Love Is Blind


<>Three Months Before Story Takes Place<>

I walked down the sidewalk, listening to the click clacking of shoes, the zooms of cars, and held my guide dogs leash, just for extra safety.

My dog, Coco, stopped, signaling it was a crossing. I listened for the cars, one flew past on my right side, one to my right, came to a stop, a few feet to my right. I smiled, and began walking across the street. With nobody calling out ‘Hey lady, there are cars!’ I continued walking confidently down the street.

After another few minutes, I was strolling into Coffee Bean, my favorite coffee shop in all of Florida. I took in a deep breath, the sweet aroma of Coffee and cinnamon came bursting into my senses. “Ava, I got your latté right here,” A voice I easily recognized, called from the counter. It was Ethan, the sixteen year old kid that worked here. He was my Coffee buddy. Always taking his break to enjoy a latté with me.

I walked over to the counter, my hand reaching forward, “Thank you every much, Ethan,” I smiled, finally feeling the warmth of the cup on my hand. I pulled the cup carefully from his hand, making sure Coco’s leash was on my wrist, as I held the cup with both hands.

“I dont see why you dont just open up your own Coffee shop, this is amazing, and the stuff they sell here is nothing compared to yours,” I complemented, flashing a warm smile.

Ethan chuckled, “Dont have that kind of money, remember?” He replied, sighing. Poor kid, wish I had the money to help. But I’m just as broke as he is. “Anyway, I cant drink with you today, Mr. Boss man figured out I was taking a random break. Said I couldn’t do it anymore. I’ll just do it less often. Sorry, Ava,” He apologized.

“Dawh, okay Ethan. I’ll just go drink my latee in a corner like a loner I am,” I joked, waving goodbye to him as I turned on my heel to leave. “Regular seat, Coco,” I whispered to my dog, and she led me carefully to my table. I did, at least I thought I did, run into a few things, or people. But that was my own klutzy-ness.

I slid into my normal booth, in the far corner of the shop, and placed my latté on the table top. With a swift motion, I felt for the thick bar that held the table upright. Once I did find it, I tied Coco’s leash tightly around it. Sighing heavily, I pulled my iPOD from my pocket, slid the ear buds into my ears, and jammed to Tonight Tonight, by Hot Chelle Rae.

Twenty minutes and half a latté later, I heard, and smelled someone slid into my booth. Did they not see the dog? Or the ‘Blind Only’ sign on the table.

I took a deep quiet breath, old spice and mint filled my senses. I nearly gagged, old spice is my worst enemy, but that’s a different story. “Excuse me, did you not see the ‘Blind Only’ sign?” I snapped, taking another long drink from my latté. The cooled vanilla flavor poured down my throat in a fountain of yummy goodness.

“Well no, because I’m blind. But I was directed over here by… I think his name was Ethan. He didn’t say anybody was sitting here though. If I’m bothering you I could surely leave,” he responded, sending chills down my spine. His voice was so… sexy. To me, I judge a boy on their voice, seeing that I cannot see them. And this boy, was a ten on my scale.

“No no, stay. Sorry for the rude greeting,” I laughed, pulling the headphones from my ears. I needed to listen to this boy more intently. He laughed, deep and sexily. Jesus, this boys words are like $ 3 X to the ears!

“It’s quite fine. Anyway, I’m Kyle Kris, pronounce Chris. I hate when people call me Krise. It’s annoying,” He said, sounding a tad annoyed.

“Nice to meet you, Kyle Kris. I’m Ava Marks.” He chuckled, sending another wave of wow though me. “You do know your voice is sexy right,” I blurted out, quickly covering my mouth after the words slipped out. He was quiet for a moment, but the burst into laughter.

“Not the first time I’ve heard it, but, that’s the funniest way I’ve heard it,” He replied, taking a sip from some drink. From my sence of smell, it might have been black coffee. Scratch that, is black coffee.

I laughed awkwardly, pushing my wavy, blonde bands from my face. “Ava, if this is an awkward question for you, dont answer, but. How long have you been blind?”

My stomach snapped with snarls, and my heart sped up. The night I became blind came flooding back, but I pushed it away, not wanting to remember the terrible night. “When I was five or six I had some sort of seizure and it messed up my vision. I could see, really badly though. Then one day, when I was around seven, I couldn’t see at all,” I lied.

A small gasp escaped from his lips, “That…,” He said, but I dont think he could find the right words to go along with my phony story, “/…. Sucks,” He finally said after a few moments.

I laughed, “What about you?”

He sighed, “I got in a car accident. The doctors said my vision would come back. That was what, five years ago. And still, no vision. So, I’ve been legally blind sence I was fourteen.”

“That sucks major titties,” I commented, wishing to pull back my words as they slipped out. But he just laughed.

I laughed, awkwardly, “So… you’re nineteen?” I inquired, taking the last sip from my late. I twiddled with my thumbs as I waited his response. Was he not going to tell me?

“Oh, yeah, nineteen. How old are you, Ms. Ava?”

“Eighteen,” I smiled, glad my birthday was two months earlier, otherwise the things I was picturing in my head would NEVER happen.

I could hear him sigh. Was it a sigh of relief. Was he a happy camper at he fact that I was at a legal age. Well I know I was! “Ava, would you like to go on a walk with me, on this fine morning?”

“Totally, as long as you’re okay with making a quick detour. I want to drop Coco off at home, she doesn’t like beaches all that much. I tell you, fore a Lab, she sure hates water.”

“Sure, but when we get to your house. I’m going to call a taxi. The beach I want to go to is a little far of a walk,” He replied, my ears picking up him sliding out from his seat. I untied Coco, leaving my latté like I always do.

“I’ll meet you outside,” I smiled.

“Okay,” he said, and with that, Coco in my hand I was rushing over to the counter where Ethan was.

“Ethan,” I cooed, “I have to inform you of something!”

“Yeah, Ava?” He asked, his skin making a squeaky sound as he put them on the counter. I pointed randomly, hoping it was in Kyle’s direction.

“I’m going on a walk wit that guy Kyle, if I’m not back tomorrow, call me. If I dont answer, call the cops and tell them about Kyle. Okay?” I whispered. He did a little ‘mmhmm’ then I heard his shoes pitter patter away.

I smiled, bouncing out of the small shop, Coco leading the way happily. I walked happily outside and was greeted by a warm breeze sashaying my hair side to side, “Ready, Ava?” Kyle’s seductive voice cooed.

I smiled, “Yep!” I walked forward, and was taken by shock when Kyle slid his hand into mine. Well, not my hand, more like my arm, but I moved it. I smiled, our hands fit perfectly together.

Hey! I just met a ‘cute’ guy at a coffee shop. How cliché. I giggled at my though, but quickly kept my pace with Kyle. Happily thinking of the day that awaited me.
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(: I stared this a while ago, like end of October, and I posted it on both of the other sites I Write on. They got good comments and what not. So I decided to put it on here, to see if you guys would enjoy it(: