Status: This story does not have a romance pairing yet! Help me out! Who should Reina 'be' with?


"The nerve of some people"

I, Selena Reina Lopez, am exhausted. My energy is running thin due to the fact that if I’m not going to school, working at Breadstix, or singing with New Directions, I’m dancing every morning and weekend to perfect my skills that I fear have become lackluster since I left St. Cecilia’s. It’s only January and I am stressing out.

I was currently stretching on the auditorium stage, the usually only empty space available at six in the morning. Cheerios had taken over the gymnasium at five A.M. As for the choir room, it was much too small to dance full out.

“Reina!” Two familiar girly voices chimed together. I glanced up from my position to see my two best friends ascending the steps into the auditorium, each were sporting dance attire. “You started without us?” Colleen teased.

I grinned, “I didn’t want to take too much of you guy’s time.” I stood up, “Thank you so much for driving over here.”

They each climbed the steps up to the stage floor as Mari replied, “It’s no biggie. We totally understand that you’re trying to save gas money.”

Colleen nodded, “Besides, we can manage being late to our classes, we are paying for them after all.”

I strode over to the sound system excitedly. I had been looking forward to their visit. It’d been too long since we all danced together. “Shall we get started!”

Mari laughed, “Straight to business, huh?”

I laughed with her and shrugged, “Of course!”

Colleen set her stuff down and called out to me, “Play our old warm-up song!”

I smirked to myself as I plugged the auxiliary cord into my smartphone and scrolled down to the very song Colleen was talking about. The familiar thumping of the song began as I strode back towards the girls who were doing a quick stretch.

“Shall we sing along?” Mari beamed.

“Siempre!” I grinned at her energy, and took a deep breath, hoping I could keep mine up.

“Across the floors!” Colleen called out. She was usually the instructor in our little dance practices, often times trying to keep Mari and myself on task.

“Hee hee!” Mari sang out.

I grinned and followed suit with her singing, “Ooh!”

“Go on girl!” Colleen sang out after, while also getting us to start dancing across the floor. We usually did this one at a time. Colleen was lead, of course. She started with a simple jazz walk kicks combo. “Hey pretty baby with the high heels on! You give me fever like I’ve never, ever known. You’re just a product of loveliness. I like the grove of your walk, your talk, your dress!”

Colleen ended with a pas de chat and Mari started her way across the floor following the same combo. “I feel your fever from miles around. I’ll pick you up in my car and we’ll paint the town!” Mari ended the combo with grand jete.

Picking up the pace, I began the same combo, “Just kiss me baby and tell me twice, that you’re the one for me” I tour jete’d. “The way you make me feel!”

“The way you make me feel” Mari sang back as we got in a horizontal line.

Colleen called out, “Pique turns!”

“You really turn me good” I sang out as we started the movements.

“You knock me off my feet”

“Chasse!” Colleen shouts.

“My lonely days are gone”

“Straddle leap!”

After landing, the three of us spread out and await Colleen’s next instruction.

“Ain’t nobody’s business, Ain’t nobody’s business


“Ain’t nobody’s business, Ain’t nobody’s business, but mine and my baby!

“Give it to me

“Keep going!”

“Give me some time!


“Come on be my girl, I wanna be with mine!”

Mari and I stopped singing, trying to focus on our turns.

“Stop!” Colleen finally called out.

I frowned as I came to a stop. Colleen and Mari came to a stop, holding their final position for a moment longer than I did.

I locked my hands behind my head, taking deep breaths. “Haven’t done that in awhile.”

Mari’s cheeks were pink, something that often happened after she danced hard. “I thought you’d been practicing since you got the email?”

I grinned, though it probably looked strained, “Apparently not good enough. That’s why I needed this with you guys. To see…” I let my words drift off, frowning. I wanted to say ‘how behind I was compared to them,’ but I knew they didn’t want to hear that.

Colleen was grabbing one of the small towels she brought from her dufflebag and wiped her forehead. “You were fine, Reina. Singing and dancing is just not the best mixture, unless you’re trying to work up a sweat.”

“That was definitely not the plan.” I fanned myself, I felt hot but fortunately not sweaty.

Mari stretched out her arms, “Can we go grab some coffee?”

“Yes.” I groaned out, I needed a pick-me-up after that practice.

We hurried over to The Lima Bean. I embraced the aroma of coffee as we entered the quaint cafe. Mari and Colleen went straight over to the counter to order, but a particular voice caught my attention that stopped me from following my two best friends. I craned my neck until I saw exactly who I heard, among others.

“Santana?” I muttered to myself as I walked closer. As I neared I realized she was sitting with Rachel, Blaine, Kurt and Artie. There was one other guy standing by them, he looked familiar. And it appeared, as I watched the circle of friends and stranger, that I had walked in on something. Something not good by the looks of my fellow New Direction’s facial expressions.

I heard the guy saying, “I am captain of The Warblers now, and I’m tired of playing nice.”

I furrowed my eyebrows and made my presence known. “Hey.” They all looked up at me in surprise. I stared at the apparent Warbler as I asked them all, “What’s going on?”

The familiar stranger was the one to respond, giving me a similar glaring look along with his smug grin, “Not much anymore, but you just missed quite the escapade.”

I quirked a brow.

“Will you just leave already, Sebastian?” Kurt barked out with disdain.

“Gladly.” The Warbler replied as he pivoted on his foot only to be faced with my friends, Mari and Colleen.

“Sebastian?” Mari remarked in question before letting out a giggle, “Sebastian Smythe?”

