
Chapter 16

Kisame sniggered, standing on the water, sword over his shoulder. Naruto bared his teeth, feeling the pressure of the kyuubi’s chakra fill his chest. Frantically he tried to push it away. //No, no no// he though, with each word shoving the chakara back inside himself. He didn’t want to hurt Hinata, and if that escaped him she would get hurt, he knew it. Choking noises spewed from his mouth until his eyes were back to their sky blue. “Bastard.” He growled at the shark-man. “Kage Bushin-no jutsu!” he snarled, and instantly 50 Naruto’s were screaming insults at the Akatsuki member.

Charging all at once in true Naruto style, shadow clones exploded left and right as Kisame swung his big sword around. Over on her branch, Hinata’s eyes fluttered open. //Why do I always do that?// she wondered as she came to, slowly standing. //Naruto!// she thought, watching her crush try to pummel Kisame, and failing miserably. “Byakugan.” She whispered. Sasuke and Itachi were still fighting, the others still moving on. Turning back to the fight at hand, she wished there was an opening for her to jump in, instead she just let Naruto pummel him. Of course, he still failed to actually hit the Akatsuki member.

Finally they parted, Naruto breathing heavily and Kisame still smirking. “Looks like your girlfriend is just going to sit by and watch.” He sneered, making both Leaf-ninja blush furiously. Hinata, ever trying to prove that she was not a hindrance, chose to leap down from the bench, assuming the standard Hyuga fighting stance.

Naruto, classic Naruto, however, rushed in yet again. “Rasengan!” he shouted, charging at Kisame. To his surprise the Akatsuki member took it head on, the ball of spinning chakara colliding with his chest. With a soft swoosh and gurgle the clone exploded into water, drenching the orange-clad ninja. “Water clone?” Naruto muttered aloud.

“Naruto-kun! Below you!” Hinata called. Naruto jumped to the side, just in time. Kisame jumped out of the water, right where the leaf village ninja had been standing.

“Huh. Just knowing where I am won’t same you Jinchuriki!”

“Gentle fist!” Hinata cried in her soft tone, striking out at the larger man. Too late Kisame dodged, earning a sharp poke in the shoulder, that was all Hinata needed. “Gagh! What did you do to my arm?” the other ninja asked clutching his shoulder. The other two chose not to answer. “Hakke Kuushou!” Hinata continued, using a palm-blast she had learned from Neji. He was surprisingly nice to her now, but that was besides the point.

Kisame dodged without a problem. “Huh. Another Hyuga used that on me once.” The shark-man said “I think I’ll pay you back for him!”

“RASENGAN!” this time Naruto, or rather one of his clones was the one to shoot out of the water, right under Kisame. The hard ball of chakara slammed into the Akatsuki member, spinning him around and up into the air.

“Little Bastard!” Kisame growled getting off his feet.


“Not hate you enough?” Sasuke said, “Not hate you enough? You’re the worst kind of bastard I’ve ever met. You’re the bane of my existence, killing you is my reason for living, and I don’t hate you enough?!” he was screaming at this point, furious memories filling his mind.


Itachi playing hide and seek, carrying him, and training with him.

Itachi standing over their parent bodies, in the street, and threatening him.

Itachi trying to kidnap Naruto, kicking his ass, and smirking.

-end flash back-

“You kidnapped my friend! You tried to kill me , again, and I don’t hate you? You fucking bastard!”

“Emotions are useless in battle Sasuke-kun.” Itachi said evenly.

Roaring with rage, Sasuke screamed “Chidori!” and charged again, filled with hate. Itachi nibbling sidestepped, ducked, jumped and wove as Sasuke flailed widely the chakara-lighting. No matter how skilled he could be he forgot it all in his anger and hate. Itachi was wrong, Sasuke hated him too much. He couldn’t be strong if he fought with only hate.

Finally Sasuke did something smart. Throwing a punch with his left hand (non-Chidori), he let Itachi catch it, spinning he kicked out with his foot, letting Itachi catch that too. Kicking yet again Itachi dodged, moving right into Sasuke’s Chidori, and exploding in a patch of smoke. “Shadow clone!” Sasuke growled, turning to face the real Itachi.

They collided again, too swift for normal eyes too see. For every punch or kick Sasuke threw Itachi had a block, and vise-versa… until… Itachi grabbed he back of Sasuke’s neck forcing his younger brother to meet his eyes. “Mangekyou Sharingan.” The elder whispered.

The world was thrown into negative. Sasuke was standing at the base of a telephone pole, on top of it stood Itachi, outlined against the moon. Around him lay all of his clan, dead. “You will only beat me when your eyes are the same as mine, not before.” Itachi said clearly, and Sasuke screamed, like he had that night.

Itachi released his younger brother and let the younger Uchiha slide to the ground, unconscious. //Better than last time.// Itachi though. //I wish you’d know all I did for you Sasuke-kun.// Unable to resist, Itachi took a deep breath “You know Sasuke-kun, the Hokage ordered me to kill our Clan. They were planning to take over Konoha, I was a double agent. I couldn’t kill you though, ignorant, innocent you, my little brother. So you will kill me, and in that you will be stronger than any Uchiha ever was. So hate me, please.” And with that he turned away, finally having told the truth, something he would never repeat again, something totally un-Itachi-ish.

Little did he know there was a squirrel in a nearby tree.
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oh snap! Ah well... comments?