
Chapter 10

Kanaye slowly rose into conciseness, letting her eyes flicker open. She snapped them shut immediately as the dim light seared her eyes. Letting them open slowly with much blinking, she looked around. She was immediately aware of quite a few things. She was definitely inside, and underground judging by the dampness. She wasn't bound in anyway, but her brain moved slowly, a sure sign she was drugged, and there was a sharp pain in the back of her neck. Under her was a cold cement floor, and looking up she was relieved to see that she was not in a cage, but rather in a room, albeit a solid concrete wall with apparently no door. No door!

Fear snapped her mind out of it's sluggish state. Her lungs began to tighten, breaths became ragged. The walls were closing in around her, she didn't have space. Freedom after years in a cage had given her extreme claustrophobia, and right now it was in full swing. Backing into a corner, she curled up, trying to regain control.

She didn't see the wall ripple as two figures passed through it. Without a word one of them grabbed her arm roughly and pulled. Instinct took hold and she reached up and grabbed the arm, spinning it, trying to twist it behind the man. She only got halfway through the movement before the man realized what she was doing and detached his arm. Surprised, she was put off guard enough for the other man to grab her braid from behind and yank sharply. She spun to face her new attacker, only to have whoever-it-was's lips press against hers. Pushing him off she backed away, slowly this time to get her bearings, while wiping her arm across her mouth. The man who had kissed her was pale with grey hair and held a scythe, and his partner had his entire face covered except for the eyes which glowed green against black. Both wore tell-tale Akatsuki cloaks, and the pale one was grinning roguishly at her.

He stepped forward swiftly and pushed her through the wall before she had time to react. Slightly surprised that she hadn't smacked into concrete, she lost the opportunity presented in the couple of seconds before her captors passed through. “You run, you get punished, period. I'm not going to be bothered with holding the fuck onto you.” the pale one said, shoving her again. Stumbling forward she quickly righted herself. They were in a long corridor, luckily it was also wide, so Kanaye's phobia was put aside for the moment.

It was useless to run, she knew that much, she was no match for these guys if they were who she thought they were. The pale one with the scythe must be Hidan, and the other Kakazu. She knew their reputations, but none of their techniques. The directed her into another large room, this one with a stand on which stood a tall, shadowy form. “Thank you Hidan, Kakazu.” he said, confirming her beliefs. Hidan shoved her roughly into the middle of the group, where she stood in her defense position, teeth bared in a silent snarl.

Ten people surrounded her in the large room which was more of an large cave really. Hidan, Kakazu, Itachi and Kisame were the only four she could name. A person [she wasn't sure if it was a boy or girl] with long blond hair and a mechanical eye stood next to a redheaded man who seemed literally flawless, a man with an odd orange mask stood oddly to one side and what could only be described as a man plant stood nearby as well. The man on the stand, clearly the leader, and the only girl, a pretty blue-haired one, made 10 of them.

“Due to Orochimaru causing us problems, we have captured this ninja and will hold her until further notice. Unless in her cell someone must be with her, she is a jonin and could probably find a means of escape if she is left alone. I really don't care what you all do to her if it isn't life threatening, and of coarse a few exceptions. Hidan, you cannot use her to sacrifice to Jashin, Kakazu youmay not sell her for money, Sasori you cannot add her to your collection, Zetzu you may not eat her, Kisame you cannot suck at her chakara with your sword, Itachi you may not use any eye techniques on her, Deidara no blowing her up, and Tobi no piggy back rides. Are we clear?”

“Hai!” said eight voices [the blue haired woman seemed to not care, nor did it seem it was reacquired of her.

“I have a name, and I'm in the room.” Kanaye growled, annoyed. She promptly found herself on the floor, Itachi's foot pressing painfully on her stomach. “Shut it.” he snapped before removing the foot.

Slowly rising, she found that half the members were gone, leaving Itachi, the blond haired guy, the orange masked guy, Hidan, and the plant guy. As she watched the plant disappeared into the ground and Itachi disappeared in smoke as Hidan walked out the door, but not before blowing her a kiss, making her shudder.

“I'm Deidara, and that's Tobi hmm.” the blond haired guy said blankly. It was a guy, she figured. “Tobi is a good boy!” the other said, oddly child like. Something about the way the leader had given rules of abuse made her step backward cautiously. It might be foolish to run, but she would fight back if it came to that.

“Oh save it. We're not the two you need to worry about hmm.” Deidara sighed. “Since I”m not allowed to use you as art you really don't matter to me, and Tobi might as well be a five year old hmm.” the orange masked guy, Tobi, nodded eagerly.

“But seeing as Tobi is useless and would let you escape, I'm stuck with you for now, so come on hmm.” Indecision filled her mind. She was going to have to go with him, but she didn't want, no, she couldn't go back into that room. It was too confined, she couldn't handle the small space.

“I can't go back into that room.” she said hurriedly, still positioned for the defense. “I'm claustrophobic.”

“So deal with it. hmm” Deidara said shrugging. “It's not my issue. Besides, I'm not taking you back there just yet. I'd like to have a new opinion on my latest creation. hmm” he headed for the door, Tobi literally bouncing behind him. Kanaye couldn't resist smiling at the hyperactive one, for all he was a dangerous criminal. Reminding herself to be wary she followed the odd pair through the door.

It seemed their entire base was built in a cave, or underground, she wasn't sure which one it was. Deidara and Tobi walked her through lots of rooms, empty or filled with furniture. It was actually a lot nicer than you would think, even if most of the colors consisted of black and red. To her surprise she saw little of weapons and more of books in the rooms. They walked through one room where the book shelves rose to the ceiling, and Kanaye stopped mid step to look around in awe. The room was totally black with the exception of the bookcases, which were red. Matching red beanbag chairs were pushed into comfy corners, where small globes of light hung on the wall. It was beautiful!

“You like books to?” Tobi asked bouncing over happily. “I'm really the only one who spends a lot of time reading.”

Kanaye shrugged. “Yeah, I love books.”

“Hello hmm? Come on, I hate books without pictures, they lack artistic nature hmm.” reluctantly Kanaye followed Deidara out of the room.

Three corridors and six rooms later they arrived outside a door that was obviously locked. Deidara placed his hand on the door, and she saw it glow temporarily orange before fading and the door clicked open. “Chakara activated hmm.. If anyone but me tried that the entire room'd explode hmm.” he said in a bored tone, holding the door open for her. She passed him and found herself in a sculpting studio.

Bird-type things made of clay sat everywhere, accompanied by spiders-type things. “Cool.” she said, unsure of what to say. //If this is all it is, it's pretty boring. But didn't the leader guy say something about blowing me up? So maybe this is explosive clay, in which the blowing up part is the art..//

She hit the nail on the head. “Actually, there's nothing cool about them until they explode hmm. I have some new ones around back I'd like to try out.” the three some wandered past various clay models of different birds and bug types. They reached a back room through which Deidara directed them through. Inside was a small room surrounded with glass on the other side of which was empty space. Armchairs were placed randomly around in the small space. “Sit hmm.” he commanded, and Kanaye sat carefully down. There was something about these guys she liked.
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sorry 'bout the delay.. school trip more updates soon promise <3 And normally i love Hidan and all his swearing ways, but we needed no have another bad guy, so Hidan, whereever you're buried, I apologize.