
Chapter Three

Everyone stood, dumbfounded, facing Orochimaru. Kakashi and Shino showed no emotion as usual, but were defiantly tense. Sakura, Hinata, and Kiba just had wide eyes, and Sasuke and Naruto looked like a ghost had come back from the dead, which wasn't too far fetched. Sasuke had returned to Konoha a year before Kanaye had arrived, and had told everyone he had defeated Orochimaru. Judging by the look on his face, he must have really thought the Sannin was dead. And Kanaye, Kanaye was standing straight as a board her face blank.

“Why the surprised looks?” Orochimaru sneered, giving a high pitched giggle that made the hairs on eight different necks stand on end.

“You fucking bastard.” Sasuke hissed “How many times do I have to kill you?”

“Hardly flattering Sasuke-kun! And to think I wasn't even coming for you, this is a pleasant surprise, don't you think Kabuto?” the medical ninja just nodded in response.

Everyone slowly recovered from their shock, setting up their guards and staying on high alert. Everyone, but Kanaye, who's fear consumed her, pulling her back to the only other time she had heard that sickly sweet voice.


10 year old her was huddled in the corner of her cage furthest from the door, garbed in white shirt and pants. Her stringy black hair covered her face, and she hid behind it like a wall. Her cage was in the corner of a large room, filled with cages just like hers, the nearest one ten feet away. “How are the experiments coming?” came a sensible voice from her right. She listened carefully to the two men coming to wards her cage, knowing that she could do nothing about them anyway.

“Very well, especially #7, it's the only one so far to exhibit no side effects whatsoever.” came a familiar scientists voice. Kanaye paled. She knew from years of watching that she was #7. They were talking about her. To confirm her worst fears the two stopped at the door to her cage. Glancing up fearfully, she blinked in the fluorescent light and gazed at the two ninja looking into her cage. One was a scientist she knew far too well. He had come to take her out of her cage and do some form or another test on her countless times. The other was knew, short-ish with grey hair and large circular glasses. “Orochimaru-sama with be pleased.” the new comer said in a tone that made the girl shiver.

He banged the doors open, the clash hurting her sensitive ears, and she scrambled to push herself further away, but new it was futile. He grabbed her arm and hauled her up painfully in front of his face. “Huh,” he said “No signs of the Byakugan or Sharningan strands we put in her.”

“Understandable, she doesn't have the control yet, so her eyes remain as they are. However, curiously, when she is asleep, or unconscious, her eyes change color rapidly, and with close study we've seen sharningan and byakugan among them.”. Kanaye flinched under his gaze, whole body shuttering with the impact to not try and escape. She knew if she let go and tried anything, she'd wake up in her cage with large bruises.

“What's with the shuttering?” sure enough the stranger asked the question. “Nothing medical, she's easily scared, all the experiments are. With a year or two of no one harming her she'd probably come out of it.”.

“Well then,” he turned a smirk at her, and she closed her eyes. “Let's let Orochimaru-sama have a look at her.” and she felt his hand on the back of her neck, and everything went dark.

She blinked, and her eyes opened She was on a lab table, arms and legs strapped down. She gazed at the white ceiling, and all the walls. Everything was a painful white, but she was used to it. She was not, however, used to the snake that was laying on her chest. She gasped, but the thing was asleep. Whimpering, she tried to move, and failed. “Awake are we my dear?” came a hissing voice from behind her head, the one place she couldn't look. The voice alone make her shiver, and she had never been more afraid of one person before. “You're wonderful, Kanaye-kun” it hissed again, and the man came to face her. Skin deathly pale, purple eyeshadow and a snake-like tounge combining to make nightmares come alive.

-end flashback-

Her eyes were now midnight black, her skin pale, her mouth a sharp line. “Not here for Sasuke?” she heard Naruto whisper, “Then who-?”

