Status: Very much active

Don't Go

Chapter 2; We're All Blessed with A Curse

The car ride to the destination was amusing. We blasted Chelsea Grin and drove with the windows down. Today would be full of excitement. I just hoped the band dudes didn't mind us coming early. It was only one, but hopefully they'd be up. I knew muscians, they'd be hammered and sleep in till the smell of food woke them. Trust me, I've been there and done that.

Morgana and I finally pulled up into the huge parking lot. There were six buses parked in a circle. I saw cigarette smoke, which met the guys were up. I only saw the back of the buses, so no knowing who the bands were yet. I helped pull our stuff out.

I notice a guy in just skinny jeans walk our way. He, of course, had tattoes. Judging by the braid on the right side of his head, it had to be Andy Glass from We Came As Romans. "Hey, need help?"

I nodded my head. The bags were pretty heavy, and I still had to get my guitar cases. "Yeah, please!"

The guy came closer, and indeed it was Andy Glass. "You're the back up chick right? Harlequin?"

"Just Harle."

He smiled and held out his hand. "Andy Glass." He searched behind him. "Let me go get the rest of the guys. Be back!"

Morgana got out of the truck. I flipped her off. "So now you decide to get out of the truck?"

"Well, yeah. A whole bunch of hot guys are coming this way and like I would stay in the truck."

I rolled my eyes. Like she said, there was a huge group of guys coming our way. But the one I saw out of all the guys was Oli. He pushed his way through, running over to me. Like most of the guys, he was shirtless, revealing all of his well done tattooes and abs. He swung me up in a hug. "Blimey! It's Harle! I did not think you'd be tourin' wiff us!"

I smiled. He set me down. I noticed guys all around him were giving us confused looks. I blushed. "We urm... met yesterday."

"And you didn't tell me the chick was hot Oli!" Little Lee Malia playfully punched Oli's shoulder.

"I didn't know."

Soon, guys were all around me and Morgana. It was so many names and bodies! A girl pushed through the crowd. "Guys, guys! Give the poor girl room to breathe! Seperate! Get in little groups with your band, so she knows who the hell she's touring with!"

I noticed the girl. Lights. "Thanks."

She smiled. "No problem. I'm Valerie, but call me Lights!"

The guys began forming into their groups. Oli waved his fingers. "Bring Me the Horizon. Lee, Curtis, Vegan, and Matt."

Danny Worsnop from AA waggled his fingers. "Asking Alexandria. I'm Danny, Ben, Cameron, James, and Sam." God, the british accent!

Andrew Biersack winked. "I'm Andy, Ashley, C.C, Jake, and Jinxx."

Alex Koehler waved. "I'm Alex, Andrew, Mike, Dan, Jake, and David. We're Chelsea Grin."

And last was Andy's band. "We're We Came As Romans and I'm David Stephens, you've met Andy, Eric, Kyle, Joshua, and Brian."

I could sense Morgana's upcoming screams. Unlike her, she still hasn't gotten over meeting bands. "Ohmygod! I can't believe I'm meeting my favorite bands! We do we get to sleep? Who do we ride with? Because I can't pick between you all!"

A wave of male chuckles filled my ears. "Don't mind her. I think it's getting to her brain."

Oli winked, which caused me to go weak in the knees suddenly. "Well love, I believe any of us guys are ok with you riding with us. Yeh decision."

"Well, maybe with BVB?"

Andy approached Morgana. "It's a pleasure. I promise we'll have fun. Now, your bags!"

I watched as a giddy Morgana followed the Black Veil Brides to their bus. "Well, seems I have to choose."

Ben Bruce slung an arm over my shoulders. "I can't promise you'll remember the night wiff us. But I promise a good time."

"Was that an offer to get laid?"

Everybody laughed and Ben planted a kiss on my cheek. "Only if yeh can handle this!"

Sam Bettley grabbed Ben away from me. "Don't mind the bloke, he's abit drunk. Apologize to Harle, yeah?"

I waved them away. "Don't worry about it." I looked over all the guys. "I guess BMTH for tonight."

Ben whined. Lights laughed, pulling me away from the crowd of males. "If any of these guys pressure you or get on your nerves, you are always welcome to my bus. I've got plenty room. Besides, it's nice to have a girl on tour. And I'm thrilled I get a back up buddy! Think you'd like to sing with me?"

"Hell yes! You're an amazing muscian."

Lights smiled. "I'm sure it'll be fun to collaborate our sounds. See ya!"

I made my way over to the bus. Oli was standing by the door, waiting for me. "Kinda nervous."

Confused. "Why?"

Oli ran his hands through his hair. "Let's just say we all have our horrors and demons."

I shrugged. "So?"

"So. I may be a different person on tour than from what yeh saw yesterday."

I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed. "Don't worry Oli, we're all blessed with a curse. Whatever you do, won't stop me from being your friend. I have my own crazy ways, as do you. I don't judge."

He smiled a huge grin. "Thanks Harle."

I winked. "Well, let's get on and settled."

As we got on the bus, the guys were all picking up messes. Lee looked up with a worried look. "Sorreh about the mess!?

"Don't worry about it! You don't have to clean up just because of me!"

The guys pffted me and continued to clean up. Oli made his way through the guys. "Let me show you where you can bunk."

I followed him all the way to the back. He didn't stop till he got to a door. "What's this?"

He opened the door. "A better room."

"Oh no, I don't want to have the better room!"