Colleen frowned. “What are you doing here?”

My eyes widened, “I knew you looked familiar!” Sebastian turned around to glare at me. I smiled in satisfaction as I moved closer to him, quickly examining his attire, “How on Earth did you manage to get into Dalton Academy?”

“Reina, you know this bitchlet?” Santana asked. I faced her and nodded and noticed the other four people looked just as confused as my sister.

“He went to St. Cecilia’s Academy.” I turned back to Sebastian and said with a smirk, “Before he was kicked out.”

Sebastian put his own smirk back on, “I don’t know what you’re smiling about, Reina. I heard you don’t walk those halls anymore than I do.”

I rolled my eyes.

“So you slum with the McKinley High losers now? Nice.” He said with a chuckle before turning around and pushing past Colleen and Mari to exit the cafe. I frowned.

Colleen scoffed and turned her attention to Santana, “What was it you called him? A bitchlet? Yeah, that describes Sebastian Smythe in a nutshell.”



I glanced over my shoulder and smiled as I watched Rory jog to my side from down the hallway. I was walking alone, headed towards the choir room for another glee club meeting. “Rory.” I beamed. He grinned.

“Did you hear about the setlist being stolen?” He conversed as we continued down the hall towards the choir room.

I nodded. I had been let in on this info after the encounter with Sebastian at The Lima Bean. “Yeah. The nerve of some people.” I replied with a huff. Speaking of nerves, a painful spasm went through my calf. I let out a hiss and stumbled towards Rory, grasping at him to keep me from falling.

Rory’s eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, “Are you alright?”

My jaw clenched as I flexed the muscles in my leg. The pain subsided after a moment. I glanced up at Rory, a look of concern graced his features. “Sorry. It was just a charley horse.”

A look of confusion passed over his face, he still had his arms around me as he asked, “Charley horse?”

I straightened up and out of Rory’s grasp, bouncing on my feet for good measure. “Muscle spasm. I use to get them all the time.”

He furrowed his eyebrows, “That sounds painful.”

I smiled half-heartedly and motioned him to keep walking with me, “It’s not so bad. It just happens sometimes after dancing. I’m usually seated when it happens, so I don’t freak anyone out as I have seem to have done to you.” I teased. Rory’s grin finally returned.

“Well, maybe that means you need a break.” He said.

I nodded thoughtfully. “That’s an idea.”

Rory opened his mouth to continue but a disconcerted voice was heard from the choir room. My eyes widened as I shared a look with Rory before we made our way faster into the room.

“This sucks!”

“There has to be some kind of show choir competition committee that we can complain to!”

We were welcomed with a heated discussion between fellow members of New Directions. I went to sit by Kurt, “Did I miss something?” I murmured.

Kurt shook his head and we both turned to look at Blaine who was speaking up. “Ugh, I know it sucks guys, but it's not the end of the world. Heck, you had your set list stolen the day of a competition in sectionals and you pulled that one off.” I widened my eyes as I filed away this new info from the past.

Artie was the first to rebut Blaine’s words. “Well, they can have our Journey and our Dreamgirls but pilfering my Michael, uh uh, that's another level of not okay.”

Puckerman went to take a seat from his standing position, his eyes staring skeptically at Blaine. “I'm not exactly comfortable having this conversation with Blaine in the room. Clearly once a Warbler, always a Warbler.”

Blaine furrowed his eyebrows, “Uh, what?”

“Dude, you told them what we were going to do. You're like a modern day eggs benedict, he's on notice for all I'm concerned.”

“We should all be on notice,” Finn added. “Next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best glee club in the state. And for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship. So, we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat ‘em.”

Schuester clapped his hands in agreement, “I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn. I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys.” He walked towards the whiteboard and wrote on it with the dry erase marker. “Which is why our lesson for the week is What Would Michael Jackson Do?

Finn answered right away, “He'd fight back. He'd say regionals is ours, MJ is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from my sequined gloved hand.” I smiled.

“Straight up!” Artie piped in, “In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his Billie Jean video. What'd he do? He fought back! They aired it and the Thriller album sold an additional 10 million copies!”

“That's right!”

Blaine spoke up again, “I know what Michael would do. I think he would take it to the streets.” Blaine smirked and went into this whole spiel about meeting the Warblers later tonight for a ‘Jackson’ off. I frowned.

“I can’t make it.” I said loud enough for everyone to hear. All eyes were on me, all filled with confusion.

Finn was the first to reply. “But you have to, we’ve gotta do this as a team.”

I sighed, “I work, remember?”

“Well, can’t you just call in and pick up an extra shift tomorrow?” Artie asked.

I blinked at him. That certainly wasn’t a bad idea, considering I hadn’t called in ever since working. “I can try.”

“Santana?” Mercedes glanced at my sister in question. Santana waved her hand flippantly.

“I’ll make sure the princess shows up.” Santana grumbled. I rolled my eyes at her.

“Good, cause it won’t be the same if we’re not all there.” Finn added, his eyes locked on mine. I nodded and smiled half-heartedly.

Mr. Schuester then dismissed us. I moved to pull out my phone to call my manager when Rory walked up to me.

“Hey. About that break? We should do something together.” He beamed. My smile faltered. When on Earth was I going to have time for a break with Rory?!

Even so, I nodded at Rory and pointed to the phone in my hand. “Sure, Rory. But I need to call my manager right now, so…”

Rory nodded in understanding, his grin still in place, “Right. I’ll see you later on then?”

I nodded and watched him leave the choir room before dialing the number.