//Surely not me!// Kanaye thought. “It doesn't matter,” Orochimaru said lightly. “You can come with me instead and I can come back for my little guinea pig.”

“I'd like to see you try!” The words escaped Kanaye's lips, and everyone turned to see her, standing rigid, red eyes boring holes through the Sannin. The timely wind blew her braid around, making it look like a whip behind her, and she herself wasn't sure when her fear turned to anger. “Kanaye-” whispered Sasuke.

“What a bold little snippet of a girl.” Kabuto mocked. She stood unphased, eye's locked with Orochimaru's. “That good are you mouse?” she snake-like man sneered “Well then, I'd like to take you on.”

“Happily!” Kanaye snapped, and strode out to stand just in front of her friends. “I don't need you to fight for me!” Sasuke snapped, stepping up next to her, and grabbing her arm.

She kept her eyes on Orochimaru, but directed her words at Sasuke. “Tough luck, Uchiha, But this is more my fight than you know.” turning her head, she looked him in the eyes. Sasuke gasped, and took a step back. “She has...” he started, losing his words halfway through.

“Sharningan, huh?” Orochimaru smirked as Kanaye turned back to him . “Another Uchiha? Not surprising that you stepped out for Sasuke-kun then, but it's hardly going to be enough to beat me.”

“We'll see.” She said, forming a hand sign. “Kage Bushin no Jutsu -shadow doppelgangers.” She said clearly. 50 Kanaye's smirked at Orochimaru.

“But wait, Kakashi-sensei, didn't you say that only Naruto had enough chakra to be able to maintain that many?” Sakura asked, confused, “I mean, because of the Kyubi?”

“Yes.” Kakashi said simply, watching the girl with fascination. “Hinata, will you do me a favor and tell me her chakra level?” he added.

Hinata turned her byakugan on Kanaye, and let out a gasp that echoed Sasuke's. “What?” Kakashi asked.
“Well,” she began “Her chakra's almost off the charts! She may have even more than Naruto! An aside from that, I developed my eyes further, as had cousin Neji, to see what element a person's chakra was, and well, hers is all of them.”

“Impossible.” Kakashi gasped “That's never been heard of, unless....” he trailed off.

“Unless what?” Kiba and Naruto asked at the same time. “Unless that 'guinea pig' as he put it, was her. If she's one of his experiments than quite possibly she was injected with different DNA, and along with that DNA, chakra. Combining to give her an immense chakra level and power over all jutsu's.” Kakashi explained. “But how on earth did he get his hands on a Uchiha?”

The others all looked at her with curiosity. “What? Is the king cobra afraid of the mice?” the Kanayes sneered. He returned her sneer in kind. Making a noise like he was hacking up mucus, he pulled a sword out of his mouth.

“Gōkakyū no Jutsu! - Fireball jutsu!” said 50 emotionless girls, forming the hand signs like lightning. //Better they think I really am a Uchiha// she thought as fire blew out of her mouth, surrounding Orochimaru. He come out laughing, as expected. All of them , launched themselves at him, roaring with repressed rage. Shadow clones burst into smoke left and right, until Kanaye stood alone again, facing him.
“Compared to Sasuke-kun your fire is cold.” he smirked Why don't you try this on for size. He lifted his arm, and out of the sleeve sprouted five gigantic snakes. Her heart screamed in fear, but her mind kept control. //In battle, fear is irrelevant// she forced the thought through, and easily dodged, pulling out a kunai. Neatly side stepping she slashed of all five heads with a swipe, and glared into the soulless eyes. “You're just messing with me.” she said angrily.

“There's something familiar about you.” he answered. Running forward to distract him from his thoughts, she busily began to slash away more snakes. “Gōkakyū no Jutsu! - Fireball jutsu!” she shouted again, burning away another batch. “THERE!”she shouted and lunged at the man behind the snakes. Her kunai stopped a millimeter from his throat.
“Now I see it.” he smirked at her “Hello, little guinea pig.”