Sequel: Master of Death
Status: Complete.

Favoured Child of the Moon


The morning after the sexcapades, brought two very sore Slytherins to number 12 Grimmauld Place. We entered the house and headed straight for the kitchen where we could hear many people convening. I heard numerous voices and could only deduce that the whole Order was here.

I entered the kitchen first and several people shouted “Harry!” as if I didn’t know my own name. Gryffindors really weren’t very bright, it seemed.

Granger, my godfather and a bunch of Weasleys rushed to hug me. I held up my hands and took a step back, trying to get away from them. Luckily they noticed and stopped short of hugging me.

I like my personal space and I only find enjoyment in touching my husband. The rest should leave me alone.

“Harry, where have you been?” Granger asked.

“Yeah mate, we thought you’d been kidnapped,” Weasley added.

“I did leave a note,” I pointed out.

“Harry,” the werewolf said, “that was a foolish thing to do, it’s dangerous out there. You could have been hurt or worse.”

I clenched my hands in anger as everyone else in the room started to put their two knuts in about my behaviour and how dangerous it was.

“Enough!” I shouted. “First of all, I left a note. Second of all, the house is still under the Fidelius Charm, so it would have been impossible for anyone to kidnap me. I am no longer a child, I can go wherever I wish, without asking anyone’s permission.”

“But, Harry, your parents-“ Mrs Weasley started saying. I interrupted her before she could continue with her guilt trip.

“My parents are dead and I am of age. I was perfectly safe the whole time.”

Everyone looked shocked at my words. “Lily and James died so that you could live. Running off without telling anyone where you had gone and with no one accompanying you was incredibly foolish,” the Headmaster’s voice made me clench my jaw in anger.

Severus who was standing behind me, chose that moment to whisper in my ear, “Nuhem, they will never understand or let it go. You said so yourself. Just tell them that you are leaving and be done with it. I’ve already gathered all your things from the room you shared with Weasley. He lives more like a pig than a human, but I would expect nothing less from a Gryffindor.”

I smiled at the insult. If I were still Harry Potter, I would probably have been offended, but now I’m just glad that Severus sees me as his husband and not the son of his rival.

It was actually rather strange that Sev and I fell into our old relationship so quickly. As if we were never separated. But our relationship had always been like that. Easy. Passionate. Dark. Effortless. We understood each other like no other ever could.

We had our differences and our fights, but we were so similar at the same time and if my reincarnation was anything to go by; we were soul mates. Each one made for the other.

“This is getting us nowhere. This might be a surprise to all of you, but I don’t care what any of you think. I didn’t come back here so that you could all scold me. I simply came to get the rest of my things and to tell you that I will no longer be living in this house of horrors. Headmaster,” I said, turning to face him, “I formally request to be resorted. I made a mistake choosing Gryffindor all those years ago and if I have to spend another minute looking at that garish red and gold, I might just jump off of the Astronomy tower.”

Everybody in the room was shocked into silence.

“I think that hearing their Golden Boy Hero saying bad things about Gryffindor is probably too much to take in,” Severus whispered in my ear again. “Can you imagine their faces when you tell them we’re married…”

I gave a chuckle.

“I’m sorry, Harry, but I’m afraid that it’s against school rules to be resorted,” Dumbledore said. His face was drawn into a frown and I could see a muscle in his jaw tick. Things were obviously not going his way.

“If I may, Headmaster?” Severus asked. “There is no school rule that prohibits the changing of Houses. It is just never done, because there are few people Slytherin enough to convince the Sorting Hat to put them in another house.”

“Severus!” Professor McGonagall gasped, “Are you actually saying that you want Mr Potter in your House?”

Several other people voiced their outrage, until Sev held up a hand to silence them.

“He is more of a Slytherin than most of those already in my House. He will always be welcome. We Slytherins do not turn our backs on our Housemates after the first sign of trouble. As he is also a Speaker, it would be better for him to be in a House that accepts him and all his abilities.”

Most of the Weasleys and Order members started shouting at Severus.