I sighed at my reflection in the mirror as I pinned my name tag on my shirt and then tightened the red tie of my uniform.

“What are you doing?” Santana suddenly appeared at the door to my bedroom. I stared at her through the mirror.

I quirked an eyebrow, “Getting dressed.”

Santana sauntered in, crossing her arms. She was wearing her black leather jacket over her Cheerios uniform. “Don’t play crass with me. It looks like you plan on going to work even though only a few hours ago you said otherwise.”

I turned to face her and crossed my own arms, “I never said I wasn’t going to work.”

Santana scoffed. “Es en serio?”

“Muy.” I spat at her, rolling my eyes. “I’m still going with you, too. I’m just going straight to Breadstix afterwards.”

Santana quirked an eyebrow at me, “You couldn’t get off? I thought la reina was more convincing than that.”

I again rolled my eyes, “I am, thank you very much.” I strode over to my closet, “I just really need all the hours I can get from this job.” I grabbed my own black jacket and tugged it on over my work clothes. “I don’t think financial aid is going to cover very much because of dad’s income.”

Santana held up her hand, “I really don’t feel like listening to your personal problems. Let’s just go.” She waved me over.

I scowled and tugged my hair out from under the jacket, “Grosera.” I mumbled to Santana as we both exited my room. “We’re taking my car.” I added as we descended the stairs.

“Whatever.” Santana mumbled.

Santana’s mother noticed us walking together towards the front door. She eyed us skeptically. “Where are you two going?”

Santana plucked my car keys from the key holder besides the door, “To teach some bitchlets a lesson.” She tossed the keys at me. I let out a surprised squeak before I barely caught them.

“Que?” Her mother asked, her voice hitching up a note in concern.

Santana opened the door, waving at me to go first. “We’ll be back in a few, mami.” Santana said with a sickly sweet smile on her face. She then ushered me out the door before her mother could say anymore to us.

I shook my head as we strode towards my Ford Fiesta.

It only took a few minutes with minor bickering about directions to find the place we were going to meet up. Most of New Directions had showed up and were waiting outside the parking garage. Naturally, it took us longer than them to get there since we drove from Lima Heights.

“Reina!” Finn grinned. “Glad you could make it.”

I nodded, zipping up my jacket the rest of the way to hide the name tag I was wearing as we walked towards the gathering group.

“Are we all here?” Blaine called out as he and Kurt got out of the vehicle they just arrived in.

Mercedes was the one to answer as she strode away from Rachel’s side to Santana’s, “We’re still waiting on Brittany, Sugar and Rory.”

Puck let out a scoff, “Well we might as well pitch a tent for how long we’ll be waiting for them to arrive, especially if Brittany is driving.” Quinn rolled her eyes at him and Santana sent him a cold glare.

Two honks were then heard as a powder blue Volkswagen skidded to a stop next to the group. Sugar Motta, whose name I had finally learned, was in the drivers seat. “We’re here!” She cried out excitedly.

The three missing members then exited the vehicle. Brittany bounced towards Santana to embrace her. Sugar linked arms with Rory and skipped towards the group, dragging a bewildered Rory with her. I eyed them skeptically before Blaine called attention to himself.

“Okay guys, we showed up a little earlier than I told Sebastian to meet us at.” He motioned towards my sister, “Me and Santana will do the talking, everyone else will hang behind us until we call you forward. Got it?”

There was a chorus of ‘got it!’ replies.

“I’m so pumped!” Sam Evans cried out with a grin.

Finn clapped a hand on his shoulder, “Let’s do this!”

The whole group ascended into the parking garage. Whilst lingering in the back of the group, I pulled out my phone to check the time. I was paranoid about showing up late, even though I was already showing up later than I was originally scheduled for. Thankfully my manager said that would be fine as long as I stayed for as long as the time I should’ve originally been there.

“Reina!” I glanced up to see Tina waving me over, “You’re lagging.”

I pocketed my phone and jogged up to the girl, “My bad.” I said with a laugh.

The parking garage cast a lot of shadows from the little light that managed to seep in. Since everyone was sporting a black jacket of some kind, we had a nice camouflage effect going on. Blaine stopped us and told us to stay behind as he and Santana continued to saunter forward.

I followed suit with most everyone as I leaned against a pillar. I put my hands in my pockets, glancing around at everyone. “I feel like we’re in the Bad music video.” I said with a grin.

“That’s what we’re going for.” Artie said cooly from his spot by Puck.

“That’s right.” Mercedes added. “Be ready to show off your Jackson moves everybody!”

My grin remained. Why not have a little fun before work? This might as well have been the break I needed from my hectic schedule. I always did enjoy dancing to Michael Jackson. Before I thought this was the making of a bad idea, but what could go wrong with two show choirs going head to head in a little friendly competition.

My thoughts instantly went back to the mash-off, as if I needed a reminder of what could go wrong. When Santana slapped Finn after performing. I glanced in the direction she and Blaine had strode off to. I wouldn’t doubt that Santana would have enough nerve to slap Sebastian, I just really hope she doesn’t.

Many footsteps were then heard echoing off the walls of the garage. The footsteps undoubtedly belonged to the Warblers.

“Well, we’re here.” A bored voice called out as the footsteps ceased. The voice, no doubt, belonged to Sebastian.

I, along with the rest of New Directions, listened to the conversation closely, awaiting our cue.

“We’re having a Jackson off, Nick at Night,” Santana sassed out after Blaine said a few words. “Winner gets the King of Pop for regionals.”

