We Can't Wake Up

Unsure and Fragile

The end of the school year came too quickly for Marcus’ liking. He passed all his exams and topped most of them.

Two days before they were due to leave to go home for the holidays, Marcus was walking beside the lake. He could hear the distant laughter of other students as they wandered around the castle grounds.

The sun was strong and warm, heating his skin through his dark school robes. The light reflecting off the lake caused him to squint slightly as he looked towards the horizon.

Marcus stopped and sat down on a log beside the lake. The water rippled slightly and Marcus watched as a mermaid leapt out, flipped and disappeared again.

Anne stood near a tree watching him. They hadn’t talked much since the ball but they had seen each other nearly every day. Anne could sense whenever she was with him that something was wrong, something was confusing him and he didn’t know what to do about it.

She watched as he raked his fingers through his hair and drew a leg up onto the log and rested his chin upon it. She had never seen him look so unsure and fragile. Usually he was the very essence of strength and independence. Anne always wondered what he was thinking about when they were together. He always looked as if he wanted to say something to her, but he had hardly said anything to anyone since the ball.

Please be all mine, the words danced around in her memory. He hadn’t explained what he meant or even continued along that line of thought. But the words filled her with such happiness that it seemed impossible. Please be all mine.

She walked down slowly towards him, her robes swishing along in the grass. He didn’t turn or look up when she stood behind him and gently brushed his hair. He moved his head so that his cheek rested on his knee and he closed his eyes.

Anne but her lip and moved so that she was sitting down beside him. His eyes remained closed but his lips moved soundlessly to form her name. The sun warmed his face and the red light he could see behind his closed lids was pleasant. He knew that Anne sat beside him; he knew it was her hand that was now against his cheek.

“Marcus,” she spoke softly not wanting to dissolve the peace of their current situation.

He opened his eyes and looked at her; the sun shining onto her olive skin, her dark eyes watching him closely. He reached up and took the hand that was resting against his cheek. He watched her closely as he kissed the palm of her hand. Anne closed her eyes momentarily and she smiled slightly. Marcus lifted his head and with his spare hand he gently stroked her cheek.

Anne’s smiled grew wider and she moved closer to him. Marcus stopped stroking her cheek and wrapped his arm around her shoulders bringing her even closer and rested his head on her shoulder. Anne sighed softly as she wrapped her arm around his neck.

They both sat with their eyes closed, Marcus feeling her heart beat against his chest, and Anne listened to his quiet and steady breathing.

Marcus kissed her neck as he thought of the holidays, of all the time that he would not see her. He thought of the ball and the things that had happened since then. He thought of Harry Potter and how even though he felt this peace when he was with Anne the hatred he felt towards this man still bubbled inside of him.

It was all he had known before the beginning of the year. All he knew was the hatred for Harry Potter and the distance he felt from all other people. But Anne had changed that, now he felt peace when he was with her and she was with him.

Two days later they sat in a train compartment together, alone. Marcus sat next to the window and Anne rested against him. His fingers running through her hair as he watched the scenery.

He looked at Anne when she shifted against him. She too was looking at him and she smiled. That smile caused every bad thought to flee from Marcus’ mind. Every part of his mind was entirely focused on her.

“Anne,” he said quietly “Thankyou,”

Anne raised her eyebrows and waited a few moments before speaking. “For what?”

“Everything,” he said in the same tone as before. Marcus wasn’t entirely sure what he meant, but he didn’t know how to say what he truly wanted to say to her. He smiled slightly.

Anne watched as she saw a smile creep onto his face. It was not a bitter or sarcastic or even cruel smile. It was a genuine smile, albeit small.

Anne smiled slightly, leant forward and kissed him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Last chapter of this story. :O
Thankyou to Budgie and KidDani06 for your opinions. :D

Here is a link to the sequel - All You Wish For and All You Need :)

Oh and while I was procrastinating the other day (something I do rather well( I came across this picture and I thought it was pretty much how I had visualized Marcus. Image

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this last chapter of this story, and you will all subscribe to the sequel :D