"Don't try to say no, yeh room. We all agreed that it had better accomidations for a woman. Plus, these blokes are hard to sleep with." He set down my bags.

"Thank you Oli. And the guys."

He gave me a small smile. "No problem, love."

I began unpacking things. I had received no text or call from Morgana. I guess she was doing fine. But it wouldn't hurt to text her.

Hey! Hope you're having fun!

I heard someone playing the guitar, so I followed the sound. I found Oli on a lower bunk with a guitar and a piece of paper. "New song?"

Oli put down his pick. "Yeah. Wanna hear what I got?" I nodded. Oli began playing a few notes.

I am the ocean
I am the sea
There is a world inside of me

"That's all I 'ave right now."

I gave him a small clap. "I like it so far."

He shifted his weight on the bed. "So, you know the songs yet? Need help?"

"Yeah, on Pray for plagues."

Oli got up and grabbed an extra guitar. "Your's is up front, but use Lee's." He stood up and got behind me, wrapping his arms around me. He placed his fingers over mine. "It's a difficult song at first, but once you get it, you'll be good."

His hands felt so warm over mine. But I needed to concentrate on the song!


It got later and later, and even though I knew how to play alot of their songs, I continued to ask for Oli's help. I just liked having him behind me and his hands over mine. I knew I shouldn't have been doing this, but I liked it.

"I think yeh've got it Harle."

I looked at him from the side, catching him looking at me. My breathing grew irregular, so I quickly moved away from Oli. I grabbed a strand of my hair, twirling it nervously. "Thanks." I didn't dare look up at him.



"You're a good guitarist."



Two nights went by and we arrived at our first venue on the tour. For some reason, I avoided Oli. I don't know why. I guess I was trying to keep myself from getting close to him and liking him. I knew how rockstars were, and I didn't want my heart broken by a guy looking for a quick fuck. But, Ifound myself rubbing my hands, remembering Oli's over them. The warmth, the tingling sensation.

I adjusted my guitar. Attempting to distract myself. Frst concert of the night, performing with WCAR. These guys were incredibly nice and funny. Eric Choi had these weird asian jokes he'd like cracking. And David showed me his gauges. But nothing could get Oli off of my mind.

I felt somebody tapping my shoulder. It was Andy (Glass). "Hey, you ok?"

I nodded. "Just abit distracted."

"Bet it's crazy being around all these guys."

"Ha, yeah. But it's a good experience for me."

Andy handed me a bottle of water. "Just have fun, that's all I can say. Need anything, text me or something." He gave me his number and made his way on stage.

I typed it in my phone quickly. I then made my way on stage as well. I would be playing beside Josh and Brian, adding vocals along with them. We started out with To Plant a Seed and went from there. The crowd was huge and amazing. Playing was even greater.

An hour later, we made our way off stage. The guys patted my back and congratulated me. Andy was the last one. His blue eyes shining with happiness. "That was a rush!"

"Is David and Kyle always so energetic?"

He nodded. "Yeah, all of us do!"

I smiled. "You guys are so close."

"Pretty much brothers. Playing with them, gets me pumped!"

I laughed. "Yeah, me too."


I stopped riding with BMTH. Instead, I rode with WCAR and Chelsea Grin. Two weeks have passed and playing with each band gave me new perspective of everybody. They were all close. Each band had their own uniqueness.

And each time I was even close to Oli, I'd run. Bitchy of me, yes, but it was all for my protection. And his, he didn't need me distracting him from his music. This was strictly business, nothing else. But seeing Morgana with Andy and his gang... made me have second thoughts about my actions. And I know Oli was either confused or hated me.

I went looking for Oli, but found Vegan to be the only one on the bus. He looked up and a wide grin spread across his face. "Harle! Ello stranger!"

I welcomed his hug and pulled back. "Where is everybody?"

"Went to the bonfire party to celebrate a good start to the tour. Now tell me, why have you left us?" He pretended to cry.

I playfully nudged him. "No reason. You going?"

"Nah. Figured I'd enjoy the alone time."

"Well, if you change you mind..."

He smiled. "I'll look for you. Now go get fucked up!"

I quickly went to change into a short black dress. As I got to the bonfire, I noticed that the kegs were already pulled out. No Oli in site though. Except a Ben, he was coming my way. "Ello love."

"You're a mess Ben!"

He stumbled. "Yeah. Abit. Want a drink?"

"Not right now Ben."

He gave me a pouty face. He leaned his head against my shoulder. "Yeh know, I find your eyes enchanting!"

I rolled my "enchanting" eyes. "That's a pretty corny way of saying you want to screw me."

He chuckled and then hiccuped. "No, no. It's not like that, love. I really find your eyes enchanting!"

"Ben, Ben, Ben. You need to sit down."

"Can you come nose to nose wiff me?"

Holy Jesus. But I did as he want. "Happy?"

"Yep, and I'm out now." He fell backwards, laying on the ground.

I spotted Danny. "Danny! Ben needs help!"

"Oui Sam! Get Ben!"

"Bloody hell Danny." Sam ran over to us. "Bloody idiot. Sorreh for this douche's behavior."

I helped Ben up. "It's fine. Just get him on the bus before he falls into the fire." I giggled as I watched Sam struggle with getting Ben onto the bus.

I then continued to roam around. The party was huge, and more tattooed guys were showing up. I gave up looking for Oli, it was no use at the moment.