“What, us against the two of you?” I could almost hear the condescending grin Sebastian wore, “You really think you’re that bad? Is that what they teach you at that little public school of yours?” I rolled my eyes as I stood away from the pillar.

“It’s time to see who’s bad.” Blaine retorted.

A loud snapping noise was then heard and we all moved away from our ‘hiding place’ before emerging in front of the Warblers. We crowded around Santana and Blaine, I took my stance beside Santana. The Warblers were a much bigger crowd than us, but not by much. Besides, they didn’t look nearly as ‘bad’ as our entourage did. Sebastian and I locked eyes for a moment. He smirked. I grimaced.

The Warblers kicked the song off in their usual acapella style. But Artie was the one to sing the first lines.

“Your butt is mine Gonna take you right” We moved forward, snaking our way through the Warblers, crowding closer to them. “Just show your face in broad daylight. I’m telling you on how I feel Gonna hurt your mind Don’t shoot to kill, Come on!”

“Come on, lay it on me”

Blaine joined in with Artie with singing the lyrics as we moved over, still facing off with the Warblers. “You’re lyin’ eyes gonna take you right so listen up don’t make a fight”

Sebastian pointed at Artie as he strode closer to our group and sang “Your talk is cheap, you’re not a man. You’re throwing stones to hide your hands.”

We all moved into a different formation as we harmonized with Blaine. “Well, they say the sky’s the limit and to me that’s really true. But, my friends, you have seen nothing Just wait til I get through!”

Mike, Brittany and I kicked off into a Bad dance routine as Santana sang, “Because I’m bad! I’m bad! Come on! You know, I’m bad, I’m bad! You know it! You know I’m bad, I’m bad! Come on, you know!”

“And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again, who’s bad!”

The Warblers circled us. My eyes glared as I tried to keep an eye out for Sebastian.

“Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!” Artie vocalized as we followed his dance moves. The girls then hung back when the Warblers stopped to face us and the guys strode forward, circling them as Blaine harmonized with his amazing vocals.

Some of the Warblers headed towards us, so we kicked off the wall, meeting with the guys before pairing off with a Warbler in mock fighting. Naturally, I didn’t know the Warbler I was partnered with, but I gladly sang out in their face as we continued the song.

“Yeah! Cause I’m bad, I’m bad, come on! Bad, bad, really really bad! And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again! You know I’m bad, I’m bad, you know it! And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell you once again, who’s bad!”

I was so absorbed with singing and dancing, and my eyes had completely lost where Sebastian was that when my eyes finally found him, it was too late. All I saw was the Big Quench in his right hand, and the red contents being thrown towards Kurt. Except, the slushy didn’t cover Kurt, it hit Blaine who fell to the ground crying out in pain.

“Oh my god!” Was all he could shout out as we all quickly gathered around him.

Kurt was already down by his side, the rest of New Directions were at a lost as whether to stay and help Blaine or go after the retreating Warblers. I quickly crouched down by Blaine’s other side, my knees landed on some of the slushy; I could actually feel the crushed ice through the material of the pants I was wearing but I ignored it as I stared down at Blaine. His hands were at his eyes; clearly the slushy had hit him right in the face.

Kurt looked appalled. “He shouldn’t be screaming like that. Blaine!”

“Let’s get him up!” Finn called out, moving towards Blaine and grasped his shoulder blades. Sam went to my side and helped Blaine up from there. Puck also moved towards me, except he held out his hand and helped me to my feet. Kurt then led the way out of the parking garage.

“I don’t remember being in that much pain from a slushy.” I muttered as I glanced at Puck and then to everyone else that didn’t follow Blaine just yet.

“Maybe Blaine’s eyes are really sensitive?” Rachel offered.

I glanced down at the red slushy before following the rest of the group out of the parking garage. Once outside, I saw that Quinn had a water bottle and cloth, trying to clean the slushy off Blaine’s face. Blaine continued to whimper out in pain. Quinn looked at a loss as she stared up at Finn in question.

Tina was practically in tears, “He needs an eyewash station.” She sobbed out. Mike pulled her into his arms to comfort her.

Kurt moved everyone away from Blaine and tried to get his boyfriend to open his eyes. The look that then plastered his face clearly showed there was something very wrong. “He needs to go to the hospital.” Kurt called out.

Finn and Sam quickly helped usher Blaine into the passenger seat and Kurt made to settle himself into the driver’s seat of the car they had drove here in. Once they were settled, Finn moved us out of the way so Kurt could drive off.

I watched solemnly as their car turned a corner and was no longer visible. I really didn’t want to go to work after all this. But I moved towards Santana and asked her if she could ride with Brittany before I went towards my own car.

I tried my best to wipe away the slushy that stuck to my pants. I grimaced as I did so.


I laid back on the yoga mat I had rolled out to stretch on in the auditorium. My eyes stared up at the lights that shined down on the stage I was currently on. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes.

Work last night was awful. My mind was far away from the job I was doing, and not only that, but I stayed to work until closing time which completely threw off my sleeping schedule. Getting up this morning was anything but a piece of cake, but I needed to do my usual dance practices in the morning. Although, I hadn’t gotten as far as stretching to get to the dancing I was supposed to be doing. My body was exhausted.

I meant to text Kurt and Blaine last night, to see how Blaine was doing. I failed to do so, so as I lay on my back, I worried deeply about my friend’s condition. That is until my body began to relax into the yoga mat, and I fell asleep.

Only for a moment. Or at least, that’s what it felt like.

I jolted up into a sitting position and saw a bewildered Mr. Schuester looking down at me.

