Status: Finished



I woke up the next morning, took my pills for the first time, and went to Personal Therapy, then Exercise. I showered near Laine again. She was giggly and happy, thrilled that her parents would be visiting soon. Well, her dad would. Her mom, a strict, authoritarian woman, felt that Laine’s self-destructive behavior was just her wanting to get out of gymnastics.
I couldn’t believe she felt that way-Laine had jumped off buildings, done drugs, tried the most dangerous games she could. Her mother should’ve been thankful she wasn’t dead. I walked into Rest Period and sat near Aven. He glanced up and gave me a quick smile before he went back to writing.
I slouched over and put my head on his shoulder, testing the waters. When he didn’t get mad at me I stayed there, enjoying his warmth. Thayer walked in then. He wore another perfectly pressed outfit. I watched as he sat on the couch near us, folding his skinny legs and opening a notebook. Every move he made was like a dance.
He uncapped the pen and leaned over, brushing hair away from his face and behind his ear. It almost made him look familiar. I turned my attention back to writing until I felt eyes on me and looked up. Thayer was watching us again. His blue eyes were so sharp I almost looked away, but I forced myself to hold his stare.
He only took his gaze away from me when someone else walked into the room. Her usually sharp blue eyes were dull as she shuffled over to us. Then she looked up and her eyes widened, a mix of emotions I couldn’t define washing across her face. “Thay! Oh my God, Thay!” Before he could move she ran over to him and jumped into his arms, squeezing him close.
He hugged her back, closing his eyes tight. At first she looked so blissful I thought she would purr, but then her face collapsed into tears. “Oh, Thay. They finally got you in here too,” she cried. He smiled slightly and nodded, resting his chin in her blonde hair. “Thorely Park is the greatest mad house around,” he said sarcastically. “Only the best for us Emays.”
As Crystal cried into Thayer’s shoulder, Jamie stood to the side looking awkward. I felt bad for him. It seemed Crystal already had someone in her life, until she sniffed and pulled away from Thayer a little. She finally appeared to notice us staring.
“This is my twin, Thayer.” Jamie relaxed and smiled. It was only then that I saw how much they resembled each other. Built slim, pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes, impish faces, the same small half-smile, the expensive, meticulous way they dressed. He was only a little taller than her, and he seemed even colder.
Even when he smiled at people his eyes were hard and watchful. The only person his eyes softened for was Crystal. When we’d all introduced ourselves he nodded and sat down, eyes focused on his paper. She crammed back onto the couch with him, eyes on his face. I could tell how much she loved him. When she looked at him her face was fierce and protective. I felt a sudden pang of jealousy and sorrow.
I missed Annalise and Jean Paul. I wanted them here with me too. I wanted to see Annalise on the edge of my bed again, painting my toenails as we talked about our days. I wanted to see Jean Paul win yet another football game and then run over to hug me, saying I was his good luck charm. I missed Annalise’s apology milkshakes, and Jean Paul’s awkward attempts at comfort. I even miss Annalise’s boyfriend, Lee. He was a sweetheart. I tried to ignore those thoughts as I snuggled closer to Aven.
I finished my concert for Design that day. It was apparently a ‘roaring success’ or so the computer told me. Trina was very proud. She put a hand on my shoulder. “You did a good job, Belle.” I smiled and turned to her. “Thank you.”
“I want to talk to you. Would you mind coming into my office?” I nodded and followed her. Trina closed the door before she sat behind her desk, folding her hands. “You have a real talent, Belle. I can’t think of anyone since Mr. James who has such a gift for design. You could really go places.” I blushed.
“Uh, thank you.” “That’s why I want to ask you something.” I looked down, twisting my hands nervously in my lap. “Okay...” “Mr. James was really interested in you. He asked me if it would be possible for you to work for him....while you’re still in here.” Mistaking me awed silence for reluctance, she hurried on.
“He’ll pay you, quite a large sum actually. You’ll work on the computer with him, and you can communicate through webcam. It won’t hurt your healing at all.” I grinned at her. “I would love to. Uh, how much money exactly?” “Ten thousand.” “Whoa...I can use that.” The bell rang and we stood up. “I’ll get it set up tonight so you can start tomorrow, kay?” “Kay.” I left Design feeling buoyant and proud of myself.

I was happy all day. I even whispered my news to Aven during Group Therapy. He grinned and threw an arm around me. “Nice job, Belle.” Ms. Triss bustled in, saw Thayer, and plopped herself next to him. He leaned away from her, twisting his mouth. It was clear the guy loved his personal space.
“Hi there, Thayer. My name is Ms. Triss,” she said gently. It was kind of weird. She seemed almost nervous around him. He watched her from under his hair and didn’t say anything. She coughed awkwardly and continued on. “So, would you tell us a bit about yourself?” “My name is Thayer Emay. Crystal Emay’s my twin sister,” he said quietly.
“That’s great. Anything else?” He looked at her for a long time before speaking. “No.” She cleared her throat and moved on. Thayer sat with his eyes closed, mouthing silent words.