Status: in the process of writing!

How I Met Him

Chapter Six

We finally got to the movie theatre, half an hour later. I learned that Niall liked to have two popcorns, medium and a large soft drink before and during a movie. Yet, to this day, I still don’t understand why he wouldn’t get large popcorn.

We went inside the movie theatre and I forgot about Niall being in a successful, young band because all of the sudden there were whispers coming from teenage girls and almost in a second, they were flocking him, trying to get an autograph, a picture, a tweet-back, anything for a memorabilia from him. I didn’t mind at all, I took pictures of the lucky girls and him, offered a pen when they didn’t have one. One girl asked him who I was and my eyes widened, as did Niall’s.

“Uh-um,” I struggled to say something, Niall mimicking me, “I’m, err,” stallstallstall “Ah, you’ve caught me. I’m his cousin!” I quickly made up and put on a fake smile. I didn’t see how Niall responded, but I’m sure he did the same.

“Oh, really? You’re quite pretty,” she boldly said and I smiled for real telling her thank-you and that she was gorgeous as well. Niall looked at me and smiled to himself, quickly finishing up the last of pictures and autographs. He hugged them all and thanked them for their support and waved goodbye to them.

“So, you’re my cousin, eh? Not awkward at all, love,” he cheekily grinned at me, “unfortunately, I’ve got to refrain from holding my cousin’s hand, ‘cos that’s quite awkward, heh,” he chuckled. I groaned and lightly hit my forehead before looking at him.

“Darn it! I wish I had better saves. Your hands were super warm and nice,” I sucked in a deep breath before realizing that I admitted that I liked holding his hand. My eyes widened at the realization and my mind adapted the panic emotion: biting my lower lip and spluttering something unintelligible. He looked like he was having fun laughing at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up quickly.

“Oh, love! You’re honestly too cute for me,” he nudged at me.

We walked over to the concession stand, ordering two large popcorns, a raspberry slushy for me (paid by him because I’ve won one), and a large Cola with ice. We paid and made our way to dark room, sitting down next to each other at the back, and lifting the arm chair to make space for our popcorn. There was barely anyone watching the movie, except for a couple families. Suddenly the movie started, and the title screen came up before I started giggling again. I was hushed very loudly at and I stopped.

“You got us tickets to Up?” I asked, giggling very softly. His cheeks were painted a rosy red before fumbling with his movie ticket.
“Oh shi-shoot, I guess I did, my bad,” he awkwardly giggled. I patted his hand softly, and shrugged.

“Since we’re already here, why not. Plus, I really liked the previews and trailers! They looked so cool and cute!” I quickly said, in a hushed tone.


“Well, that was great, amazing, wonderful, and brilliant!” I critiqued. We had just gotten out of the movie and Niall seemed to like the movie, too, yet he was a little bit quiet.

“Niall are you alright? You seem a little… Frozen,” I noted. I tried to remember when he first started being like this, but unfortunately; I was too sucked in to the movie.

“No, I’m grand, just the movie freaked me out a bit. Balloons being tied to a house isn’t really my thing,” he flashed me his award winning smile. I smiled back, and swung our hands back and forth to a mild level.

“And now? Now, we go eat again,” he stated, clicking the button on his car remote.

“Niall, we just ate! Isn’t there a rule, like you have to wait an hour before you eat?” We skipped down the steps, locating his car quickly, and attempting to hide from the biting cold weather.
“Sweetie, I think that’s for swimming. Plus, there isn’t enough time in the world to eat. I was thinking Nando’s?” I smiled at my hands, shaking my head and then agreeing.

“You sure know how to convince me.”

“Or maybe you’re attracted to me and my dashing good looks,” he winked at me.

“Oh yes, definitely that, mmhm,” I joked. The ride kept getting better because we bonded more, and joked more. It was quite easy to befriend him; he was such a sweet, bubbly and charismatic boy. He wasn’t intimidating at all, which I found to be great for me.

Before we reached Nando’s, however, his car phone started ringing and on the screen appeared a name: Lou . He pressed the accept button and kept driving, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the gear. If you ask me, it was a great pose to check him out.

“Hey, Niallers. Where are you? You’ve disappeared on us mate!” Louis started.

“Nah, I’m going to Nando’s with Emma, remember her?” He quickly looked at me. I felt a little awkward, not knowing if the boys needed him or whatnot.

“Are you with her now? Hey Emma! Oh how awkward would it be if she wasn’t there,” Louis sighed to himself.

“Hi Louis. How are you today?” I asked politely. I didn’t know what else to say so I kept my hands in my lap, looking out.

“I’m fine, thank you for asking. How are you?” I replied, and Niall grinned at me, pulling my fingers from my lap.

“Is there a reason you called, Tommo?”

“Yeah, well, not anymore, but we were just wonderin’ where you were, you didn’t tell any of us, or anythin’. We were kinda worried about
you, son!”

“I told Liam before I went out; he said it was free schedule today, innit?”

“Not really, we just had to be in studio for today. But it’s alright, I guess. After Nando’s?” Well, now I felt bad. I was intruding on the boys’ couple days ‘off’. I gently poked Niall in the hip and whispered that if he was busy, I could just call my mum and have her pick me up at Nando’s.

“Nonsense Emma, that’s rude, and plus we’re on a fun day together. What if you came with us? Watch how we really act when there aren’t cameras and people stuffed up in the room,” he raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

“Eyes on the road, Niall, I don’t want to die just yet,” I thought for a couple minutes. If I left now, I wouldn’t have anything else to do at home. But if I went with them, I could see who they really were, not the boys on the cover of teen magazines.

“Do you think I could go? Would it go smooth with… Whoever’s there?” I saw a gorgeous smile creep on his mouth as he relaxed. He called Louis back and asked him if I could come with.

“I don’t know why you asked Niall, it’s cool with me and the boys. Management’s an ass, but who cares about them, really. Bring her in, it’ll be fun,” and I could hear the other boys agreeing.

“Cool, I’m at the last turn before so I’ll see you kids later,” cue the protests about kids from the boys and a hang up from Niall.

“Awesome, I guess I’m gonna see One Direction be themselves,” I said to myself before looking at Niall once again.

“Awesome.” Niall agreed, smiling his amazing smile.
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i'm so sorry.
fhgaidfiaud i'm seriously super sorry.
i didn't know where this was going, and it annoyed me.
it's not even that good, but I just wanted to get this over with ohgod.

i didn't even finish chapter six until like, legit yesterday. i'm seriously super sorry.

one month. :c
but, i hope you guys had a good new year and school and whatever you kiddos did for the past month.
and if i haven't apologised enough, here's another one, sorry.

buuuut, moving on. finished chapter 7, and now im onto chapter 8.
hope you kiddos like this.

+last thing, i've got a tumblr, if anyone would like to follow me. :'D
i post a lot of different stuff. and i have no idea what else to say.
when i reach chapter 10 of how I met him, i'm planning to put it on tomblar.