“Reina,” He walked closer, his eyes squinting at me, “are you alright?”

My eyes darted around, taking in my surroundings, momentarily forgetting where I was. My hands felt the yoga mat beneath me and I glanced down. I was still wearing my dance attire, which consisted of spandex shorts, a crop top sweater and jazz shoes. “Uh, yeah. I think I just fell asleep.” I finally said, smiling up at the teacher. My smile then dropped as I frantically searched for my phone. “What time is it?!” I reached into the duffle bag beside me and pulled out my phone.

“It’s 8:00.” Mr. Schuester replied, still looking at me with concern.

I checked the time on my phone for confirmation and let out a relieved sigh when I saw the time. “Good. I thought I missed class.” My eyes then widened in realization, “I slept for two hours!” I whined out, letting my head fall into my hands in frustration.

“Why were you sleeping… in the auditorium, of all places?” Mr. Schuester asked.

I glanced up at him and sighed, “I was supposed to be practicing.” I moved to stand up, but Mr. Schue held his hand out to help me. I took it gladly, but still frowned, shaking my head before running my fingers through my hair. “I wasted all that time.”

Mr. Schuester frowned, “What are you practicing for?”

I let my hands fall to my sides, “Right, I didn’t tell you. Then again, I haven’t told everyone. No quise decirle a todo el mundo.” I mumbled in Spanish to myself before facing Schuester. “I’ve been coming here to practice every morning starting at six-ish since I got my acceptance letter from Julliard.”

Shuester’s eyes widened, “Julliard?” He paused before then saying, “Six?” His eyebrows furrowed as he took in all I said. “Wait a second, you’re going to Julliard?”

I nodded, “Just to their summer dance program.” I said with a sigh. I was still kicking myself for the nap I took.

Mr. Schue on the other hand was still looking at me with wide eyes, “Well, that’s amazing! Congratulations!”

I smiled half-heartedly, “Thank you.”

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

I shrugged, “Well, I told a few people.”

Mr. Schue shook his head, a proud grin on his face, “Amazing… that’s amazing, Reina, it really is.” He paused, furrowing his eyebrows again, “But, you’ve been coming here to practice at six every morning?” I nodded matter-of-factly. “Isn’t that a bit much?”

I scoffed, “No. I am severely behind and out of shape since I auditioned.”

Mr. Schuester cut me off before I could say anymore, “But so early? For a high schooler, who has a job, too... I can only imagine how exhausting that can be.”

My shoulders slouched forward, “You have no idea.” I mumbled.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, “Maybe you should take a break.”

I smiled, remembering Rory saying the same thing. “I will.” I looked up at him, smiling at him assuringly, “When I have time.”

Mr. Schuester showed doubt but he nodded and patted my shoulder, “Well, you should get ready for class.”

I laughed, glancing down at my attire, “That I have time for.”

All I did was tug on some jeans over my spandex and change my shoes before grabbing my things and heading to my locker. I’d really need to make up for that lost time of dance practice soon; perhaps after school, before work? I frowned, if I did that, my evening will be considerably rushed.

A tap on my shoulder had me turning away from putting my stuff in my locker and locking eyes with my favorite baby blues. I smiled. “Good morning, Rory.” I said, trying to sound as cheery as Rory’s grin always made him look like he felt.

“Good morning, Reina.” He replied. He glanced at the duffle bag I was putting away. “Did you have a good practice today?”

My smile faltered, “No, not really.”

He frowned and stared down at my leg. I quirked a brow at him as I shut my locker. “You’re not going to get another charley, are you?”

I blinked at him in confusion before realization hit and I let out a small laugh, “No, I don’t think I will.”

Rory grinned again, “Good.” He paused, seemingly pondering on something. I stared at him expectantly, standing away from my locker. “So, I was wondering. If you aren’t doing anything after school, if you wanted to do something… with me?”

I grinned, “That sounds --” I stopped, remembering my failed attempt at practice this morning. I would want nothing more than to spend time with Rory, but I needed to practice. “That sounds like a really nice idea, but…” Rory’s grin faltered and I sighed as I forced my next words, “I’m really busy.”

Rory rubbed his neck and smiled sheepishly, “Oh. Well... another time, then?”

I nodded, smiling reassuringly. I seemed to be doing that often.

“Well,” He continued, “I’ll see in glee club.”

I nodded once more before he brushed past me, getting lost amongst the student body. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair yet again. “Priorities.” I mumbled to myself. The bell then rang, and letting out another sigh, I headed towards class.

Later on in the choir room, everyone was anxiously awaiting Kurt’s arrival. As soon as he walked in, all concerned eyes were on him.

“How is he?” Rachel asked right away. “Is he okay?”

“Uh, it’s his right eye.” Kurt replied monotonously, “Uh, the doctor says that his cornea is deeply scratched and he has to have surgery.”

I shared a worried glanced with Mercedes, who was sitting beside me. My eyes again rested on Kurt as Mr. Schuester remarked, “In all my years as a teacher and a student, I have never known a slushy to do that kind of damage.”

I pursed my lips, remembering looking down at the slushy. The pain in my knees as the ice dug into it, it was odd that ice could hurt so much. Finn’s words only reassured me of my thoughts. “That's cause it wasn't a normal slushy, Mr. Schue. There was stuff in it… rocks or something. He wanted to do that damage.”

“Well unless you have proof that he tampered with the slushy,” Schuester explained, “the police aren't interested in getting involved.”

“Sebastian is evil!” Kurt shouted in exasperation, “He needs to be expelled.” He moved past Schuester to take the empty seat in front of me. I frowned at the expression on his porcelain face.

