We Can't Wake Up

A Horcrux

Marcus was not far away from where now Percy lay dead, his father standing over him. But his mind was no longer on them.

Searing pain filled his mind. Voldemort stood infront of him, transparent and silent. Marcus’ face contorted and he slumped to his knees. His mouth hung open but no sound of pain escaped his lips.

There was a stabbing in his chest, a ripping noise from within. Marcus gasped and breathed out slowly. A mist formed infront of him and Marcus blinked in surprise.

Now!” Voldemort snarled.

Marcus looked at the fragile bracelet lying on the cool grass infront of him. He grabbed his wand from beside him and stood.

Eyes blazing cold fire, Marcus pointed his wand at the mist. Marcus cried out in agony as the pain filled his chest once again. He felt as though there were something buried in his chest ripping him apart.

NOW!” Voldemort screeched. Marcus pushed the mist towards the bracelet, the pain becoming stronger with every centimetre that it moved.

Marcus screamed as pain he had never felt before in his life took hold of him. The mist enveloped the bracelet and slowly sunk into it. Marcus fell to the ground and clutched his head as a pounding noise filled it completely. He could no longer hear, see or feel anything.

Suddenly the pain stopped, and Marcus sat up looking around, watching for anyone who might have been witness. The bracelet lay before him. It had taken on an odd green sheen. It was so faint that Marcus could only just see it. He looked at it carefully and then pocketed it.

Voldemort watched him carefully as he walked over to the stone. He sneered as Marcus stood infront of him.

Marcus watched him, his eyes cold and distant. He stooped and picked up the stone and pocketed it. Marcus had expected to feel empty, but he didn’t. He didn’t feel whole either. Marcus knew that the slight hollow feeling would be there for all time.

When Marcus returned home, Thomas and Mary were still asleep. He walked quickly up to his room, changed and got into bed.

He had made his first Horcrux.
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This one is rather short, but yeah.
:D I just saw that I have 22 subscribers for this story.
Woah, that is seriously cool. :P