Status: Active

Whispers of the heart

So it's begins.

'Why.. Why me? What did I do, I Just wanna go home and be alone.. I really hate my life right now..' I thought to myself frustrated. watching the house grow closer with one eye open, To my surprise was a lot bigger then I thought it was. It was a mid shade of blue, A shade darker in some spots, lighter in others. From the outside it looked to be 2.. or 3 stories, with big windows, and a light brown oak looking door.

My head was throbbing, Hurting me so bad I swear I was hearing own heart beat inside my head. Lately my head has been having these strange pains, That come and go lasting a few minutes, I don't know what they are, All I know is that they hurt really bad. I bit down on my lip, to Retain my self from letting out whimpers of pain.

"Ayame.. Are you alright?.." My head jerked over to the boys at the sound of my name narrowing my eyes. " you seem a bit uncomfortable.." Kurama's tone of voice told me he wasn't trying to be smart, Just making sure I was okay. I bit my lip once again, lighting up my meaningless glare.

"What do you think?" I growled lowly at him at him, "Not like I asked for this. Do you think I really wanna be here right now?!" On cue after the yell I let escape from my body my head practically started screaming with pressure. On reflex my hands flew to the temples on my head, I closed pain filled eyes holding in the tears scratching at the back of my eyes.

"Hey! What's Wrong with Ayame?! She's glowing and.. stuff!"

I managed to hear over the throbbing in my ears, I didn't have to look up to know it was Kuwabara yelling. I couldn't open my mouth to answer, If I did I knew all that would be heard was screams exiting my body. So instead I just Grasped my head tighter and started to shift into the fetal position.

My senses started to fade, My vision was now just color blurs. And I felt wind blow around me as if I was in the center of a tornado, I no longer could hear voices, or sense anyone around me.

-No ones pov-

Eyes wide with shock, The three boys backed away from their new team mate who seemed to be stuck in a vortex of energy emerging from her little body. Blinded with Pain wide eyes streamed rivers of tears down her pale face.

"What.. What do we do guys!?" A fearful shaky voice escaped from Kuwabara, Who's eyes were stuck on the girl in front of him. Frozen by the force of her energy.

"Surprising, I never would have imagine this Onna would have this much potential." Hiei Mumbled quietly to him self, slightly wide eyed as well. Even for Hiei, This new energy was slightly over whelming. He stared at the girl expressionlessly, watching as her eyes slowly became dull. This power if not stopped soon, was gonna kill her.

{ Kurama. } He called out to his team mate , telepathically. Kurama nodded, Knowing what he was already gonna say, Slowly progressing twords the now whimpering Ayame.

Passing through the energy radiating off of the girls body, Ignoring the cuts and newly surfaced blood on him he reached down and touched her shoulders with glowing grey-ish aura around his hands.

"Ayame, Listen to me." Kurama called out to the poor girl who was now sobbing and shaking. He started to shake her slighty to pull her back to reality. "Ayame!" He shouted a bit louder.

-Ayame's pov-

Pain was filling up my body, I could hear nothing but the sound of my heart beating, Feel nothing but the wind around me blow furiously, I couldn't see anything but the blurring random color's all around me. 'Am I going to die?..' Was all I could think, As I felt my body energy grow slim.

"Ay.." I heard a faint voice mumble in the distance. Despite all the pain I was in, I forced myself to sync into it further. "Ayame! Focus on me, Force the extra energy out, Before it kills you off." I hear'd it order, to disfigured to figure out who was shouting out at me.

I didn't know if I could trust it, But at this moment my options were slim. Bracing my self, I inhaled slightly, Feeling blood leaking from the corner of my mouth leaving a metal taste in my mouth, I let out a scream, a scream that sounded like someone being murdered.
Slowly but surely I felt the pressure fade in my head, and my vision and other senses were returning to normal, with each passing moment, my screaming and tears died down as well.

Feeling back to normal, Well as normal as can be feeling like I just got the shit beat out of me, I feel forward slightly only to be caught in firm hands. I glanced up with my tired, dull eyes seeing Jade-Hue'd eyes staring back at me, Shifting my head I seen two more pairs of eyes staring at me with the same look as Kuramas, One set of Crimson and beady brown eyes.

Usualy I would have glared at someone for looking at me like I was weak. Every ounce of energy I had in my body was now gone, Leaving me only able to pant hardly. I continued to stare at them, as my eyes grew heavy, Darkness slowly eating away at my vision. I gave into it, and feel asleep in Kurama's arms.

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:3 Hopefully this one was a bit better, xD
Im trying t work on them sorry. (:
Hope you liked it.