“Look, Figgins and I spoke with Dalton's headmaster.” Mr. Schue continued, “They're opening up an investigation, so guys, I'm telling you... please let the system handle this one.”

“No.” I glanced at Artie in surprise. “Dalton's old school, Mr. Schue. They're not gonna turn their back on one of their own. We need payback.”

“An eye for an eye!” Mike added.

Mr. Schuester quickly tried to shut that down. But from the expression on everyone’s faces, they all seemed to be in agreement with Artie. Even a part of me was in agreement. “No! I have a zero tolerance policy for violence of any kind! That's not how we do things.”

“No, we sing. That's all we ever do.” Artie retorted.

“Do you want to get disqualified from regionals?” Mr. Schue shot back.

“I don't give a damn about regionals!” Artie barked back. My eyes widened, and I crossed my arms, not at all expecting what was to come. “What do you expect from us? We're people! I know the rest of the world might not see us like that but when they tease us and throw stuff at us and toss us in dumpsters and tell us that we're nothing but losers with stupid dreams, it freakin hurts! And we're supposed to turn the other cheek and be the bigger man by telling ourselves that those dreams and how hard we work make us better than them? But it gets pretty damn hard to feel that way when they always get to win!”

Mr. Schuester tried to cut him off. “I get how upsetting this is for you.”

Artie moved from his spot by the rest of New Directions to face directly at Mr. Schue. “No! You don't! And don't give me any of that 'it gets better' crap because I'm not interested in it getting any better, I want it to be better! Like, right now! I wanna hurt them, the way they hurt us. No, worse. I want them to feel my pain because frankly, that's all I have left to give.”

“Artie,” Mr. Schuester remained calm before the seething Artie Abrams, “take a break. We'll be here when you get back.”

Artie continued to stare down the teacher. I frowned and shared yet another disconcerted glance with Mercedes. “Artie... Artie?” Mr. Schuester called out to him.

Artie blinked, “I think I better roll away.”

I watched him, along with everyone else, roll out of the choir room. He left an awkward silence in his wake. I pursed my lips, glancing at Mr. Schuester.

“Alright, guys. I think we’ll call it a day, for now.”

Everyone started to leave. I checked my phone and my lips tugged out to a small smile. I had more than enough time to practice. I basically jogged to my locker to get my things and then towards the auditorium.

The auditorium was empty, so I jogged on stage and set my stuff down. I kicked off my shoes and began to tug down my pants.

“Whoa! Whoa! Reina!”

I stumbled back, my eyes falling on one Artie Abrams who was rolling out from backstage.

“What are you doing?”

My eyebrows raised, my hands were still on the waistband of my pants. I let out an embarrassed laugh, “It’s not what it looks like.”

Artie quirked an eyebrow.

“Look.” I said, pulling my pants down a bit further, “I’m still clothed.” Artie was still giving me an uneasy look, a light blush on his cheeks. I set my jeans by my duffle bag. “I was just going to practice. You know, dance a little bit before I have to leave.”

He nodded, his eyes darting away from me.

I pursed my lips and reached down to pull out my jazz shoes. Artie didn’t look like he was leaving, and he still looked upset. “What… are you doing here?”

Artie sighed, “I needed to cool off.” He let out a half-hearted laugh, “I must’ve looked like a crazy person in there.” He said, motioning towards the general direction of where the choir room was.

I shook my head, “No. You were upset, we’re all upset.” I said with a shrug, “It’s completely understandable.”

“I still mean what I said. I really want to get back at them.”

It was my turn to laugh half-heartedly, “Well, you’re talking to the wrong Lopez sister.”

There was a gleam in his eye, then. He laughed; it sounded more genuine. “Right. So, I’ll let you get to your practicing.”

I nodded before sitting to put my shoes on, watching Artie leave the auditorium. I grabbed my yoga mat and set it down to do a quick stretch.

“Time to get to work!”

“I never can say goodbye boy! I got to have ya! I never can say goodbye to you! Yeah yeah yeah! Yeah yeah yeah!”

I was sitting in the choir room for yet another glee club meeting, applauding Quinn’s performance.

“Wow, Quinn,” Finn remarked, “that was incredible.”

Mr. Schuester went to stand by Quinn’s side, “Even more incredible is her big news.” He faced Quinn with grin on his face. “Tell them.”

I gazed at Quinn expectantly. Her facial expression morphed into utter happiness as she exclaimed, “I got into Yale.”

A chorus of claps and ‘congrats’ sounded through the room. I grinned; our group really need some good news.

“It's just - it's amazing!” Mr. Schue said once everyone quieted down, “Everything you've been through, you really deserved this, Quinn.”

“We are so proud of you, Quinn.” Mercedes added.

“I wanted to thank you guys…” Quinn started, “because without each and every one of you, this would've never happened. You supported me, and loved me through all the drama. And that's why I'm standing here. I wasted so much time hating myself for the stupid mistakes that I made. But, the truth is, is that without all of those I never would've dreamed this to be my future. I was the only one standing in the way of myself.” Quinn began to tear up, “You can't change your past. But you can let go and start your future.”

Mr. Schuester grinned and clapped once more, “You guys have no idea how proud you all keep making me. First Reina with Julliard, now Quinn with Yale. It’s so amazing how much you all are achieving.”

“Julliard?” Tina exclaimed, her eyes on me.

I smiled sheepishly, “I guess now everyone knows.” I said with a laugh before standing up. “Congratulations, Quinn!”

