Daddy's Little Girl


I shifted uncomfortably at the table where I sat finishing my homework. Senior year. Once it was done, I'd be up and out of here. Only a month left.

The other girls my age - Kaira, Leilani, and Missy - walked into the room and stared at me. I watched them warily, waiting for the slightest hint of a threat to throw my shit together and bolt out of the room. They were the obnoxious girls in the house, and they hated me. Why? Because instead of listening to their shitty gangster music that expressed nothing but knowledge of cuss words, I listened to bands like Falling In Reverse and Kamelot. I pushed my red hair out of my eyes and stared back at them, not showing any fear despite the fact that they'd shoved my face into a toilet one too many times.

"So it looks like that bull shit letter you wrote didn't make it, huh, Ricky?" Kaira said. I put my pencil back to my paper and started writing again, still keeping my eyes on the three girls. Even as I watched, Missy - the only white girl in the house besides me - sidled around the other side of the table. I slowly shuffled my paper together and placed it carefully inside of the book, gathering it into my arms.

"We told you it wouldn't work," Leilani said, her Hispanic accent obvious. Missy was halfway around the table now. Leilani started following her. "Why don't you listen to some real music, huh, Ricky?"

I smiled suddenly, as Missy took her place behind me and Leilani positioned herself on the other side of the table, directly across from me. I stood slowly and said, "Music is like candy. It's better without the rappers."

That took them a while to understand, but by the time they did, I had already hoped up onto the table and over Kaira's short and thick body. They shouted after me but I had already started into the living room when the bell rang. I stopped just outside the door leading into the front hallway of the house, and the three caught up to me and grabbed me roughly as our caretaker sidled up to the door, ignoring us completely.

She opened the door and I tried to look around the sill to see who it was. Missy and Leilani held me in place however as Kaira moved around to stare up into my face. "Pay some respect, bitch," she said. I smiled masochistically down at her.

"Find something for me to respect, cu-"

"Rachel!" Mrs. Richards yelled. She walked forward and caught sight of us. She smiled at us as if we were toddlers merely play fighting, walked forward, pulled me out of their grasp, and walked me over to the door. "There's someone here to see you. He says you won a contest?"

A contest? I thought, surprised. What-? I looked up at my visitor and my heart stopped. It was Derek. The Derek, from Falling In Reverse.

"Hey," he said with a smile. "You sent a letter in. I'm here to pick you up - so you can come meet the band."

I smiled at him, turned back to look at the three angry girls, and mouthed, "Pay some respect."
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Alright, so we already have 8 subscribers. What's the dealio? Lol. I'm starting to talk like a wrapper. ;D
My friend told me that last week. I've been dying to use it. Lol.
While you're here, you should totes check this out. No rush.

Thanks for reading! Comments highly appreciated!!
