Status: In progress

Maybe I'm the One You Like

Drama doesn't follow me, it rides on my back.

It was a relief when math class ended. The teacher already hated me. Megan was probably going to tell Jack I’d pissed off the new girl, which would result in another lecture about my whoreish behavior, and, on top of all that, an incredibly sexy girl who I met not even two hours ago now hates my guts. Oh well. She’d get over it.

When the bell rang I picked up my backpack before following Peyton to the door. “What class do you have next?” I asked.

“Chemistry, go away,” she glared through gritted teeth. Bitch.

“Chemistry with...Mr. Blocker?” I asked, looking at my schedule. She groaned and picked up the pace. I followed.

“Look, I’m sorry for whatever I said that got you mad,” I told her. “I didn’t mean to make you mad or being out your PMS or whatever. But that offer to come over later is still good.”

Peyton stopped in the middle of the hallway and whipped around to face me. “Oh my god, why don’t you get it? I don’t fucking like you! You’re an asshole, I don’t want to fuck you, and I never will fuck you, so just get out of my face, you creep!” she snapped before stomped on my foot and running off in the other direction.

I stood there, dumbfounded, trying to process the recent display of events. In all my years, I have never met a girl that didn’t want me. Hell, girls were practically lining up for a chance to get in my pants. “Yeah well, you probably aren’t that good anyway!” I yelled after her, trying to recover. I ran my fingers through my hair and fought back the urge to run after her and slap her. She may be a new girl, but that certainly did not give her the right to be the bitch. I walked over to my locker and angry turned the dial until it unlocked. I slammed it open and grabbed my chemistry book.

“Dude, what did you do?” Jack glared, I jumped because seriously, he appeared out of fucking nowhere. “Megan told me about-”

“Don’t,” I warned as I pushed past him. Of course Megan texted him. Of course she made me look bad. Of course I was at fault here. That bitch. This wasn’t over.

“Alex, don’t you dare go after her,” Jack ordered.

“And why not?” I snapped. “She can’t fucking talk to me like that, does she know who I am?”

“Who do you think you are, Alex? You’re impossible sometimes.” He shook his head and walked away, and I kicked my locker in frustration before heading to chemistry with the she-devil.


I couldn’t have been happier to be home. I pulled into the driveway and parked, then popped open the trunk to get my backpack. I was in the process of locking the doors when a yellow school bus went by and stopped at the house next to mine. The house had been for sale all summer, ever since the crazy old couple that lived next to us had moved out due to God knows what. Sure I’d noticed the U-Haul that pulled up last week and bean moving things in, but I couldn’t recall anyone remotely close to my age being sighted next door. I leaned against my car to watch who it was, maybe it was someone hot who would make me forget all about my terrible day-

Those thoughts were immediately ruined as a short brunette hopped off the bus and walked slowly toward the house. My jaw dropped. This couldn’t be happening.

“What are you doing here?!” I yelled across the yard, making her jump. She jumped, turned around, and then glared in return.

“Please don’t tell me you live here,” she muttered, putting her hands on her hips. I smirked.

“Looks like it’s your lucky day.”

Peyton threw her arms up in the air and turned toward the house, and I glanced at her ass as she stomped away. “Hey wait!” I called after her.


“You’re hot.”

“You’re a pig.” And with that she walked up the steps and slammed the front door shut.

I sighed and let myself into my own house. “I’M HOME,” I yelled as I dropped my backpack and made to go upstairs. My mom came down the hall and stopped me.

“Alex, sweetie, go upstairs and put something nice on. We’re going to meet the new neighbors later. I’ve invited them over for dinner,” she said.

“WHAT?!” I shouted, causing my mom to jump.

“Oh don’t be so dramatic, I’m sure they’re nice. They’ve got a girl in your grade, maybe you’ll like her.”

“Doubt it,” I muttered, crossing my arms.

“Oh give her a chance.”

“I did in math today. I met her. Her name is Peyton and she’s the biggest bitch EVER.”

“Watch your language.”

I rolled my eyes. “Please don’t make me.”

“You are going to this dinner tonight and that’s final.”

Fuck my life.


When six o’clock rolled around I dragged myself downstairs and plopped down on the couch. I turned on the TV and ignored when the doorbell rang, hoping they would just go away. There was nothing good on. Of course.

“Alex, get that!” my mom yelled from the kitchen. I groaned and shut the TV off, made my way over to the front door, and opened it.

“Hello there, you must be Alex,” said a lady whom I assumed was Peyton’s mom. I nodded and stepped aside to let the family of three in. Her mom, dad, and finally Peyton herself walked over the threshold and into the living room.

“Hi,” I said to Peyton, who simply nodded in my direction. She was wearing a pink dress that was a little short if you ask me. It was hot.

“Um, my mom is in the kitchen,” I said awkwardly. “My dad isn’t home from work yet.”

“Oh that’s fine sweetie, I’m Mrs. Arnette, but you can call me Ella,” Peyton’s mom smiled. I nodded. She was quite enthusiastic; she talked with her hands and her short hairstyle bobbed and bounced with each gesture. She also looked a lot like Peyton. I could definitely see the resemblance.

“MOM,” I yelled over my shoulder. “WE’VE GOT COMPANY HERE.”

I heard Peyton giggle as mom hurried into the room. “Hello, I’m sorry, I’m Mrs. Gaskarth, oh you must be Peyton!” she gushed, and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah,” was her simple response.

“You’re adorable! Alex, don’t you think she looks adorable?!”

I shot my mom the death glare and crossed my arms.

“Why don’t you show Peyton your room?” Seriously? Are we five years old?

“Yeah okay, come on, Peyt,” I said quickly as I walked briskly over to the stairs. I thumped up the stairs without waiting for her to follow me and then padded down the hall to my bedroom. Once we were both in my room I sat down on my bed and stared at her. “I’m sorry my mom’s
so weird.”

She shrugged. “I’m sorry I moved here.”

“Okay, why are you such a bitch?!” I asked, instantly getting fired up.

“Why are you such an ass?” she shot back with a smirk. She crossed her arms over her chest and I noticed that the top of her dress had slid down a bit. Perfect.

“Why does the hot new girl have to be so damn stubborn?” I groaned.

“Why does the mildly attractive snob have to be so conceited?” I froze.

“You think I’m hot!”

“I said mildly attractive.”

“I knew it!” I yelled.

“That still doesn’t mean I’m going to fuck you.”

“Well we’ve gotta start somewhere, right?” I smirked.

Peyton rolled her eyes and stomped toward the door. “Arrogant boy,” she muttered before stomping down the stairs. I groaned in frustration and flopped down on my bed face first. And I thought I’d been making a bit of progress.


This evening would be impossible.
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Kay so, they're getting a bit longer and hopefully more interesting?
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