She smiled and everyone followed suit to congratulate Quinn. Everyone, except Rachel, whom I only noticed was still sitting when I attempted to get out of the crowd of people that pooled around Quinn.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the girl, “You okay, Rachel?”

She blinked up at me from her spot, “What?”

I frowned, “Are you alright?”

Rachel took a deep breath and stood up, “Yeah, um… I’m fine, thanks.” I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched her walk towards Finn.

The next day, I sat out in the courtyard during lunch, waiting for the usual group to gather alone. I was thinking about all that happened during the week. Even though the assignment this week was to get in the right mindset for regionals, I just barely noticed that most everyone in New Directions minds seemed to be far from the competition, including my own. I had to remind myself that the seniors were clearly stressing over college and their future while the rest were either worrying over Blaine or the Warblers or our own personal stuff. The thought of a break seemed more and more appealing.

“But I can’t afford a break.” I argued with myself. I sighed and held my head in my hands, “But I feel like I’m going to explode.”

“Reina?” That familiar Irish voice called out gently. I let my hands fall from my face as I stared up at Rory. “Are you okay?”

I let out what sounded like a laugh and a sigh mixed together. “I don’t know, to be honest.”

His lips pulled out into a small smile as he sat next to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I thought about it, glancing at my surroundings before shaking my head, “Not really.” I let out another small laugh.

“Do you want to sing about it?” He asked seriously. I locked eyes with him before we both began to laugh.

“That’s an idea.” I found myself saying again to him.

He grinned and then paused momentarily, “By the way, what is Julliard?”

I sighed, “Julliard is the reason I’m so busy.” He stared at me expectantly, so I continued, “I got a job at Breadstix so I could pay to go, I practice every morning and weekend so that when I go I don’t completely suck. And then there’s New Directions and school and a social life and…” I locked eyes with him and spoke my next words softly, “I really need that break.”

Rory smiled, his eyes momentarily glancing at my lips before again locking eyes with me. I barely noticed how close we were, our shoulders were practically touching. “You’ll get it.” He said matter-of-factly.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. I felt him tense up in surprise. “You’re right. But it probably won’t happen until the end of the week. The sooner we deal with the Warblers, the better.”


“C’mon, c’mon!” Santana called out to us, ushering the New Directions into the choir room, “Before Mr. Schue gets here, c’mon!”

I furrowed my eyebrows at my sister as I passed. “What are you doing?” I hissed at her. She waved me away, so I huffed and went to take seat.

“Brittany, lock the door!” Santana called out.

Brittany turned to her, confused, “I don’t know how to do that.”

“Um, what’s going on?” Rachel piped in as Santana locked the door behind her.

“We’ve got the Warblers right where we want them.” Santana started as she walked towards us. “And because he’s the smoothest criminal I know, Artie was able to find a spy store that sells top secret surveillance equipment.”

“Not top secret,” Artie corrected, “I just got a tape recorder from OfficeMax.”

“Okay, okay whatever.” Santana reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out said tape recorder, “In any case, I taped it to my under boob when I went to Dalton and I got Sebastian on tape admitting that there was rock salt in that slushie that blinded Blaine. Now all we have to do is send this tape to the po po and that little bitch is headed to juvie.”

My eyes widened in surprise as Santana let the tape recorder play and Sebastian’s voice was heard.

“No. No, we’re not doing that!” Kurt said once Santana stopped the recording.

Santana scowled, “Why?! Kurt, this isn’t violent, this is clever. I taped it to my under boob.”

Kurt stood up and strode towards Santana, “So he gets kicked out of school. The Warblers still do Michael and they still beat us. Look, I wanna see Sebastian’s head turning on a spit, but I’ve realized you can’t go looking for payback everytime the world wrongs you. If Michael went after all the haters he would’ve never had any time to do all that amazing music. So we’re not gonna punish the Warblers. We’re gonna teach them a lesson. And I think I know how.” Santana rolled her eyes at this. As for the rest of us, we shared a look of curiousity as we stared at Kurt. “I reserved the auditorium and so if you will all just follow me.”

I certainly didn’t need to be told twice, I also didn’t want to hear my sister’s whining, so I was one of the first to hop out of my seat and follow Kurt out the door.

I grinned at Kurt, happy to see him in a better mood. “What’s the idea?”

“Three words.” Kurt replied curtly. “Black Or White.”

I nodded, pondering the words. “Well, I certainly hope you’re talking about the song.”

“Naturally.” Kurt said with a smirk.

I looped my arm through his. “Did I ever congratulate you about NYADA?” I asked, remembering his texts and me driving over to his house from Breadstix with a whole cheesecake in tow.

Kurt grinned, “Only about a hundred times.”

“Well, let’s make it a hundred and one!” I gave his arm a squeeze, “Congratulations!”


Once arriving to the auditorium, Kurt let everyone in on his idea. He pulled out his cellphone. “I already texted Sebastian. If he knows what’s good for him, they’ll show.”

And they did, an hour later.

“Nice of you to show.” Artie barked out to them as the Warblers descended the steps.

“Is whatever this is gonna take long.” Sebastian sassed, “I can’t stand the stench of public schools.”

“It’d smell a lot nicer if you took your head out of your bum.” I snapped at him. Sebastian scowled at me.

“Besides, it won’t take long and all you’ll have to do is sit and listen.” Quinn added. The Warblers then did just that, right in the first two rows of the audience seats.

After a moments silence, Artie spoke up, “We’re not doing Michael for Regionals.”

Sebastian grinned, “I didn’t think you’d surrender that easily.”

