch of tenseness in her voice.

"Me?" I shrugged, "Nada."

Finn clapped and stood up, "That was awesome! Anyone else wanna wrap things up for today?" He said, looking around the room before setting his eyes on me. I frowned, "What about you, Reina?"

"Oh?" I glanced towards Santana, remembering our conversation last night. She rolled her eyes at me. "I couldn't possibly follow that last performance." I said with a nervous laugh.

Finn frowned, "That's too bad."

"Well," Mr. Schuster stood up, "That's it for now, let's meet up after school!"

As everyone filed out of the room, Finn motioned for me to stay behind. I grudgingly stayed and waited for Rachel Berry to pad out of the music room.

"Que paso?" I finally said, looking up at Finn. He was a great deal taller than me, taller than anyone for that matter. The sad look he gave me made me feel even smaller.

"I thought if anyone would want to make Santana feel better about herself, it would be her sister." Finn blatantly said. It was my turn to frown at him.

"And I'm not?" I retort.

"It doesn't seem like it. I mean, she's your sister, if anyone could get through to her it should be you."

I scoffed, "That's where you're wrong Finn Hudson." I took a step back, ready to make my exit. Finn touched my shoulder to stop me.

"How am I wrong?"

I sighed in frustration and turned to look back up at him, "Have none of you noticed that we're estranged? It's not just sibling rivalry, I honestly don't know Santana as well as you probably do! I've been a part of her family for 10 years but only lived with her for 4. You can't expect me to be the best at consoling 'my own sister' when we hardly consider each other sisters. I mean I'm great at reading people and noticing things. But when it comes to someone who could care less for my help. Well, what do you expect me to do?" Finn remained silent, throughout my whole tirade and even when I finished. He just gave me those sad puppy dog eyes.

"I guess I expect for you to try." He said softly.

I resisted the urge to shout out in frustration but managed a shaky, "I am trying."

"Then why didn't you bother to sing today?"

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. I never thought I'd be getting lectured from someone who isn't even an adult but a guy a year older than me. "If I knew the song that would help Santana, I would sing it! I feel the same way about music as you all do in glee club, but I just don't know Santana."

"Well, I do."

That stopped me from going over the edge. I squinted my eyes up at Finn in suspicion, "You do?"

He nodded, a little smile forming at the corner of his mouth, "Just stay here with me for a bit to rehearse."

Everyone was seated and instead of taking my seat with the rest of them, I walked by Finn towards the piano. I was a natural at playing the piano, and with only a few minutes rehearsing, I was ready to play for Finn.

I sat down, took a deep breath and when Finn gave me a nod, I began to play. Finn took this cue and began to sing.

"I come home in the middle of the night, my father says what you gonna do with your life. Well daddy dear, you're still number one."

I took another deep breath, continued to play the keys and harmonized with Finn, "Oh girls, they wanna have fun." Finn glanced at me, smiling and nodding his head before I stopped and let him continue on his own. "Oh girls, they… The phone rings in the middle of the night. My mother says when are you gonna live your life right. Well mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones."

"Oh girls they wanna have fun." I joined in again as Finn walked towards Santana. I could tell at first glance she felt uncomfortable, but there was something else there on her expression as Finn approached her, singing directly at my sister. "Oh girls, they…"

To my surprise, as I hadn't experienced something like this before, the rest of the New Directions and Troubletones harmonized with Finn and I. "That's all they really want." Finn pulled a chair up to sit in front of Santana. I continued my playing. "Those girls they wanna have fun."

"Some boys take a beautiful girl, oh and they hide her away from the rest of the world." I smiled as I looked at Santana. She too was smiling as the guys around her joined in to sing with Finn. "Well not me, I wanna be the one in the sun. Girls, they wanna have fun. Oh girls, they... that's all they really want."

The guys stopped and it was again just Finn singing, "Oh girls, they wanna have fun."

I played the last couple of notes slowly before the room settled in silence. I glanced up and smiled again. Santana looked so touched, she stood up and gave Finn a hug. She whispered something in his ear, only I could've seen that exchange. I didn't need to have heard what she said, I already knew.

I whispered under my breath, "Your welcome, Santana."

The bell rang, marking the end of the school day and the beginning of the class president election voting. I waited for Kurt and Blaine and walked to the gym with them.

"I'm freaking out!" Kurt spoke as we entered the gym.

