Status: Active

Whispers of the heart

Ayame Chiyukie's Profile

Name: Ayame Chiyuki ( first to last name)
Race: Fire Wolf demon.
Height: a half of a inch past 5 feet.
Age: no one knows for sure, but she has the appearance of a 15 year old girl.
Hair: Black long choppy layers to mid back, with red tips that is blood inherited.
Eyes: Black normally, But when pushed over the limit her eyes turns blood red, and she gains incredible power.
Appearance: She looks human, Like most of her wolf pack members. Only wolf-ish thing about her is her sense boost. She is fit weight, and innocent looking to most who see her.
Place of birth: Fire region of the Ookami dens.
Occupation: Surviving.
Weapon: Shadow Claw.
Strength level : Unknown for now.
Advantage: Speed and Agility / Her senses cause of the half wolf. And she can withstand the heat of fire cause of the fire wolf.
Power source: Fire wolf, Her demon energy is blood red with strands of black and blue in it.

> Extra's.

Act's tough and like she doesn't care but secretly just wants to feel happiness again.
One of the strongest and only wolf demons from her pack left.
Hunted down by the other members who join'd another pack and betrayed hers.
Risk's her life for those who she feels close to.
Dislikes everyone to protect herself from getting hurt at first.

Ayame's story.

Ayame is a high strong fire wolf demon. Born in a village called Ookami's den in the fire region along with her sister Akio. Akio and Ayame look nothing alike, They are like complete opposites of each other, Akio has red hair with black tips, with red eyes that turn black, while Ayame is the other way around. Akio was born before Ayame was just by a few minutes, so she was suppose to take the lead seat when it came there time but as time passed the pack started to see the stronger younger sister Ayame as more of a suitable reasonable leader instead.
With a heart that was always tainted with evil since she was born, Akio got furious and planned a attack on the village with a few others and a couple of other packs. They took out everyone, Akio took out her parents with her own hands. Shinku couldn't stop her sister, and a whole other 3 and a half packs by herself so she did the only thing a poor child could do. Run.
She ran while her face drowned with tears, for who knows how long until she was in unfamiliar grounds where she lived by herself with her and nothing but the animals around. Trusting no one, or letting any one get close to her. She only wanted one thing, and that was to make her sister Akio dread the day she was born for taking not only her family away but her happyness in her heart.
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Hope you like it (:
More to come, and no my Sasuke story isnt over. xD
Im still working on it, Just wanted another project to keep myself busy (: