Far From Forever

It's the Little Things in Life

The woods were quiet as I walked through the trail I'd worn adventuring through the tall trees when I'd first arrived. It was where I sought to spend quality time alone, a chance for me to breathe.

A bird whistled over head, answered by some other bird in another part of the woods. A small squirrell was nibbling on a nut before it stuffed it in it's mouth and ran up the tree. I caught the slightest glimpse of what appeared to be a dear in the distance, followed closely by several others. I absorbed it all- the sounds, the sights, the feelings...

I crawled up on a low hanging tree branch, leaning my back on the trunk of the tree, hugging my legs to my chest. I wasn't sure why, but everything that once seemed perfect, right, and innocent has started to seem like a jumbled mess. Nicolas hasn't been the same since the other night, and that was starting to worry me. He's never been all that shy around me, and now I'm lucky if I hear him speak at all.

Everything's just so confusing! I thought, overwhelmed. I felt anxiety tugging at my chest, making me feel like I was suffocating. I hated that feeling. I had it alot back before we moved. It's the reason I frequented a therapist back home. And just when I thought it was gone, it's back to haunt me.

I felt tears brimming my eyes as I took several deep breaths, still unable to shake that feeling, my heart beating uneven thumps in my chest as I was suffocating. I banged my head back against the tree, then cursed my thoughtlessness as a headache overcame my head.

I hopped off the tree, tears gently rolling down my face. I brushed them away, trying to hide my soft whimpers as sobs racked my body. I hugged myself as I began to try and wander home, but it was of no use. Darkness had claimed the sky, leaving me all alone with my thoughts, stranded in the woods.

Fear nagged at me as I tried to find my way back to the tree, wanting a safe place to lay down. I was crying loudly now, cursing my idea to come out here in the first place. It didn't help that my mind started exagerating the situation, as if I were truly lost in the woods, not just blocked by the obstacle the darkness created.

I'll find my way home. I know this path. I just need some light.

I climbed back into the tree, hugging myself even tighter as a chill settled over the woods. I began to beg mother nature to take pity on me and not let the rain fall as I heard thunder over head.

Just a few raindrops fell through the canopy of treetops and hit me. It was at this moment I wished someone would come and find me.

But no. Whatever. Just my luck I come and get stuck here at a bad time. That's alright.
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Short chapter.. my apologies. I've been working on this for several days now, but I figured just to post it and get it out there.

Comment please? Even just one more reader would make me smile. :3