
Chapter Four

Looking down, she saw his hands had formed the dog hand sign. “Shit.” she breathed, glaring at him. Her will power made the kunai shutter with the effort the plunge it into his throat, but he was trapped, welly and truly, in his jutsu.
“Shihai no Jutsu- total control.” he sneered. “Controls everything but the head of your opponent. Of coarse, totally useless unless the subject contains my DNA, but being one of my superior experiments, you have that factor don't you?” he spoke loudly and clearly, intending her teammates to hear. “Now, why don't we tell them who you really are?” he smirked.
Kanaye closed her eyes. There was nothing for her to do but try and release the technique. “Kanaye?” she heard a confused voice behind her. Kiba.
“Name: Kanaye, Number: 237854, Experiment: 7, DNA strands include Hyuga, Uchiha, Kaguya, Nara, Hyoton, and Orochimaru.” Kabuto recited from memory. “Clan unknown.”

She heard gasps behind her. //Kaguya. I didn't know that one or Hyoton. Wasn't Kaguya Kimimaro's clan? Then I can control my bones...// she thought, tring to find a way out of her situation. Oroshimaur gave another high pitched laugh.

Raising his hand, he stroked her cheek, making shudder and try to bite him. Her teeth missed by a centimeter. “Sharingan” she whispered. Glaring at Orochimaru in the eyes. She felt a smack across her cheek. Kabuto stood next to Orochimaru. “None of that Kanaye-kun.” he said, as if repremanding a small child.
A thought crossed her mind that made her smile sweetly at the pair. Kabuto retreated again, and Orochimaru cocked his head in intrest. “What's funny?” he hissed.
She smiled wider, and her teeth grew suddenly, hitting not the ground, but Orochimaru's foot. Screeching, he jumped back, releasing the jutsu. She took the chance to leap back into the ranks of her friends. “What the fuck?” Sasuke demanded, glaring at her.

“Kanaye?” Kiba asked, looking hurt. Hinata echoed his feelings with her eyes. Kanaye looked helplessly at them, her teeth still five feet long. “Ou shob estain meh efor e tries thab jutu agan” she struggled to say around her teeth, which she had no idea how to get rid of. “Ah on't...” she closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. She wasn't sure what she did, but when she opened her eyes her teeth had returned to normal. “I won't be able to control myself.” she finished, looking dismayed.

“Hai.” Kakashi said creating a clone, who grabbed both her hands and held them behind her. “With all of you against him you shouldn't have much trouble.” she started. “And seriously, you can;t let him get me. My blood is the key to let him inject kekkai genkai into himself by the means of DNA. And trust me, nobody wants that.” she said, looking down. “Oh and Kakashi, I only know how to control the byakugan, sharingan, and now the bone techniques.” she added.

“No need.” came a hissing voice from the trees. “But I'll be back.” And they distinctly heard him slowing departing through the trees. Kakashi's clone relaxed his grip on Kanaye. “Hinata?” Shino asked. “He really is gone.” she said.

“Fine then.” Naruto said, but his eyes were on the girl who was now sitting on the ground, hugging her knees. Her anger had returned to fear with the heat of battle gone, and she was quivering like she had two years ago. “I have some questions.” he said, and she looked up, her eyes a dark green.

“I w-would th-think so.” she said, her voice trembling. Akamaru sat behind her, his fur soft and comforting. She hugged his front right paw, closing her eyes and trying to remember. Everyone stood patiently. “I...I was...” she tried to begin, but lost her nerve. She hadn't felt this afraid in years. She looked up, her eyes wide and searching, finding only questioning looks. Steeling herself, she tried again.

“I was one of many experiments, we were all in a gigantic underground room, our cages far enough apart that if we talked they'd hear us. I don't know half the stuff they did, all I remember is waking up on lab tables, bleeding or bruised, or constantly having injections. At any rate, I learned that I couldn't control anything in my life, anyone who tried anything was harshly punished, so I learned not to rebel, talk, or try anything that could possibly displease them. I met Orochimaru once, and briefly, and I can barely remember what he said, but I've never been more terrified of one man than I am of him.” she gulped. “Sasuke, when you 'killed' him, the labs began closing down. They were killing us all off, cage's inhabitants disappearing one by one. Then they came for me... and I don't remember what happened after I left the cage. The next thing I remember was running through the forest, and crashing into you Kiba.”
That was her past in a nut shell. She refrained from telling them all the beatings she had received for no reason other than to see how long she could hold up, seeing how she held up against vicious dogs, having the scientists children come and torment her. They didn't need to know that.

She closed her eyes. Using that bone technique had made her light headed. Sighing, she collapsed on the spot, landing in Kiba's arms. The boy gently pushed a stray lock of hair out of her face, and looked up at the others. “So...what do we do?”

“Continue on our missions.” Shino said. “Hai.” agreed Naruto and Sakura. “See you when you get back.” Sasuke added, glancing at Kanaye with a strange look in his eyes. Team Kakashi took off immediately.

“Careful Shino.” said Kiba, holding the unconscious girl bridal style. “You just sounded like Neji.”
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ok, so this one is shorter...live with it. PLEASE COMMENT