Status: in the process of writing!

How I Met Him

Chapter Ten

I didn’t know what I was doing, and I lost myself within. Subconsciously, I put my cold hand on Niall’s left cheek, letting it graze his ear and the tips of his hair as his hand found its way to behind my neck, to which I instinctively twitched and pulled back, grabbing my neck and his fingers. I realized what had happened and my eyes widened in fear. I stuttered to try to say something, but nothing would escape my mouth except for my hot breath. I couldn’t read his facial features which had me scared, and it felt like hours before either of us could do anything, when in reality it was only a couple minutes of intense staring.

“Bye!” I abruptly said as I ran inside my house, slamming the door and running up the stairs. I can’t believe I just did that! He had looked confused and surprised. I rushed my hands through my hair and then stopped. I can’t believe that just happened! I thought to myself as I touched my warm lips. I sighed contently and fell on my bed, thinking about what had just happened. At the same time, I didn’t know how Niall felt. What if he doesn’t like me? What if he wanted to kiss me goodnight? Was I wrong to have done the first move? What if he wanted to do the first move? What if he wanted to wait?

I was interrupted by the constant vibrating of my phone, to which I looked at.
Niall Horan is calling
Uh shit. I definitely didn’t want to answer, I didn’t know what to think, and my thoughts were not collected. I could barely breathe, and I wasn’t ready to talk. The vibration stopped, but only for a second when another call came through.
This had happened for a couple more minutes, when he seemed to give up, and I was glad it was over. Well, almost over. Then a text message appeared, that had multiplied by what seemed to be a zillion texts per second. Only, in reality, it was about 10.
I read the first two, which only said to call him back, and I skimmed over the next couple. They all said the same thing, to call him back.
Oh, how his demand was not to be fulfilled.
I ignored his texts, and put my phone on charger and under my bed. It was already late, and I needed to get a good night’s sleep.
The next morning I woke up due to the annoying loud buzzing sound of my phone, signaling me to wake up to get ready. I only took about half an hour to get ready, and today I honestly felt like shit.
I wonder why.
I got up, went to the bathroom and did my usual routine to get ready, except this time, I put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara to feel a little bit prettier at school. Fortunately, since we had uniforms at school, it was easier to pick out my outfit, which consisted of a dark blue skirt, a light blue button up shirt, and a dark blazer. Because it was still winter, I wore wool tights under my skirt and flats. I quickly gathered my homework from yesterday and put it in my messenger bag, grabbed my phone, iPod and a head band, and exited my room.
I didn’t have time for a sit-down breakfast, so I got a granola bar for the 15-minute walk to school.
My phone started buzzing, indicating a call, halfway through the walk to school. Pausing my music, I answered it.
“Did you already delete my number?” A husky voice came through. Who was this? I checked the caller really quickly before mentally shooting myself in the foot.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes to the delete,” he chuckled awkwardly. Oh shit, what do I do now?
“Heh, uh, no not really. I just didn’t check my caller ID before answering,” I tried to avoid the topic, but horribly failed.
“So, uh, what’s up?” I attempted to hide the obvious elephant in the room.
“Uh, about last night..” He left off, hoping I’d catch on. Oh don’t worry, I’ve caught on.
“Oh, last night. Uh, what about it?” I neared school, seeing all the girls walking in with their designer handbags, designer sunglasses, and typical adjustments to the school uniform policy.
“I-I don’t know what really happened, and I kinda need you to clear it up for me.”
“Niall, this isn’t really a good time to talk, I’m on my way to school,” I snapped, a little upset that he won’t get his feelings out.
“Sorry, sorry, my bad, I forgot you had school, I couldn’t sleep, I’m sorry,” he blurted out an apology. My heart softened at this, but only a little bit.
“It’s alright, it’s alright. Do you wanna meet up after school or something?” I offered.
“Yeah, sure. What school you go to? I could come pick ya up when you’re done.”
“Emm, I go to the school just on Fleet Street, it’s huge you can’t miss it. I finish school at about half two, yeah?”
“Alright, I’ll be there. Bye, lovely.” Oh and then he does that in his perfect Irish voice.
“Bye.” And just like that, I hung up the phone. Woops.

