Status: Left for Dead

Gred and Forge

Lets Not Make This Awkward

Coming to a daze, my mind felt instantly awake as I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, looking around feeling lost. Certainly I was only out for a couple of seconds, but that didn’t explain why I was inside a dark… a dark room I suppose. Looking around I noticed it was much too small to be a room, and certainly not at all like the class room I was in earlier. It must be a closet. Panic rushed over my body and I quickly stood up, looking for any indication of a door as I forced my eyes to adjust to the dark.

“Hey, Ella, where are you going?”

I jumped at the voice coming from behind me. It didn’t occur to me that someone else was in the closet with me, and he was definitely one of the Weasley Twins.

“What am I doing in here!? Let me out, this isn’t funny!” I said frantically, turning around towards the voice.

“Whoa, what are you talking about?!” I patted my robes, hoping to find my wand, but he had already beat me too it.

“Fred?” by now, I was beyond confused. His hair looked like a complete mess, his tie was coming out of his disheveled sweater, and his face was slightly pink.

“Yeah… Okay what’s you’re problem? Are you regretting all of… of…” He started making weird hand gestures, causing the light emitting from the end of his wand to light up random parts of the closet.

“All of what Fred? Spit it out!” I snapped, growing beyond curious and even more impatient, “Because as much as I remember the last thing I can possibly regret is either that nickname that you keep calling me or drinking that stupid potion that just caused me to black out and wake up in a bloody closet!”

As I stared exasperated at him, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “Wait, you’re telling me that you can’t remember a thing after you drank that potion? Nothing?”

“No. Not a damn thing.”

“Hold on,” he walked past me and easily found the door, causing the room to flood with light. I noticed Emily and George on the other side looking curiously in at us, and before Fred stepped out he told me to stay here and closed the door.

Sinking to the floor, I ran a hand through my hair, taking in how disheveled it was, making me question more than ever what actually happened.

I heard voices from outside the door, but they were by far too muffled to make out what they actually said, so instead I stayed on the floor, waiting for Fred to come back and explain to me.
After about a good five minutes he reentered the dark closet, looking slightly distraught. I just looked at him, waiting to see what he had to say. Uncomfortably Fred played with his robes deciding how to start, I suppose. Either that or he was waiting for me to start the conversation. Drawing in a deep breath I was getting ready to start talking, but instead he decided to go first.

“Listen, after you drank that love potion… well, let’s just say it really worked.”

I raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”

“Umm… well you dragged me into the closet and we snogged for about a good 20 minutes,” He ran his hand through his hair and looked at the ground nervously. I felt my jaw drop and a blush instantly found its way to my face, burning underneath my flesh. “It was quiet enjoyable actually so don’t worry about how well you did.” He muttered.

My brain couldn’t even comprehend what he just told me. Part of me felt extremely embarrassed while another part wanted to slap Fred for taking ‘advantage’, so to say, of me. But there was this odd sense of satisfaction that just happened to prevent me from doing so.

Once I finally straightened out my thoughts (some-what at least) I opened my mouth, “Fred?”

“Yes love?”

“Is it going to be awkward between us now that all of that had happened?”

As he sighed, I heard Fred sit down right next to me, “Well it’s only going to be as awkward as we make it be I suppose.”

“I don’t want it to be awkward, and since you are the only one who can remember any of it, this is all resting on your shoulders,” Fred chuckled and I smiled as the tension between us was released.

“Thanks for adding the pressure.”

“And if you mess it up I will kill you,” I added, pushing myself up from the floor.

“Oh, and that just made it so much better,” He chuckled, also standing up.

Finding my way through the dark, I felt the door handle and quickly twisted it open. Stepping out I almost burst out into laughter, because before me my best friend was kissing a Weasley twin.

“Oy George!” Fred yelled behind me. The ‘couple’ stopped and turned around looking at us with shocked expressions, like those a child has after they’ve been caught in the cookie jar.

“Don’t tell me the only way you can get a bird is by giving her a love potion,” I teased, crossing my arms over my chest.

“No love potion here,” George said, turning around and looking at me. His ears were slightly pink and he had a very content smirk upon his face. Emily smiled from next to him and gave me thumbs up with an excited smile.
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short chapter bros.... umm, Im going to try and do weekly updates now! Yes I am actually going to be more on top of this story!
oh and by the way, story comments make me happy :)