Sequel: Master of Death
Status: Complete.

Favoured Child of the Moon

I Am Nuhem Aahmes

Harry rolled his eyes in impatience for the umpteenth time. This pointless Order meeting was the very definition of boring and he had better things to do than listen to Dumbledore’s inane drivel about the roundup of the last remaining Death Eaters.

The disturbing dreams he’d started having towards the end of his sixth year at Hogwarts were actually a tremendous help in the war, even if they kept Harry from so much as glancing in his hated Potions teacher’s direction. The dreams were disturbing to say the least, but after everything, Harry finally understood and was eternally grateful for them. Those dreams had made Harry darker in personality and when Voldemort came a’Knocking for his annual end of the school year battle, Harry finally had the skills, knowledge and willpower to cast the Killing Curse and rid the world of that wanker for good. Everyone had been astounded, of course, that little Harry, the Boy We Had All Forced This On, decided to even use the Killing Curse, even more so when he succeeded. Harry wondered if they all thought that he could vanquish the world’s darkest evil with a simple disarming spell…

They’d all wanted to know when Harry had started practising the Unforgivable Curse, especially since it took many tries before someone could successfully cast it. Harry had lied and said that he’d tried it on animals in the Forbidden Forest. No one had to know that Harry was that powerful. Some of them had also noticed that most of Harry’s spells he had been using against Voldemort and his Death Eaters were of a darker nature than what was taught at Hogwarts. The truth was that Harry had used a lot of the Dark Arts, but had lied again and said that he’d snuck into the restricted section and practiced them in the Forbidden Forest as well. It was nobody’s business where or when he had learned those spells originally.

And even if he weren’t pissed off and annoyed with everyone around him, he still wouldn’t tell them a damn thing. The Sorting Hat hadn’t wanted to put him in Slytherin for no reason.
Harry truly hoped this meeting would get over and done with. As far as he was concerned; he had done his part in the war by offing the sociopath and these good-for-nothing hypocrites could clean up the rest of the mess all by themselves.

Harry felt Snape looking at him and lifted his gaze to the other man. His Potions Professor looked as though he were trying very hard to solve an extremely intricate puzzle.

{First Person Point of View}

My gaze with Snape was broken when Dumbledore finally dismissed us. I sighed softly in relief and hurried to Snape’s side before he could depart Grimmauld Place like a bat out of hell.

It was the first time I had seen him since my birthday and I would be darned if I let the man get away from me before I had the chance to convince him of my place in his life.

I ducked in front of him and reached my arm around to catch the front of his robes. I very subtly lead him into an empty, unused parlour. Snape followed without much fuss and I didn’t know whether or not it was because he sensed I didn’t want to alert anyone to our private conversation or because he thought I might give him enough clues to figure out his puzzle.

I shut the door and locked it wandlessly and put up an extremely strong silencing charm. Snape felt the ripples of magic and raised an eyebrow at me.

“Oh, come now, surely you don’t believe like the rest of those Gryffindor idiots that I could possibly kill the Dark Lord on sheer dumb luck alone. You, out of everyone, must have realized how dark and powerful my spells were,” I taunted.

“Indeed,” he drawled, “none of that, however, tells me anything about why you dragged me here against my better judgement.”

“Fuck, Severus, you’re just as uptight as I remembered.”

His face showed his outrage at my use of his name, “Potter! You dare to presume-“

“Yes, yes, I dare,” I interrupted. “Now, do be quiet, because I have something of great import to tell you.”

He remained silent, intrigued by my words, but his hatred of me was etched all over his face.

“Surely you’ve noticed how much I look like him.”

His face drew into a blank and the lines around his eyes tightened. He knew exactly who I was talking about, but he was going to deny it.

Before he could, I interrupted him again.

“Severus, I look exactly like Nuhem and you can try to deny it as much as you like, but I know you and I know that you can see the resemblance. Now we both know that there is no chance on this earth that Potter could ever have cast the Killing Curse. He just didn’t have it in him. Potter also had no knowledge of the Dark Arts. Hell, he barely knew enough Defence just to keep him alive.”

