Status: Finished


Sent Away

As I was thinking that a gentle knock tapped at my door. “Belle? You awake?” Annalise’s soft voice drifted through the wood. “Yeah. You can come in.”
Like always when someone gets hurt, Annalise was holding a thick smoothie-comfort food. “Mom told me you freaked out in the middle of class.”
“Yeah,” I sighed. Her eyes were worried as she laid a small hand on my shoulder. “Belle, you can’t keep lying like this. I’ve never seen anyone more stressed. Just be yourself.”
I laughed bitterly, knowing Annalise had always been herself. Even the deepest part of her was perfect. “Maybe in college, Anna. I’ll be fine.”
When Annalise bit her lip and turned away I got nervous. She was hiding something. “Anna? What aren’t you telling me?”
“Mom didn’t want me to say.” “What she’s planning? Please tell me!”
Just as Annalise opened her mouth Mom shadowed the doorway. “Annalise, baby, please leave. I have to talk with Belle.” “Okay, mom.”
Annalise gave me a sympathetic look as she left the room. Mom sat on my bed, smiling kindly. I smiled back, hoping she wasn’t angry again.
“Belle, your father and I are very concerned about you. You’re not happy here.” “Oh, mom, I’m fine, really.” She shook her head to quiet me.
“We’re sending you to Aunt Dana’s.” Aunt Dana was my dad’s sister. She lived in Ohio, three states away. “But, Mom, I don’t-”
She cut me off with a beautiful smile. “The choice has been made. Pack your bags, because you’re leaving in a week.” Mom patted my head and left the room.
I sat there for a moment, numb, before the anger set in. They would take me away from my family, my room, the school I worked so hard in.
I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it like I had so many times before. But I knew I had no choice, and how bad could Aunt Dana be? I rolled off my bed and began packing.