Status: 29 of 50



Have you ever experienced a moment of sheer bliss? If you have you know it’s the most amazing feeling in the world, but the one major flaw in it all is that it’s only a moment. A moment is a lot smaller than it seems. By the time you have read one sentence hundreds of moments have probably passed. What makes a moment of pure bliss worse is that moment is so amazing it disappears faster than even a regular moment. This is my moment of pure bliss….

I was excited. It was my first concert, and it was of my favorite band, Allstar Weekend. What can I say, I love those boys. I especially did then, around then I was 18, turning 19. Now I’m 23, so it was s few years back. I went to the concert with VIP. They sung some songs and answered some questions. It was fun and hilarious. They were a riot. They were the kind of people I wish were my friends. Anyway so everyone got a picture with them, and when it was my turn I went up to them, gave them all a hug and stood in between the bassist, Cameron, and the drummer, Michael. Cameron took his arm, placed it around me and pulled me towards him. That right there is my moment of pure bliss with him pulling me towards him for the picture. That’s it my moment of bliss. In that simple moment I felt special. I’ve seen them in concert a few times since then, and I have met them twice since that time. I have never relived that moment again though because each time I somehow always manage not to be standing next to Cameron. I wish I was every time, but I love all the band members so who am I to complain?

I walk into a coffee shop and order my hot chocolate only to see Cameron walk in. I walk up to him say hello, and explain I’m a fan. He hugs me and asks if I want to join him for a drink saying that he remembers me. I agree, and after we both get our drinks we sit down, and we talk, and talk for hours and hours on end. That was another moment of sheer bliss, thought it didn’t top the other moment. Then we exchanged numbers and now we are best friends. I have my best friend all because of one simply moment of sheer hopeless bliss.

Now if only he would see that I love him more than a friend should….