I stopped talking and let my words sink in. Severus still looked intrigued but very confused.

“I talk like Nuhem, I look like him, I have his grace and his knowledge. I’m pretty sure I even smell like him. I am Nuhem Aahmes.”

He spluttered, “That’s absurd! It’s impossible!”

“And why is that, Severus?” I asked calmly.

“He’s dead,” he answered in a voice void of all his previous emotion.

“Merlin’s saggy scrotum! Are you a wizard or not, Sev? Or have the genes you gained from your filthy muggle father finally addled your brain?”

That shocked him into silence and I used the chance to finally tell him of what had become of his once lover.

“I’ve been reincarnated. And Harry Potter is my vessel. You can’t deny that it’s a perfect fit. We really do look a lot alike. Could have been brothers. Although the boy is a lot more kind-hearted and forgiving than I was, we do share many personality traits.”

Snape looked like he truly wanted to believe that I was really here, but his shock and scepticism was proving too much.

“Even if I believed you, which I assure you, Potter, I do not, how would this even have happened? When? There’s really not a lot known on the subject of reincarnation and I’ll be damned if I let you and your little Gryffindor friends try and pull the wool over my eyes. Granger could have easily found out that I was friends with Nuhem, although I cannot fathom how you and Weasley convinced her to partake in this juvenile plot. I’d think she’d have more sense.”

“You really do have a big stick up your arse, Sev,” I said as I gracefully sat down on the settee behind me.

“Potter!” he thundered, “This disrespect will not continue. Cease this juvenile behaviour at once so that I can leave this accursed house!”

“I thought you wanted me to explain how my reincarnation came to be. In any case, as someone who has personally had your cock up their arse, I think I’m allowed a little familiarity.”

“Nuhem and I were never lovers!” he denied.

“Severus,” I drawled with a sinful smirk, “I was there and I’m pretty sure I know how sex works and what it involves.”

He looked ready to protest, but I held up a hand to stop him and then motioned for him to sit.

He did so grudgingly and looked for all the world if he would rather be anywhere but here. I, of course, knew better. I knew Severus like no other and I could see the desperate want in his eyes for this all to be true.

“A few weeks after the winter holidays, I started having dreams, dreams of people I had never met, even though it felt like I knew them all my life. I thought they were just random dreams until I started dreaming about you. A much younger you. At first I wasn’t telling anyone about the dreams, because I thought they were only harmless dreams. But I certainly wasn’t going to tell anyone about my – sometimes erotic - dreams of my Potions Professor. Nobody would have a problem with my being gay – it is acceptable in the Wizarding World after all – but to tell people that I was lusting after someone who had made my life miserable ever since we met would earn me a one-way ticket to St Mungo’s Janus Thickey Ward,” I paused to address the expression on Severus’s face.

“Please don’t look at me that way, I was still Potter back then, I still loathed you and you’re not exactly the nicest person on the planet, Sev. Anyway, my personality began to darken and I felt myself retreating from the people I once counted as friends. Everyone annoyed me and I truly wished for nothing more than to be left alone. By the time the final battle rolled around, Potter and I had already blended enough for me to direct him in the fight and ultimately kill the Dark Lord.”

Severus looked positively riveted and I couldn’t blame him. As he’d explained, there was almost nothing known about reincarnation and it must sound fascinating to hear how someone went about possessing their host.

“Dumbledore is truly a fool. He still believes that the power the Dark Lord knew not was my ability to love. As if I could just walk up to the most powerful wizard alive and hug him to death. The idea was and still is absurd. No, the power not known was reincarnation. Voldemort had only been reborn before into his own body. He had the knowledge and magical ability he had the night Potter’s mother defeated him. I, however, with the reincarnation was able to combine mine and Potter’s powers and that brought the man’s downfall.

On the night of my seventeenth birthday, Potter and I truly became one, with my personality as the dominate of the two. Along with Potter’s body and memories, I gained a few personality traits, and all of Potter’s magical power, along with my own. I also have all of my memories, skills and knowledge. I am the Nuhem you once knew, only alive and improved.”