I walked into the school, I saw the girls gushing over stuff that doesn’t matter, gossiping about the boys’ school, gossiping about other girls, and bragging about their party weekend. I just shrugged it all and went to my locker to get my books for the first two blocks. I had English first, and I couldn’t wait. Honestly, it was my best class and I take great pride of it being my favourite and best class.
After English, I had Math which thankfully went by quick, yet unfortunately I did get picked on a couple times. Not harsh enough that I couldn’t take it, but still. It was harsh. Soon after, I had break, and I managed to hide for the full 20 minutes. Next was the hardest class of the day; physical education. PE was tough because we didn’t have changing stalls for some reason. We either had to change in small tiny bathroom stalls, or we had to change out in public. Almost no one picked the bathroom stalls, because it could barely fit the toilet. You could only imagine how many times I considered just getting over my fear of claustrophobia and change in the bathroom stalls, but I couldn’t. Sometimes, it’s so bad that I have to wait until the population in the changing rooms is very low to change. How sad is that, not being able to change as normal.

This week, we were doing indoor basketball, and to be honest, it sucked. I don’t know how to throw a ball, or catch a ball or dodge people or anything. I’m just a target, and I’m always a dread to the rest of my teammates. But I didn’t really mind, I never got the ball, so I never risked the chance of losing the ball possession for my team. It was almost like an unspoken agreement between us.

Today was no different in the changing rooms. I tried to wait until most of the girls cleared out, but I heard taunts and everything. I almost couldn’t take it; I almost cracked in front of the girls. I could feel my eyes brimming with tears while I sat down on the bench, trying to forget the girls, but I couldn’t. They were so loud and so hurtful. I tried to take deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out. But nothing helped. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I tried to get changed as fast as I can, and listen to as little taunts as I could. Once I was done, I locked my clothes inside the lockers, and ran out to the gym. I took another deep breath before tying my hair up in a high ponytail.

Once I was OK, I stretched my muscles as I waited for the other girls to pour in. I got up, trying to avoid the girls, but unfortunately for me, I got painful shoulder jabs, even though I tried to resist them.
I just hope this goes by as fast as English.
As soon as that bell signaled the end of class, I dropped the basketball and zoomed to get inside the changing room to change as fast as I could. Thankfully, the girls only came in when I was done putting on my shoes.
“Did you see Emma today? She’s such shit at basketball, why doesn’t she drop it all together?” One of the girls said.
“Why doesn’t she just drop dead instead?” The other said, laughing her laugh. I recognized them to be Amanda and Olivia.
“I saw her this weekend, she was One Direction. Oh yeah, speaking of the boys, I got Niall’s number. He said it was an absolute dread hanging out with her. He also said he was only in it ‘cause one of the boys bet him that he couldn’t stick to a girl, so he decided to put her as his lab rat,” Amanda smirked, knowing that I could hear her. My ears and heart burned in fury. Soon enough, so were my eyes. I shoved myself out of there, purposefully bumping into Amanda.
It’s not true, it’s not true. She’s only trying to start something. It’s not true, it’s not true. I tried convincing myself. I don’t know if it worked or I was just tired of thinking about everything, but I got through lunch, which was after PE, without doing anything irrational and stupid.
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almost 100 readers.
26 subscribers
and 10 comments.
thank you guys so much, honestly I never thought I'd get this much.
sorry for being a shit updater, i know i say that everytime i update.
but really, I am.

anyway, i hope you guys liked this.
this is how emma's school life is.
i don't know what else to say except for
i love you guys.

ohand. uhh
i think i'm going to create a tumblr page just for this story, because the one i gave you
doesn't have the story & because people i know go on that page
and i'm a little shy to post it.
so yeah.

OHAND. last thing.
does anyone know how to put those pretty little page breaker thingies? cause ----- isn't pretty, lol. jw, & tnx. c: