Love Is Blind

Good Mornin'

Waking up, now a days, was like a blessing. It has been three months sence I first met Kyle, and I hate to say it, only because it is the most cliché thing in the world, but, I think I might love him. Yep, three months, haven’t said it, but I feel it.

I smiled, feeling Kyle’s warm arms were wrapped around my waist tightly, holding him close to his body. HE had slept over the night before, something he often did.

“Kyle, wake up,” I whispered, shacking him lightly. He stirred awake, his grip loosening on my body.

“Good mornin’,” He said groggily, his voice although filed with tired-ness, was still sexy. I smiled, tracing his face until I found his lips, then leaned into him, and gave him a soft kiss. I could feel him smiling.

I pulled away, still smiling, “Get up, you sexy voiced fool,” I laughed, standing up, and walking toward my bathroom. I live in a small, apartment, by myself. I had to have a friend live with me for the first few weeks though, while I learned the layout of my humble abode. Now, I can walk freely, that is, unless Coco decides to sleep in the middle the hallway.

“Blah, Ava leave me alone!” He shouted back, laughing at the end. I chuckled, walking into my bathroom, and closing the door behind me.

I quickly stripped off my pajamas, and then quickly turned on the hot water. I took a quick shower, wanting to get to work as soon as possible. I work for an online magazine as an advice columnist.

Blind person. Computer. Answering questions!? Yes, I’m an online advice giver. I use JAWS. Eve, the friend that stayed with me for the first few weeks introduced me to it. It coated roughly one thousand dollars, but I love it. It lets me stay connected to the world.

I stepped out of the shower, and immediately was hit by the freezing air of my bathroom, “Sweet baby mama’s!” I shouted, reaching for a towel, that I knew would be to the right of my shower. Sighing with relief as the warm towel wrapped round my body, I pulled another one from my cabinet and carefully wrapped my hair up.

I felt for the door knob, and them turned it once I found it. “Kyle,” I called, wondering if he had left with ought telling me, like he has been doing for almost two months, “Kyle!” I called out again.

No response, he left again, with no explanation! I shouted some very un-holy words about Kyle, before storming into my closet. I took a deep breath, I was in no way shape or form going to be distracted when I picked out my clothes.

Now, most of my blind friends lived with other people, and had them lay out an outfit for them to wear, but not me. I went to a shop in my town that writes signs in brail, and got them to make some signs for me. They were happy to do it, but it was quite pricey. But hey, I like my independence.

I felt my signs until I found Bra’s & Underwear. I pulled out a random bra, and underwear, dropping my towel, and then put them on. THen I searched to shorts. Moments later I found my jean shorts, then I went on the prowl for a shirt to wear. I pulled a tank top out of its spot, and pulled it on. Followed by a black, cut of shirt. I keep my colors pretty basic, blacks, whites, grays, and splashes of color. Like my tank top. I dont know what color it is actually. Could be lime green, maybe purple? I have no clue.

Once dressed, I picked up my wet towels and hung them on a drying rack I had placed to the right of the closet door.

I took long strides out of my closet, keeping my hands on the walls for extra insurance. Not that I needed it but, knowing Coco, she would probably be somewhere. “Coco!” I called, walking into the small kitchen of my apartment.

I heard her nails snapping on the tile floor as she came bombarding into the kitchen I bent kneeled, “Coco, come here girl,” I smiled, holding my arms out. Moments later she was in my arms, licking my face fiercely.

I laughed, “Coco, I’m going to drown in your doggie spit,” I laughed, standing up from her assault, she barked playfully. I chuckled, following my counter unil I felt the brail that read ’Coco’s food’. I pulled it open, and dug my hand into the space, fishing for the bowl. Once my hand touch the metal rims I dug it deep into the crunchy food, taking a bowl full when I pulled it out.

“Here you go, Coco,” I smiled, putting the food on the linoleum floor below me. I could hear her sharp canines chomping away at the crunchy bits as I filled another bowl, that had previously been next to the sink, with cool, clear water. I placed it as close to the food bowl as I could, before I Walked away, ready to start my day as an advice columnist.

^ * ^ * ^ * ^

(Kyle’s POV)

My phone vibrated from the small, night stand next to Ava’s bed. I reached over for it, feeling the table top for a few moments before I could feel the vibration beneath my finger tips, I sat up, pulling the vibrating phone to my ear, I flipped it open, and felt for the raised sticker that I placed on the talk button. Once I found it, I pressed it, and said, “Hello?”

“Kyle, baby! How’s it going? Lets cut the chit chat though, Seventeen wants a photo shoot and interview with and I quote ‘The next Stevie Wonder!’ You know, besides the African American part. You got me Kyle this is huge!” MY manager, Bret, shouted into the phone.

I groaned, “When do I have to be ready?” I asked, knowing he was probably on his way, and I would have to leave. With ought telling Ava. Again. It’s not like I could tell her though. It… it would be to hard. I think she would think of me differently, if she knew I was ‘famous’.

I hated the word. Famous. But apparently I was. Enter a Youtube contest, and just mention your blind, next week your a famous singer. It’s rather annoying actually. That’s why I can’t tell Ava. She wouldn’t just think of me as Kyle Kris. She would think of me as Kyle Co, that’s the name Bret said sounded good. I think its absolutely absurd.

“I’ll be at that girl Ava’s house in two minutes. Be down stairs. I am not coming up,” He replied, coolly, probably grinning like an idiot. If you havent caught on yet, Bret isnt my favorite person on the world. But, I love music, and I love that people love my music, and how they can ‘connect’ to it.

“Kay Bret, I’ll be ready,” I said, slamming my phone shut. With a heavy sigh, I got up, and pulled on the black shirt I had worn the night before over my body, and walked toward Ava’s door. I stopped in her kitchen on the way out, and felt the smooth countertop until my fingers felt the smooth rubber of my toothbrush. Sounds odd yes, but Bret has had me doing a lot of interviews and what not lately, and I’m not as good with the back of Ava’s apartment as the Kitchen and bedroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and rinsed. I walked as quickly as I could to the door, my hands pressed up against the walls as I moved. As I mentioned earlier, not to good with Ava’s whole house yet.

“Kyle,” I heard her sweet voice call, as I pulled the door open. I sighed, I hated doing this. But the more selfish side of me told me to do it. That she would think differently of me. I sighed yet again, “Kyle!” I pressed my lips into a straight line, and pulled the door shut.

As I began to walk away, my hands on the wall, I heard her curse. She cursed me, my name my every being. Jiminy Cricket, what am I doing?
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