Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

Can You Keep Me?


I sat in my room doing some online shopping. I needed to get some things off my mind and online shopping always did the trick. All week I was mad, mad because I was getting a new roommate. I really liked living alone because it was peaceful and I got my school work done.

It was just last week that I'd gotten the news and I didn't take it to well. I was really lucky I didn't get kicked out of my place. Yeah, I kind of told the land lord some very unfriendly things. I really did think I was gonna get thrown our but nope. Thank god.

Addison was supposed to come over in the next 15 minutes to help me move stuff out of the room. There was a lot of stuff in there and I was going to have to put all that stuff down in the basement. You see that room used to be where I did my make up and a gaming room I guess and a bed was in there. Weird combination but I liked it. Now I was going to have to do my hair and make up in the washroom and play my games in my basement where there was nasty ass spiders.

I got up and went into the kitchen to check the calender. Only 1 more day until this person got here, great. I wish this person roomed with Addison, she loved having roommates but I hated them. Thanks to my last 1, Camille. Camille was really bitchy and has been the first day she moved in. Making me clean up after her, cook for her, do her laundry. It was complete torture. I just hoped this new guy or girl wasn't as bad.

The door opened and in walked Addison.

"We getting started on that room or what?" she asked.

"You just got here. Don't you want anything to eat or drink?"

She shook her head, "Already ate before I left and let's get started."

I followed her into the room and began putting my make up together. This was probably going to take all day since we both get distracted easy. Well this room needed to be cleaned anyways.

"When's this mystery person getting here?" Addison asked.

"Tomorrow." I sighed.

"Come on, having a roommate isn't that bad. It's fun, plus you won't have to pay bills alone anymore. You'll be saving money and you know what that means, more shopping online for Samantha." she said and laughed.

"Yeah, that's the only good thing. What if they're rude and stuff?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and started putting things in boxes. I looked at the stuff she put in the boxes and I don't even remember buying any of them This room had so much stuff, it felt like I should be in Hoarders.

"If it's a guy do you think he's hot?" Addison asked.

I looked over at her and shook my head.

"I'm just asking. But do you?"

"I don't know and even if that's true I don't want to... never mind."

I started putting stuff in boxes and bring them downstairs, where all the gross spiders were. Just thinking of it gave me goosebumps. I really wish I could leave this stuff upstairs and set up in the living room but there wasn't enough room.

As soon as I set the box down and ran upstairs, almost bumping into Addison as she was walking downstairs.

"Geez watch it will ya? I could have dropped this stuff."

"Sorry. I just hate it down there."


After the room was done, which took all fucking day, Addison and I were just on YouTube watching some pretty stupid videos.

"Oh shit, it's almost 1. I'm gonna leave now. Happy living with your new roommate." she smiled.

"Don't even bring that up please."

I turned off the computer and closed the door when Addison left and locked it. I headed into my room and changed into some shorts and a shirt. I was not looking forward to this.
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It just came to me and I had to write it down. The beginning's lame but it's only the first chapter, it'll get good. Just read it.