Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

Can You Keep Me?


Johnny's POV
The past month has been hard for me. Samantha was always getting mad at me if I left a mess or don't put my dishes away. Now I'm starting to understand why not many people like living with her. She's kind of a control freak and if you do something she doesn't like, you're in for a scream.

There are times when she's a pretty chill person but that didn't happen to often. I really needed to pull my shit together and stop acting like a child. But hey, that's who I am. If Sam doesn't like it then she's gotta learn to live with it.

I honestly would have moved out a while ago but I like Sam, in a friend way. And Addison? I can say many things about that girl. I've taken her out a couple of times but I don't see myself in a full on relationship with her. I've learned the hard way why relationships suck a long time ago. I was not planning on another heartbreak.

Sam was away at practice and I had the house to myself. It was about time and Addison told me that before I got here Sam was always out but now that I am here, she just stays in. Probably making sure I don't do anything stupid or break any of her belongings.

I was gonna go to Brad's house but I had to wait until him and his girlfriend were back from there 'date' night. And that wasn't going to be for another five to six hours. I decided to go on Twitter and see what everyone was up to.

@johnnybscared Come to the arenaaa! It's boring sitting here all alone.

I laughed, Addison didn't need to send me a tweet. She could have just called or sent a message.

@addigrey u could have called or sent a message dummy.

I grabbed my jacket and left, at least I wasn't going to be alone. My phone buzzed and I looked at it, another tweet from Addison.

@johnnybscared I don't know your number, DM me. And hurry, it's really boring.

The arena where Sam practiced wasn't that long of a walk, only ten minutes. Everytime a RV went by it made me want to be on tour right now. I really wish Nick still lived here, it would have made things a lot easier. Another music video would have been done by now.

I entered the arena but I had no idea where to go. I wasn't a hockey person so there was no reason for me to come here. Now that I was friends with Addison, she was probably gonna make me come here all the time when Sam had practice. At least I wasn't gonna be alone.

"Johnny!" someone screamed and I turned around.

Addison was smiling and hugged me. "It's about time you got here. Now let's get back to the ice rink. Sam's gonna think I ditched her."

"She probably won't be to happy to see me though." I said.

When I got in the ice rink, it was freezing. I don't understand how Addison could only wear a long sleeve.

"How the hell do you keep warm? It's fucking freezing in here." I said.

"I'm used to it. Sam still giving you a hard time?" she asked.

I nodded my head and took out my phone. It was only 3:32, why did Sam practice this early?

"She always has to find something to be mad about. How can you be friends with her? Don't get me wrong, she's a great girl but how the hell to you put up with her?" I asked.

Addison chuckled. "Once you really know her, you'll love her. So I was thinking after her practice me and you can go and see a movie. Yes? No?"

"Depends on what I'm doing." I replied and watched as all these girls skated around.

"I didn't know you were here Addison. We still on for tonight?" a guy asked.

"Oh, hi Brock and uh, I'm sorry but something really important came up. Next time maybe?"

The guy looked at me. "Oh. Okay well I leave you alone."


She nodded her head and her phone to call someone, probably this Brock guy. She really had a way with the guys, well that's what Sam told me anyways.

"So which one's our girl?"


I searched around her number 25 and when I found her, oh man was she good. Her and the others began skating towards us and when she was me, I knew she wanted to kill me. This girl was good at this sport. She didn't even look like she played and it surprised me when I found out.

One girl skated behind her and put her stick in between her legs. Samantha tripped and slammed into the boards and all the players stopped. I got up, hoping she was okay.

"She'll be fine. This happened a lot in hockey." Addison said and I sat back done. "There's a lot you don't know about this sport boy."

I laughed. "Does it look like I play sports? I'm a music person babe. But did you see the way she looked at me? Oh fuck that was intense."

The next hour consisted of me and Addison talking pictures of each other with that fatface app. I unloaded a couple pictures of her but she didn't know so it was fine. I was on Twitter seeing what everyone was up to.


"Hm?" Addison quickly leaned over and full on kissed me. What was with this woman? But I didn't pull away, I kind of liked it actually.

"What are you doing?"

I pulled away and Sam was standing there. Oh boy, this was awkward.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt I needed to post another chapter but this time in Johnny's POV.

Poor Johnny. Sam's always getting mad at him :(

Comments are welcome.