I got up and walked over to where Severus was sitting. I knelt down in front of him and took his hands in mine, “Severus, I came back from the dead for you. I defied space and time to come back to this world and get another chance at having a life with you. You are the centre of my universe and I love you.”

His breath caught at my words and I saw moisture gather in his once cold eyes.

“I would give anything to be with you, my beautiful Severus. I know that this form doesn’t please you, as I was once the son of James Potter. I know how much you hated him and I could never forgive him for what he did to you. I forsake my family for you Severus. I forsake the name Harry Potter and all his fame. I give up anything and everything I have for you. I would give you anything you asked of me. All I beg of you is to look past the hatred you once had for James and Harry and accept me as Nuhem. No one knows you like I do, no one could ever love you as much as I do. I beg of you to give our love another chance, so that we can have the life we wanted, together. I beg of you, Severus.”

The tears were streaming down my face, but I kept pleading with my eyes. After everything that we had gone through together, after all the hardships it took to get here, I wasn’t about to lose the man of my dreams. If he refused me now, I’d resort to every Slytherin trick I possessed to get him anyway.

He looked at me for a long time, before he pulled his hands from mine and reached up to the collar of his robes and started to unbutton them. I looked at him quizzically as he reached inside and pulled a chain from around his neck. He removed something from the chain before he picked up my left hand and slid my old engagement ring onto my third finger. I looked at the platinum snake biting its tail in wonder. It’s onyx eyes glittered in the candlelight and I felt fresh tears start to fall.

“I…” Severus cleared his throat before he could continue, “I know it was sacrilege to take it off your finger before I buried you, but I couldn’t bear to part with it after you spent so many hours looking at it with such delight.”

I blushed. “I couldn’t really help it; do you have any idea how happy it made me when you finally asked me to marry you? Fuck, Sev, you’re such a treasure, I was the luckiest man on earth.”

“You know how much I hate it when you call me things like that, Nuhem.”

“We’ve been apart for almost thirteen years, Sev, I think I’m allowed to describe you any way I want. Can we get married immediately?”

He looked shocked again, “Immediately? Why? Don’t you want to wait a while? Nuhem, you have a new chance at life and you could have anyone you wanted…”

“You’re right, I do have a new chance at life, but I came back to be with you. Not with someone younger or someone less cranky. Just you. Exactly as you are. I can sneak away tomorrow morning around five. Mrs Weasley doesn’t wake up until six and Mr Weasley isn’t working tomorrow. Sirius doesn’t come downstairs until he smells food. So I’ll see you at five?”

“Tomorrow? You want to get married tomorrow? Have you lost your mind?”

"What’s wrong with tomorrow? It’s a Tuesday, it’s good luck to get married on a Tuesday.”

“No, it isn’t. Where on earth do you get this drivel?”

“I’m just pulling your leg, Sev. But I really do want to get married tomorrow.”

“But why?” he asked.

“We just spent more than a decade apart and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Also, the longer we wait, the bigger the chance is that either you’ll change your mind or this useless excuse of a family I have might find out and try to prevent it. Please, just meet me tomorrow and make an honest man out of me.”

He sighed and rubbed at his eyes. “Alright, I’ll meet you and take you to get married.”

“Oh, thank you,” I gushed and leaned up to kiss him. Our lips met and it was just as good as I remembered.

The embrace quickly turned heated and we had most of our clothes off when I started hearing various Weasleys and Granger calling for me. I looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was time for dinner. We had been missing for over two hours and it was no wonder the Weasleys all sounded frantic. We quickly dressed and tried to smooth down our appearances. We put glamours over that which we could not fix, such as swollen lips and love bites.

I gave Severus one last kiss and reminded him about tomorrow and then I took down my spells surrounding the room and walked out to meet everyone in the kitchen. The family rushed to ask where I had been and I explained that I had fallen asleep on a couch. A few minutes later when we were all sitting at the kitchen table of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place and passing around food, the Potions Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry left a previously unused parlour and swept out of the Black house unseen by it’s occupants.
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Next update will be up in a day or two. There probably won't be more than 5-ish chapters. I'm writing this for Walking The and thought I might as well post it on Mibba as well.