Blaine quickly replied, "It'll be fine."

I nodded, "Only idiots would not vote for you, Kurt."

Kurt frowned, "That's not exactly comforting. If you haven't noticed, practically our whole school population consists of idiots."

I bit my lip. Blaine gave Kurt a side hug, "Just relax. Reina is right, you're going to win. And so is your dad."

After those words, my eyes followed to where the senator voting booths were. Unlike the class president booths, there was a thin line going to place their ballots.

"It would be bad if Sue Sylvester won, right?"

Kurt's eyes bulged at me, "Uh, yeah. It would be much worse than if Brittany won class president. The worst Brittany can do is give our entire senior class cavities. Coach Sylvester would shut down all fine arts programs in Ohio."

It was my turn for my eyes to bulge, "Wow. I should've really paid attention to her campaign on the news."

"I'm sure you've got a lot going on at home." Blaine replied with a thoughtful smile. He didn't even need to mention Santana. I already knew exactly what he meant. My eyes wondered to where Santana was standing. Of course, she was by her right hand gal, Brittany, smiling like she wasn't just brought to tears a few minutes ago.

After waiting for a good five minutes, I was able to walk into the little booth set up and place my ballot in the provided slot. Kurt gave me a wary glance but there was no doubt in my mind who I was voting for.

I signed Kurt's name very neatly, did a quick sign of the cross and then placed the ballot in the box.

When pushing the curtain aside once more, Kurt's wary eyes were again on me. I gave him a thumb's up and a smile. His frown eased up and Blaine pat him on the back before taking my place behind the black curtains.

"I'm heading home now." I informed Kurt.

He nodded, "Thank you."

I smiled again, "No problem."

I was sitting in my room, my laptop on my lap and I was reading an email that had caught my eye from an old schoolmate when I heard the knock at my door. On instinct I called, "Come in." and set my laptop aside.

My eyebrows raised in surprise as Santana strode into my room and carefully closed the door. Her eyes hadn't met mine, so I could tell something was wrong.

"Que pasa?" I asked before she could say anything. Santana crossed her arms before looking me in the eye.

"I..." She paused, before rolling her eyes and continuing, "I'm going to tell mom and dad."

My eyes widened, "When?"

She sighed, "Before they see that stupid commercial."

I was struck with confusion, "Commercial?"

Santana let her arms fall to her sides, obvious frustration radiated off of her and she waved me over, "Just come with me."

I didn't say anything as I quickly stood up and followed her out my door and towards the living room. This was so unlike Santana. Actually inviting my presence was odd. So my continued silence as we entered the living room was enough for my father and Santana's mother to give us suspicious looks.

My father was the first to speak, "What's going on?" He asked, his eyes going from Santana to me and back again. I knew it wasn't my place to say anything so I looked to Santana. Santana took a deep breath.

"I have something to tell you both." She began. Both parents expressed a look of worry. "It's nothing bad, at least it shouldn't be. But..." Santana glanced over her shoulder to look at me. The look she gave me was one of fear. She was scared of what her parents would think. I gave her an encouraging smile and nod and she turned back to her parents.

Dr. Lopez and his wife were seated on the couch and Santana and I were standing to the side. Santana moved in front of them so she was looking at them head on. "Mom, Dad." She took a shaky breath, "I'm in love with Brittany." She said this very slowly, watching there reaction with every word she said.

"Mija," Her mother gave Dr. Lopez a confused glance, "We know that."

Santana shook her head, "No, I have feelings for her that I should have for boys." Santana knelt down in front of them, "I'm gay."

I watched closely. Neither parent was giving much away with their facial expressions. They just continued to look at Santana head on. That is until my father leaned over to grasp Santana's hand. "Santana, you're our daughter. We're not blind to your feelings." Santana's eyes widened and her mother leaned over as well. "What did you think, that we would love you any less?"

Santana's face had such a mixture of emotions that I couldn't tell if she would shout angrily at them or burst into tears. But before she could say anything else, her mother pulled her into a hug and I could no longer see the expression on Santana's face.

After several minutes of hugging and Santana's muffled words to her parents, I just had to butt in because the curiosity was killing me. "Santana."

Santana cringed and pulled away from her parents, wiping at her face, "What?" To my surprise there was no bite to her question so I continued.

"You spoke of some commercial, earlier. What were you talking about?"

