Love Is Blind


(Kyle’s POV)
I Was sitting in some odd chair, tracing the smooth fabric with my fingertips as my makeup artist, Emilia, continued to work on my face. Not to much makeup though, they wanted me to look, and I quote them on this rugged. “Done yet, Em?” I asked, impatiently for the third time in the past five minutes.

“Kyle, shut up. I’m done. Now. Jesus, go talk to people,” She laughed, carefully pulling me up from the chair. I laughed, feeling for something to guide me. “Here,” Em said, grabbing my wrist and leading me in some direction. I followed her, though unsure with each step I took.

“Kyle, baby!” Bret shouted, slapping me on the back, “How’s my favorite star doing?”
I groaned at his words, “Fine, can we start this interview slash photo shoot thingy so I can go home to see Ava.”

“Yea, yea,” Bret muttered, something he often said when he wasn’t paying attention. I listened closey, over the roaring of air conditioners, random people talking and Emilia pulling some kind of brush though my knotted hair, I could hear the clicks of him texting on his phone. I wanted to smack the thing right out of his good for nothing hands, but I couldn’t pin point its location with my hearing.

“Kyle!” A squeaky voice yelled, a voice I had never heard before. I turned in the direction of the voice, and I hear light taps of shoes coming toward me. I groaned silently, this better not be Bret trying to set me up with some girl. The fool knows good and well I’m with Ava.

“Yes?” I said, confusing lingering after I had finished. Suddenly, I felt tiny, tiny arms wrap around my waist. At first I Was unsure, but once I felt a head put on the middle of my torso, I knew it was some child.

“I’m your biggest fan Kyle. Ever! I have every single poster of you, oh and I know every lyric to every song you have out. Even though it’s only five. But oh Kyle, I just love Unseen Love. Is it about a girl. Ooo, Kyle do you have a girlfriend. From what I can tell in the song she must be really sweet. And smell good. Ha-ha, the line ‘Wisps of her strawberry scents’ was very… descriptive. It reminds me of one of my ex-boyfriends. He always smelled so good. Like strawberry’s! Oh god, you must think I’m babbling! Well, Kyle, I’m not! I promise you. Any who, my name’s Anne, I’m thirteen and I love you!” The little girl, whose name was Anne, squealed, taking deep breaths ever few words. That was why I agreed to be Kyle Co. So little girls like Anne could look up to me like that.

“Hello Anne, it seems I dont have anything to tell you, seeing that you are my biggest fan of course,” I smiled wrapping my arms lightly around the little girl.

“Anne, sweetie!” I heard a voice call, another un known voice.

“Yes, mom?” She called back pulling away from me.

“Lave Kyle alone, and go get in the car with your father,” She Anne’s mother said, closer to me this time, “Terribly sorry for the interference, Kyle,” She added, now next to me.

I smiled, hopefully warmly, “It’s fine. I just love meeting my fans. They’re why I sing.”

She chuckled, “Don’t all singers say that?” She asked, still chuckling. I smiled, nodding a bit.

“But I truly do, girls like Anne are why I do what I do. I just love… I don’t know how to explane it really. Haha, I must sound like a creeper,” I laughed, this woman seemed nice.

“I’ll just have to add that to the interview, ‘Kyle Co, truly does love his fans. Unexplainably so, it’s amazing.”

I chuckled, shacking my hair to the side, it probably would make Emma cranky, “So you’re Elise Rosea, editor of Seventeen magazine,” I smiled, holding out my hand, waiting for her to shake it.

She grasped my her hand in mine, and shook it gently, “Terribly new,” She chuckled, “So, let’s get this interview started!”

I smiled, as she dragged me to another, unfamiliar place. Jesus, what is it with these people and dragging me like a rag doll?


I listened to my last question of the day, ‘Hey, my boyfriend has been a complete jerk lately. Giving me the cold shoulder and what not. Anyway, I’m worried he’s cheating on me. But he’s really sensitive about things, and I’m worried if I confront him, and he’s not cheating, he’ll get mad at me for even thinking of it. But I feel like he might be cheating, oh please help me. I love the kid!’ The voice said this with no emotion at all, just said it like the stinking robot it was. But I could invasion this girl, in distress over the cold shoulder from her boyfriend.

I know I’m suspicious of Kyle, but that’s a different story he couldn’t do that. But these people, I don’t know. Maybe her man is cheating like a punk. Maybe someone died. I groaned, and began to type, hoping I hit al of the correct keys.

I played the writing back to me as soon as I was done, about fifteen minutes later.

‘It sounds like maybe he is hurting about something. Ask him what is wrong. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe someone died and he is uncomfortable about it. But if he doesn’t respond, I personally would become worried. But not to alarm you. You may have to do some dogging. Take his phone and snoop. If you find something, call the number. If it is a female and she answers something like ‘Hey baby,’ in a… seductive voice say, ‘This is-so and so’s- girlfriend. Who are you,’ if that person doesn’t respond, you have yourself a cheater. I’m hoping the best for you sweetie, I really am. But, If he is cheating, talk to him about it. If he denies it. Leave him. It may be hard, but would you rather be with a cheater and hurt for a life time, or leave the cheater, hurt for a while, then fall in love all over again. If I was you, I’d go for option two.’

I had spelled everything perfectly, or at least my computer said so. I smiled, hitting enter five times. It sent the advice to my employer Elise Gandri. She would check it over, and make sure it was grand before entering it into the website.

After sending everything I was bored, and I wanted to see Kyle. I bet he was at work, hopefully. “Coco, oh Coco,” I chanted, getting up from my chair and walking in the direction of my front door, where Coco’s harass was. I could hear her feet bounding toward me as I untangled the leash from an array of other things on the desk next to the door.

Quickly attaching the harness and leash to her I walked out of my house, grabbing my key’s right before I left, and bounded confidently, out of my apartment, leaving my phone on the table where my computer sat. But it didn’t matter. It was just a phone, and was only walking to Kyle’s job. He worked as a cashier at a Walgreen’s down the street. Never really went to see him. He always told me not to.

Maybe if I had listened to him, things would have happened differently.
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What shall go down ! o.O