
Chapter 13

Kanaye sat, glaring at the ground, trying not to be aware of just how small the room was, yet again. She had let Rui go awhile ago, knowing if the Akatsuki saw him they’d know she was contacting her friends. Finally giving up on the boredom, She rose, and careful not to look around, walked to the wall. It seemed that if she kept the room, and therefore the size of it, to her back than she could pretend it was bigger than it actually was.

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and touched her fingers to the cool cement wall. Finding that fire inside that was chakara, she concentrated on running it up through her hand and into the wall. The chakara ran smoothly through her arm and hand, dividing into five streams for each hand to run into the wall, only to immediately meet a block. Frowning slightly, she pushed harder, the chakara left her fingers alright, but instead of running through the wall like it should have done, it stopped and rebounded only centimeter into the wall.

Her frown deepened, and she pulled her hands back. “Byakugan.” She whispered, looking carefully at the wall. There were intertwining networks of chakara weaved inside the three foot thick concrete. She could identify ten different types of Chakara, all enforcing her imprisonment. Her eyes faded to red, and a growl rumbled deep in her throat. They had obviously thought this out.

Unphased, she searched the entire room for points of weakness. The north and south walls were the same as the east, and she wasn’t stupid enough to try and break through those. But the west wall was different. Instead of the weaving of chakara, it had them like bars, going only vertical, one every ½ foot. Each had a different look to them, flow or color, designating them as different chakaras and every two bars were the same chakara type.

Kanaye let the byakugan fade, returning to staring at the floor, thinking. So if those chakara were from the 10 different Akatsuki members, then maybe that was how they entered… by deactivating only their chakara and passing through the wall. Would make sense for letting her out too, just push her through the wall where the chakara was deactivated…. It was only a theory, and it didn’t help her to escape. To do that she’d have to figure out how to break those chakaras flows.

Concentrating on something else, she focused her byakugan again. Scanning the building around her, she quickly found one of the Akatsuki members. It was Tobi, curled up in a chair, reading. The book was entitled “Konoha” which made her worry why he wanted to learn more about the village, but watching him wasn’t doing to be any help, or very interesting. Turning, Kanaye saw Deidara not far off. He was in what appeared to be a bathroom, so she prepared herself to look away quickly, however he was in front of a mirror.

What she saw him dong made her collapse in helpless fits of laughter. He was combing his hair carefully, with various hair products and a straightened on the table in front of him. Just the thought of anybody using all the feminine products on his hair… she couldn’t help laughing. Sure, he was a dangerous S-rank criminal, that realistically would probably beat her in battle, but still, he cared about his hair.

Her laughing creased immediately as she sensed a chakara pressure approaching. The grin slip off her face as she huddled into a back corner, all self-respect and confidence disintegrated. It was just too easy to feel like she was back in that damned cage; it definitely wouldn’t help her escape if every time someone walked passed the door, or entered, she scurried into a corner. All the same, she didn’t move as Kisame glided through the wall.

Sakura and Naruto ran side by side as the large group of shinobi’s jumped through the upper branches of the trees. “Hey Sakura-chan… why does Kiba seem so upset? I mean more so than every one else?” the orange ninja asked, mostly looking for a chance to talk to Sakura.
“Isn’t it obvious? They were going to the festival together, they like each other, maybe he even loves her, and he obviously feels guilt because Shikamaru said she had been coming back to get ready for the festival, for her date with him, so he’s blaming himself,” Sakura said, sick of explaining things to him.

Naruto, seeing how annoyed she was, dropped back a few paces to talk to Shikamaru. Kiba, up at the lead, was keeping a steady, if somewhat speedy pace. Doing his best to focus on the scent, he tried to shove thoughts of Kanaye out of his head, failing miserably. Her face, defiant if somewhat pained as she was pinning by Itachi, warm and bright as she laughed, serene as she lay unconscious, full of hurt and regret as the tears welled up in her perfect eyes… it was like a slideshow on repeat, never stopping.

A sharp pain in his chest irked him, because there was no reason for it, he hadn’t been wounded. “Hey Kiba!” he heard Naruto call from behind him.

“Yeah Naruto?” he responded uncharacteristically softly.

“Well, I just wanted to say… you shouldn’t blame yourself for you know… because Shikamaru said she had been coming back to get ready for the festival, for her date with you… so really don’t blame yourself, it wasn’t your fault.” Kiba felt like Naruto had just punched him in the gut. //If she hadn’t wanted to hurry back and get ready for our date… she might still be in Konoha? I hadn’t considered that… but it’s true. Her getting kidnapped really is all my fault…//

Naruto, unaware that he had just hurt Kiba instead of helping him, patted the other ninjas shoulder before dropping back, no easy feet considering how high up Kiba was on Akamaru’s back. Akamaru whimpered in sympathy, feeling the drop in Kiba’s emotions from anger to guilt, and then back to anger. Furious with himself, Kiba jumped of Akamaru’s back to run as well, trying to drown out his emotions with physical activity.


Kanaye hit the floor of “her” room, curling up into a little ball. “Until tomorrow…” Itachi said in his usual monotone, sliding through the wall. It had been a trying day. She had been passed around to almost ever Akatsuki member, each either ignoring her, or ordering her to go something. Kisame had made her clean his fish tank, and it was huge, and it went all the way through to Itachi, who had roughly beaten her up “To test her limits”.

Sore all over, doing her best to ignore the pain, she slumped into unconsciousness, dreading the next day.
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Well this is knid of short... sorry bout that I really will try to write linger chapters