“We’re tired of the fighting and the backstabbing.” Kurt piped in. “We’re show choirs! We’re suppose to be supportive of each other.”

“This is what we call taking the high road.” Puck added. “Which I was shocked to find out has nothing to do with marijuana.”

“Just because you’re doing Michael doesn’t mean you understand Michael.” Artie remarked.

“And you do?” Sebastian retorted.

“Yes. And we’re about to show you.” Mercedes concluded.

On that note, the music to our song began to play. New Directions danced away from the edge of the stage into our performance positions.

“I took my baby on a Saturday date!” Artie sang out. “But is that girl with you? Yes, we’re one in the same.”

“Now I believe in miracles and a miracle has happened tonight!” Rachel sang. “Hey!”

“But if you’re thinking about my baby it don’t matter if you’re black or white!”

We all sauntered into a horizontal line, singing, “I am tired of this devil! I am tired of this stuff! I am tired of this business so when the going gets rough. I ain’t scared of your brother! I ain’t scared of no sheets! I ain’t scared of nobody! Girl, when the goin’ gets mean!”

“Protection for gangs, clubs and nations” Artie rapped, “causing grief in human relations, it’s a turf war on a global scale. I’d rather hear both sides of the tale. See, it’s not about races, just places, faces Where your blood come from is where your space is from. I’ve seen the bright get duller. I’m not gonna spend my life being a color!”

“Don’t tell me you agree with me,” Kurt sauntered forward, covering his eye as he sang, “When I saw you kicking dirt in my eye”

“But if you’re thinking about my baby it don’t matter if you’re black or white. I said if you’re thinking about being my brother it don’t matter if you’re black or white!”

Most of the Warblers started making their way on stage to dance with us. I danced a little more complicated moves with Mike center stage.

“It’s black, it’s white, it’s tough for you to get by.

I switched away from Mike to go dance with some of the Warblers.

“It’s black, it’s white, it’s tough for you to get by.

Again, I switched and I was dancing with a much happier looking Rachel Berry and Mercedes.

“It’s black, it’s white, it’s tough for you to get by. Whoo!”

The song ended with a round of applause and laughs from everyone on stage. That is until we noticed Sebastian, who was still in his seat.

“Very moving.” He stated sarcastically.

“C’mon Sebastian.” One of the Warblers called out to him, “Give it up!”

“That is the kind of attitude that lost us regionals last year.”

Santana stepped forward, “I could call the cops or your headmaster and get you kicked out of school or even arrested for assaulting Blaine with that slushy.”

“All of this would be just awfully terrifying” Sebastian said, his condescending grin still in place, “if you had any proof whatsoever.”

“You mean like you on tape admitting to it.” Santana said whilst pulling out the tape we had listened to earlier.

That wiped the grin off Sebastian’s face. Santana handed the tape over to Kurt.

“But you know what,” Kurt said as he was handed the tape, “it just wouldn’t be as much fun winning regionals if you weren’t there to suffer through all the agony of defeat.” He tossed the tape at Sebastian who caught it with ease.

“At least now all your teammates get to know exactly what kind of guy you are.” Santana added. There was a moment of silence as the Warblers shared stares with each other and Sebastian.

“Now get the hell out of my auditorium.” Artie ordered. Sebastian stood up as Artie shouted, “Schools out!” Remarkably, Sebastian walked out with that smug smirk on his face.

Later on that day at Breadstix, I was desperately waiting for my break and just as I was about to go on it, Scott tapped my shoulder. “Could go to booth four?”

I furrowed my eyebrows, “I’m not at booths today, I’m at tables. Besides, I’m about to go on break.”

Scott gave me a knowing smile, and I raised my eyebrows at this. “Could you just please go to the booth?”

I sighed, “Fine! But only because you said ‘please’.” I said with a smirk. Scott just waved me away.

I arrived to the table, pen out ready to take an order when I realized I wouldn’t have to. A familiar grinning face looked up at me.

“Rory?” I said in surprise. “What brings you here?”

Rory pushed a slice of cheesecake forward and motioned for me to sit down, “That break we’ve been talking about.” He said with a grin.

I grinned back and took a seat. I eyed the cheesecake before again meeting his eyes, “How’d you know I’d be working?” I teased.

“I assumed you worked all the time.” Rory said with a chuckle.

I shook my head, still grinning as I grabbed a fork, “Your assumption was correct.” I took a bite of the cheesecake and allowed myself to relax in my seat. “Thank you.”

He grinned, “Thank you for coming. I’ve been trying so hard to take you on a date.”

My eyebrows went up, “So, this is a date?”

Rory shrugged, “Well, I know you’re busy. And you’ll probably be busy until the summer, but I’d like to spend more time with you before then.” He finished with a small smile.

I smiled, “I’d like that, too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
WOW! I KNOW! I KNOW! Where the hell have I been? Let me get right into that: SCHOOL, MAN! School kept me super busy, and even though I'm still stressing over school during my winter break, I tried to get back into my writing mode to dish out some updates. And as hard as that was, trust me it was HARD, I did!

This chapter is a total filler chapter with a whole lot of crap I wrote for the sake of having an update but I hope you like it nonetheless. I still don't know about this whole Reina/Rory ship, but I'm just going with the flow of the story I've written up.

THANKS FOR READING AND VOTING AND REVIEWING! I don't know if dedications mean much after the update here on Wattpad, but I'll keep dedicating!

ON ANOTHER NOTE: GLEEEEEE!!!!!!! The final season on Friday the 9th!! I'm gonna cry, seriously!