“Silence! Headmaster, if you deny me the chance to be resorted, I will take my request to the school governors or the Minister. He, and all of you still owe me after I offed the Dark Lord for you. Honestly, you should all be ashamed; sending an eleven year old boy, who hardly knew how to hold his wand, to fight and kill one of the most powerful Dark Lords in existence. I truly don’t know how any of you can look yourself in the mirror. I will come by the school tomorrow to be resorted, Headmaster. Now on to the last matter before I take my leave; yesterday I married Severus Snape and legally changed my name to Nuhem Aahmes. I couldn’t give a flying fuck whether or not any of you agree or disagree with this choice. There is nothing that any of you can do about it. I was not forced nor blackmailed. We were married at the ministry and Neville Longbottom witnessed for us. It is done. Accept it or don’t, I do not care. Good day.” With that I turned around and left Number
Twelve Grimmauld place - hopefully never to return - my husband trailing behind me with an amused smirk on his face.


Our house was finally liveable by the next morning. Severus and I enjoyed a delicious breakfast – courtesy of our new house elves - outside on the patio, before we made our way to Diagon Alley. I needed a whole new wardrobe, as all of Harry Potter’s clothes were disgusting and had been burned at the earliest opportunity. Most of the clothes that I’d owned in my previous life, were terribly out-dated or just too old and falling apart. There was some things that even magic couldn’t fix. In any case, the part of me that was still Harry, was excited at finally getting new clothes that weren’t made for whales or King Kong.

Unfortunately, neither I, Harry, nor Severus liked to go shopping for something like clothes. There was no unspoken rule that all gay men had to like shopping…

When I was finally done being poked and prodded by several shop assistants, we Apparated to the gates of Hogwarts and then headed towards the Headmaster’s office.
Inside, there were more people than were needed for a simple resorting and I suspected that most of the Order of the Burning Chicken was there to try and get me away from Severus.

My husband sneered at everyone present and I followed his example.

Bloody Gryffindors would never be able to leave well enough alone.

“Harry!” everyone shouted and I got an overwhelming sense of Déjà vu. Did we not do this just yesterday? Apparently they were not only morons but repetitive morons as well. These imbeciles were going to keep me from my afternoon plans with my husband. That simply would not do.

“I did not know that being resorted was such a spectator’s event, but I suppose one cannot blame me for being ignorant of Wizarding customs, as I was raised by filthy, disgusting muggles,” I said with a sneer. “But, by all means, let’s get this over and done with. My husband and I have a potion’s lab to unpack and break in, not to mention that we’re still officially on honeymoon…”

Several people shuddered or groaned at my suggestion of sex. I let out a sigh. Admitting to finding Snape sexually desirable was like admitting to some exotic fetish for rubber, or tentacles, or gardening tools…

After being – in a sense – dead, for thirteen years, I thought that Severus was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Severus had actually snorted when I’d said as much to him.

He was attractive in a Dark way. I loved his mind. His intelligence and his dry humour. I loved how he only showed his true feelings to me and the way he let loose when we had sex. I adored being dominated by him. He was fierce, intense and a god in the bedroom. He was an inferno and I wanted nothing more than to be consumed.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and all eyes turned to him. “Harry,-“

“Mr Aahmes, if you will Headmaster,” I interrupted.

“Right, of course, Mr Aahmes,” the way he said my name made it sound like he had a stomach ulcer. “if you would please take a seat, then we will get you sorted.”

I sat on the only chair in the room, keeping my magic at the ready in case it was some kind of trap.

Professor McGonagall removed the Sorting Hat from the shelf where it rested and then placed it on my head.

“Ah, yes, Mr Aahmes, I remember you,” the Hat whispered in my ear. “Very bright. Pureblood. Came from a wealthy family known for their drabble in the Dark Arts. Now we finally understand why Mr Potter would have been better suited in that house as well. I stand by what I said before; Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness. Not that you wish to be great. I can see that. All you want is to be with your Potion’s Master. You two are very well suited. SLYTHERIN!”

McGonagall removed the hat and put it back where it belonged.

No one, except for Severus and I, looked pleased at the Hat’s decision.

I got up before anyone could try to keep me here with their inane babbling.

“I will be returning on the twenty-eighth with Severus to settle into our rooms. A good day to you all.”

We turned around and left before anyone could utter a word and hurried out of the castle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so none of the confrontations were really funny or as dramatic or as lengthy as I had wanted them, but this isn't so bad so I'm posting it.

The story's almost done since I can't really think of any else to add. I really should be focussing on my other stories but I'm incredibly lazy and fond of procrastination. I'm a terrible person and I should be stoned. ;)