Status: Updated daily. If not, then every other day.

Can You Keep Me?


"What are you doing?"

I pulled away and Sam was standing there. Oh boy, this was awkward.

"We weren't doing anything. I swear." Addison said.

"You don't need to lie, Addison. It's not like I'm with him nor do I see myself being in a relationship with him." Sam said.

Ouch. That one hurt a lot. "Okay Samantha, why do you hate me so much? Have I ever done anything to you that pissed you off?"

That was a stupid question. Of course I did things to get her mad. For example, every time I make a mess I never clean it up. I was just not thinking today.

"Well besides me leaving messes around the house. But have I ever done anything that made you hate me so much?" I asked, my voice raised.


"Seriously Sam, I'm fucking tired of you getting mad at me all god damn time for little fucking things. No wonder you live alone. People are probably scared to live with you because you're a bitch." I spat at her.

She just stood there and it looked like she didn't know what to do. "Well thanks, Johnny. Right when I was starting to like you. You really know how to talk to a girl."

"Sam, I'm sorry."

She glared at me and walked in the opposite direction. I called after her a couple of time but she wouldn't listen to me. I looked back at Addison.

"Way to go Johnny. Sam wait!"

She left me and ran after Sam. I really fucked up. All I wanted was for Sam to like me but i fucked that up. Why did i have to say that to Sam? I hated myself right now. My phone rang and it was Nick, what a surprise.


"It's good to hear your voice man. Do you think I could stay at your place for awhile? I'm moving back down there buddy. You were right about Cameron. She's not the person I thought she was."

It was about time Nick saw who Cameron really was. She was not a nice person, totally fake. Always playing nice when Nick was around but as soon as he left, she was someone totally different.

"It's good to hear you're coming back but I don't think you can stay with me. Why don't you stay at your place"

He chuckled. "Can't. Cameron made me sell my place. Where you staying now?"

I told him about my living arrangements and the whole time he was laughing.

"Sounds rough. Well I'm gonna give Brad a call. I'll talk to you later."

I hung up the phone and started walking toward the exit. I had a lot of explaining to do when I got home. I was thinking about moving out but I didn't wanna do that. I just really wanted to fix this problem and be happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Horrible ending. But whatevssss!

Comments are welcome.