We Can't Wake Up

Harry Potter is Coming to Hogwarts

Marcus felt like someone was stabbing his chest. The pain shot through like a bullet. Marcus walked quickly away from the clearing, as fast as he could as if he could walk away from the pain that felt like it would cripple him.

Nobody dared to stop him as he walked through the castle, so black and dark was his expression. His eyes were cold and blank, not actually registering the presence of others.

“Articulate,” he muttered and the stone wall slid across. People in the common room stared as he walked quickly upstairs. Those few who were in that room fled down to the common room as Marcus flung himself down upon his bed and drew the curtain around him. He lay still on his back, the pain pounding through his body. He turned onto his side and drew his knees up.

Marcus felt weak, letting these stupid emotions overrun his mind. He had used to be strong; nothing could ever get past him…..until now. Now that Anne had come along Marcus didn’t know what was happening to him.

Could it be love? Marcus shuddered. How could someone as powerful as him be destroyed by such a weak emotion? The pain throbbed again and Marcus paused. If love if such a weak emotion, why does it cause so much pain? he wondered. He rolled back onto his back and lay with his arms behind his head.

He thought of his time spent with Anne, how she made him feel almost…..peaceful. How could one girl control my emotions? The thought puzzled him exceedingly. Anne was his enigma. He could not work out how she could entirely destroy his resolve. Against his better judgment, today he had, infront of everyone, saved her. Therefore showing everyone that he cared about her. And now he had gone and basically stabbed her through the heart.

Or have I stabbed myself in the heart? Marcus wondered. This pain feels like I am stabbing myself repeatedly. Marcus closed his eyes. Immediately Anne’s face swam into his mind. He could see her perfect features, the exact shape of her lips, the way her eyes danced as she smiled, her dark beautiful hair, her laugh that was the most beautiful sound in the world. The way she kissed, Marcus sighed just imagining it. Her soft, warm lips against his own hard ones; the taste of her mouth, the feel of his hands in her hair, pulling her closer to him.

Marcus moaned softly and rolled onto his stomach burying his face in his pillow.

The next morning excitement was palpable in the air. Marcus glanced at the notice board hanging in the entrance hall. Marcus walked up to it cautiously. There was a large notice.

Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts!
Every witch and wizard is invited to see him this Saturday.
See your Head of House for more detail!

Marcus scowled heavily. Harry Potter to be in the very same building as himself. The boy Who Lived. The mere teenager who defeated the great Lord Voldemort.

Marcus pushed his way angrily out of the crowd. He saw Anne standing on the edge straining to see the sign. She looked over and saw him, her face crumpled in hurt and she turned away. A tall, solidly built boy put his hand on her shoulder. Marcus saw Percy Houston and the cool rage began to bubble in his stomach. Anne lifted her face and smiled gratefully at Percy, they proceeded to walk into breakfast together.

The emotion swept violently through Marcus’ body and threatened to take over his mind. He walked outside and hurried down to the clearing where he flung himself upon the ground in frustration. He was cold all over; his brain felt as if it were disconnected from his body, as if he didn’t have any control at all.