Status: In progress

Maybe I'm the One You Like

You're shallow as a shower.

“Thanks for driving me home.”

“No problem,” I replied as I pulled into Peyton’s driveway. “Sorry I made you miss the bus.”

“It’s alright,” she laughed. “Just next time, I won’t ask you for a shortcut.”

“Good idea.” After the dismissal bell rang I had headed down the hall, ready to just go home and take a nap or something, when I’d found Peyton wandering down the hall, looking for her locker. By the time I helped her find it, like the good person I am, the buses had left. And since our truce, the ride home had actually been enjoyable. Honestly, I hadn’t really wanted it to end.

“Well, this is my house, I’d better go,” she said. I nodded.

“I guess so.”

Peyton thanked me once again and got out of my car. She shut the door halfway but then opened it again. “Wait, Alex?”

“Yeah?” I asked.

“I met a guy today. Teddy Pike… is he a good guy?”

My forehead creased in confusion and I raised my eyebrows. “Huh?”

“He asked me out today, and since you seem to know he a good guy?”

“Uh… no,” I admitted. Personally, I hated that kid. He was the most obnoxious, horny guy in my grade. He was worse than me. “Don’t go out with him, he’s not who he seems to be.”

“Yeah, well, neither are you,” she replied. “I mean, I thought you were perverted, mean, arrogant, and well, you are, but underneath all you’re a good guy.”

I felt my face heat up and I shook my hair into my face, afraid that Peyton would make fun of me for getting embarrassed. “Uhm, thanks,” I mumbled.

“No problem. I think I’ll hang out with Teddy tomorrow though. Bye!” she slammed the door shut and skipped up the steps toward her house. As I pulled out of the driveway and watched Peyt enter her house, I noticed that her shirt was especially tight today, and that it brought out the color in her eyes, and she looked-

Stop it, Alex.


Peyton’s POV.

I ran up to my bedroom and looked out the window in time to watch Alex walk into his house. I smiled; glad I’d made peace with him. Life was so much easier now that we actually got along. His friends were funny, Megan and Kara were so nice, and I was actually making friends in Baltimore. On top of that, a guy is actually interested in me. Teddy Pike.

He was tall, blonde, and gorgeous, and he seemed like a nice guy, too. Alex didn’t like him, but who cared? This wasn’t about him.

He was in my AP English class. I was sitting in the back of the room, working on the assignment, when he came out of nowhere, introduced himself, gave me his number and told me that we should hang out some time.

Not something I would expect to happen, being the new girl.

I dove onto my bed and glanced at my closet for something to wear tomorrow. I found myself looking out the window at Alex’s house. Maybe he was right. Alex was Mr. Popular, but...but Teddy seemed so nice. I closed my curtains and turned back to the closet.

Alex would have to deal.


Alex’s POV.

I arrived at school the next morning late. My alarm never went off, my mother didn’t bother to wake me up before she left for work, and as a result I missed the first two periods and got to school with sopping wet hair as a result of a hasty shower. I was already in a pissy mood.

I stalked down the hallway and entered the lunch room. I wasn’t hungry, I’d eaten at home, so I looked for my friends and noticed that no one was at our table yet. Jack and Megan were standing by the door making out and being disgusting, Rian and Kara were being all coupley while paying for food, and who knew where Zack was. Great.

A group of freshman girls walked by in the midst of my dilemma, giggling and glancing over at me. One short brunette even called out “Hey sexy!” and I simply nodded at her, causing them all to squeal and hurry away. Who knew a wet head and facial hair was attractive.

Finally, I spotted Peyton. She was talking to Teddy Pike, but she was a familiar face and standing alone made me feel like an idiot. So I sauntered over to her and slung my arm
around her shoulder.

“Hiya, Peyt,” I greeted. She jumped. “How are you this fine day?”

“Hi, Alex,” she giggled.

“Try again, Gaskarth, this one’s mine,” Teddy glared. He was so defensive it was almost laughable, and if he weren’t talking about Peyton like she was a piece of meat, maybe I
actually would have laughed.

“Chill, Pike, she’s my neighbor,” I scoffed. Peyton nodded in agreement.

“I don’t like you, Gaskarth. You’ve slept with almost all these chicks already, and I never get a shot.”

“Because you spend all your time getting high,” I smirked, gripping Peyton tightly.

“Yeah?” Teddy took a step closer. “Well girls only sleep with you because-”

“Because I’m charming and good looking? Yeah, I’m aware. Now if you don’t mind, Peyton and I are going to eat lunch. Bye, bitch.” I dragged her over to our table, where everyone was now seated. Great, where were they ten minutes ago?

“He doesn’t like you,” Peyton laughed.

“No shit.”


“Because he’s a pothead,” I shrugged. Jack detached himself from Megan long enough to ask “Who?” but didn’t wait for an answer before Megan pulled him back in.

“Please, Peyton, don’t go out with him. He’s a selfish, critical, egotistical druggie who just wants to prove that he’s better than me. Obviously he’s not,” I shrugged, trying to lighten the mood. But inside I knew I had to do everything in my power to stop this from happening.
There was that weird feeling again, and I didn’t recognize it, but I didn’t like it.

“Nice try,” Peyton laughed. “But I’m still going to give him a shot.”

“Why is it that you’re willing to hang out with him, but when I offered you yelled at me?” I whined.

“Because he wanted to hang out and you wanted to fuck me,” she replied simply, causing Zack to snort. I kicked him under the table and glared.

“So you’re saying that if I hadn’t done that then you’ve would’ve given me a chance?” I asked.

Peyton shrugged. “Probably.”

“Since when does Alex Gaskarth care about more than a casual fuck?” Jack smirked, finally starting on his lunch.

“I don’t,” I shrugged, then sighed. Who was I really trying to convince?
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