Santana let out a short bitter laugh before going into a tirade of words.

It all seemed like perfect timing because in the middle of Santana's spiel, since the TV was still on, said commercial popped up.

"Sue Sylvester wants to represent Ohio. She says she shares your values. If that's true, boy do we have some questions. If you're so into family values, why did you promote a lesbian student to be your head cheerleader and when did you plan on telling Ohio families about it?"

My father blew up.

"¿Qué mierda es esto?! ¿Quiénes se creen que son? I'm going to have a talk with this "The Sauce" Salazar!"

"Dad there's no point!" Santana shouted after him, he was already on his way to his office. "It's already been aired, there's no stopping it."

"There may be no stopping the commercial, pero no me impide atascos mi pie en su culo!" He shouted from the hall. Santana burst out laughing and I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Santana." Her mother said softly, "Are you alright?"

Santana's laughter faded into a tight smile, "Right now, yes. Especially knowing you and papi are cool with me being a maricón."

Her mother hit Santana's thigh lightly, "Santana! Don't say that." She sighed, "Your father and I siempre te amaré."

Santana's smile morphed into something genuine, "Good."

The next day, Santana rode with me to school. I could tell she was on edge, she kept clenching her jaw and was glaring out the window the whole time. She was so out of it, that when I parked, she made no notion of leaving me in her dust and we walked into the school building together. I watched her, she was holding her books tightly to her chest and glaring down the halls.

"Santana, are you okay?" I asked in a low voice. Her ear twitched, so I knew she heard me, but she kept her eyes ahead.

"Don't you see them?" She mumbled quietly to me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"See who?" As I asked this, my eyes wandered ahead of us, searching for what Santana could be talking about.

"Some people don't know how to be subtle." Santana said a little louder this time. That's when I noticed. People in the halls were just staring at her. As if I was walking beside a Martian.

I shook my head, "Guess we weren't the only one's who saw the commercial."

Santana sighed and walked towards her locker, "You guessed right, La Reina."

Her words were bitter, but I knew that bitterness wasn't towards me. I stayed by her side as she opened her locker. The watching eyes were making me very angry, I could only imagine Santana's anger.

I didn't want to leave Santana alone to face them by herself. So it was time to be a good sister. I'm sure Finn would approve.

"Saw the commercial," some guy suddenly appeared on the other side of Santana. I had never seen the kid, he was wearing the usual McKinley High letterman jacket. "Smokin'!"

"Who are you?" I happen to say at the same time Santana snarled, "Who the hell are you?

"Josh Coleman, sophomore rugby captain." He said confidently, giving each of us Lopez sisters a once over before returning his full attention to Santana, "Girls like you are a challenge. You just need the right guy to straighten you out and I'm the man to do it."

I scoffed, was this guy serious?!

But before I could interject, a familiar sassy voice was heard behind me, "Move your busted creeper ass." It was Mercedes. "Now." Tina added.

It was the show choir girls to the rescue, all back up for Santana.

"Easy girls I'm just trying to make her normal." Said stupid sophomore rugby captain.

Brittany scowled, "She is normal." and a more aggressive Quinn followed her, "It's not a choice idiot but even if it were you'd be her last choice."

"Oh I get it," still stupid Josh Coleman said, "you're all a bunch of lesbos."

"So what if we are," Rachel, sounding a lot sassier than I ever heard her be before, said, "you don't stand a chance either way."

The dumb jock rolled his eyes and walked away with all of us girls calling after him, "Bye bye, walk away."

Santana smiled at her friends, "Thank you."

"No problem, girl." Mercedes said with a grin. "Before we noticed you needed a save, we were actually going to tell you something."

Rachel spoke up before Mercedes could say anymore, "We have the perfect number all of us girls could sing for the next glee club meeting!"

"What d'you have in mind?"

A quick morning rehearsal and classes later, all of the girls from both New Directions and Troubletones were standing, prepared to sing our song dedicated to Santana.

Santana began with the bang of the drums, "This was never the way I planned."

"Not my intention." Rachel followed.

"I've got so brave, drink in hand."

"Lost my discretion."

"It's not what..." "I'm use to."

"Just want to try you on."

"I'm curious for you. "Caught my attention!"

All glee girls joined in and for once, I didn't care to be center stage. This was Santana's moment.

"I kissed a girl just to try it, hope my boyfriend don't mind it! It felt so wrong, it felt so right! Don't mean I'm in love tonight. I kissed a girl and I liked it! I liked it!"

I shuffled my way into our next formation and nearly laughed at all the guys reactions, "Us girls we are so magical, soft skin, red lips so kissable, hard to resist, so touchable

Next formation, I was sandwiched between Santana and Tina, "And too good to deny it! Ain't no big deal it's innocent!

"I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick. I kissed a girl just to try it," I unintentionally made eye contact with Finn Hudson, he gave me an approving nod. 'Bien!' I thought, 'Now he won't talk down to me, literally.'

"I kissed a girl and I liked it! I liked it!"

I would've never thought I'd be dancing and singing with all these girls after that dodgeball game. But with the applause and the laughs, it felt good.

"Okay, update ya'll," Santana said, getting everyone's attention. I knew what was coming, but I paid attention nonetheless, "I told my parents last night and they were actually okay with it." CLAPS! "I just have to tell my abuela before she sees that stupid commercial but luckily she only watches UNIVISION."

I frowned. She planned on telling abuela?! 'I wonder how that would go?'

A voice from the doorway interrupted my thoughts, "Shue's and New Directions and Troubletones singing group." It was the principal. "Mr. Kurt Hummel I need to see you in my office immediately."

My frowned stayed planted on my face as I watched Kurt walk out, giving one last worried glance in Blaine's direction. I walked over to Blaine, "What happened?"

Blaine shrugged, "I'm just as lost as you."

"Hey, Reina!" A cheerful Rory called, "That was a great performance."

I nodded to him, not really paying him enough mind to thank him aloud and walked towards Santana who was nearly on her way out the door following Brittany. "Santana!" she stopped in her tracks, "You're going to tell abuela?"

Santana crossed her arms, "Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"Well, just..." I shrugged, "You know the way she can be."

Santana rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know. She's been my abuela longer than she's been yours."

Ignoring her sassy remark, "Should I go with you to tell her?"

Santana scoffed, "I don't need you to hold my hand, La Reina. I can take care of myself."

"Seriously Santana, I thought we were past this?"

Santana let her arms fall to her sides, "I'm going now." She said, turning on her heel to go with Brittany, "I'll see you at home."

And 'home' was where I waited, for several hours. Santana's mom and father had already settled into bed when Santana finally walked through the front door. Tears were streaked down her cheeks.

I rushed towards her, "Santana, what happened?"

"I just - she just -" Santana bumbled for the right words, but instead burst into more tears.

I frowned, "She didn't... approve, did she?"

Santana shook her head and pushed past me, "I need my mom right now!"

If anything could've made me more sad right now, those words did the trick. "Mom..." I whispered to nobody. I hadn't realized for awhile, that I could never do that. Go cry to my mom. I let out a sigh and shook my hands, as if it would shake away the feeling. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself." I murmured, "Feel sorry for Santana."

The next day went by in a confusing blur. Kurt was upset about something, but would only talk to Blaine about it. I understood, I mean, I haven't known Kurt for as long, nor was I his boyfriend. Still, the curiosity was killing me. That, and last night had caused me to dream of my mother making me think even more about her throughout the day. I wasn't even really listening to Santana's song.

"Has always been."


Finn's voice disturbed my thoughts and I, along with everyone else glanced to the entrance to see a sad Rachel. Sad was an understatement.

"I just told Principal Figgins I rigged the elections so that Kurt would win. Kurt please don't hate me, you're totally in the clear." Rachel explained. I raised my eyebrows. Well that makes one less thing I have to think about.

Finn asked, "What'd he say?"

"He said that he had no choice but to put it on my permanent record and that I'm suspended for a week." Rachel couldn't have looked more uneasy, "Also he said that I was banned from competing at sectionals." And that fills the spot of one more thing to think about.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the ending sucked, it wasn't planned out, I just wrote it so I could have something written. This story is off hold! Finally!

So as I'm sure you all now, sorry to bring up this sadness again, but we lost a beloved Glee character and amazing actor Cory Monteith also known as Finn Hudson. This is dedicated to you Cory. In this chapter, Finn was obviously a big part of Reina wanting to help Santana out because Finn set such a great example for her. Finn is a great person. And so was Cory.

I know Cory is gone, but Finn will live on in our stories. So I will be sure to keep writing this, with Finn in every chapter.

Thanks for reading!