Sequel: Master of Death
Status: Complete.

Favoured Child of the Moon

If Only We Could Have Known Your Greatness

{Third person point of view}

The weeks leading up to moving in at Hogwarts, were filled with making potions, fucking on every available surface in the house, having dinner or tea with the Malfoys and reclaiming the Potter seat in the Wizengamot.

Every old Wizarding family had a seat that went to the head of the family and Nuhem was intent on using the Potter’s seat. His own family didn’t have a seat as they originated from Egypt and had only been in Britain for the last three generations.

Lucius and Narcissa were delighted to hear that Nuhem had been reincarnated and seeing the sparkle return to Severus’s eyes brought a smile to their faces.

Draco was very displeased to know that Harry Potter was married to his godfather and most beloved professor. Not even the fact that he’d been made head boy and Potter hadn’t, would alleviate his suffering at having the boy who lived in his house; having tea with his mother and discussing politics with his father. He’d walked in on Nuhem and Severus kissing one day and had thrown a complete and utter temper tantrum.

It was hilarious. At least to Nuhem…

Draco’s father had been furious. Lucius had ordered Draco to apologise to the both of them and had forbidden Draco from eating with everyone at the table. He declared that if Draco was going to behave like a child then he would be treated like one, by sitting at a small table by himself in the corner.

Nuhem would be the picture of restraint and stoicism in Malfoy Manor, but as soon as the newlywed couple Apparated back home; he would dissolve in peals of laughter. Severus then had to resort to pouring a calming draught down his husband’s throat, all the while claiming that Nuhem was being just as childish as Draco.

Severus might not have liked it, but there was no denying that there was still bits and pieces of Potter left in his husband. Some days he couldn’t even believe that he had married the boy who had been a thorn in his side for years. But, then Nuhem would smile at him and all his fears would melt away as if they never were.

Severus wasn’t an emotional man by any stretch of the imagination, but when he awoke some nights from troubling dreams of the Dark Lord’s Killing Curse hitting Nuhem, he found himself gathering his sleeping husband in his arms and whispering words of love and devotion.

Nuhem would snuggle into him and sleep contentedly while Severus was an emotional wreck.

Only once did Nuhem wake up screaming, having had nightmares about all the death in the war.


Four days before they had to leave for Hogwarts, Nuhem decided to bring up his death and Severus’s part in it. He felt that they had to discuss it at some point and he didn’t want to do it at Hogwarts. He had also once seen Severus standing out in the yard, by the blossom tree that Nuhem had loved so much and where Severus had buried his fiancé. There was a black headstone with Nuhem’s name on it and the date of his death. The beautiful words had made Nuhem cry even harder when he’d seen them.

Nuhem Aahmes
19th of December 1962 - 4th of April 1981
He suffered for my mistakes. My heart and soul follow him. Eternally shall I be alone, for none could ever compare.

Nuhem had been so focussed on what he had lost when he’d died, that he had forgotten all the years that Severus had spent bitter and alone.

So, when they had finished eating lunch, Nuhem led his husband to the blossom tree and sat him down.

{First Person Point Of View}

“Nuhem, what are we doing here?” Severus asked me.

“We need to discuss my death. I know you don’t want to, but it has to happen. There are things that you aren’t aware of and it’s unfair of me to keep it to myself, even though it will only hurt you to hear it.”

“It’s my fault that you died it the first place, I deserve any and all pain that come with it.”

I pursed my lips. I half agreed with him, but what I was about to tell him; I wouldn’t wish on anyone.

“As you wish. You’re right that it was mostly your fault. I didn’t want to be a death eater but you forced me to go to the meeting anyway. I’m sorry that I said no to Voldemort and looking back, it was probably a stupid thing to do, considering the state I was in, but I didn’t want that life. I’d been to see our family mediwizard that morning and found out that I was two months pregnant,” I stopped talking to let the bomb I had just dropped, set in.

Severus was shocked into silence. A rare occurrence for him.

At first he looked like he didn’t understand what I was saying, but then horror dawned on his face.

I sighed, “Severus. Severus look at me.”

He wouldn’t meet my eyes and I could see that his fists were clenched. I moved to kneel in front of him and gathered him into my arms. At first he didn’t respond, but then he clutched me to him. I whispered soothing words, while great, heaving sobs tore from his throat and I felt tears sting my eyes. I didn’t allow myself to lose it, because I needed to be strong for him.

All those years ago, even though he had never said it, I knew how much he had longed for a family to call his own.

After a while, the sobs stopped, but I knew that silent tears were still running down his face.

He pulled away and looked at the headstone as if it had new meaning for him.

He lifted his wand and with a silent spell, engraved new words onto it.

Baby Aahmes
4th of April 1981
If only we could have known your greatness

“That’s beautiful, Severus, thank you,” I finally said.

He still wouldn’t meet my eyes.

And then, very softly, he said, “Why would you come back for me? After everything I’ve done? I’m a monster. I should have jumped in front of that Killing Curse for you. I should have protected my family. But I was a coward. I led you to your death. Led our… our chil-… our baby… How could you ever forgive me? I deserve to rot in Hell with Voldemort.”

“Severus! Don’t say things like that. I love you. Of course I would forgive you. You’re not a monster. Please, don’t say things like that.”

He didn’t hear me.

“I’m going to pack my things. I’ll live at Spinner’s End. You keep the manor. I’ll file for divorce tomorrow,” he continued, while starting to get up.

“What? No! You can’t leave. And I don’t want a divorce,” I panicked and grabbed on to him, to keep him from going.

“Let go of me, Nuhem! I don’t deserve your forgivness or your love. You made a mistake coming back for me. I’ll just ruin your life more. This way you’ll be free and you can find someone perfect for you.”

He looked so desolate and serious that I started crying.

“No! You’re not leaving! You’re perfect for me and I don’t want someone else.”

“Enough!” he yelled. “I’m leaving and you won’t convince me otherwise.” He shook me off and turned to leave.

I collapsed to the floor and watched as my entire world walked away.

Losing the baby had shattered my heart and now Severus had set fire to the pieces.

When he disappeared inside the house, I turned to look at the headstone to read Severus’s beautiful words. It only made me cry harder.

I ripped my shirt off since I couldn’t breathe and then I started clawing at my chest. The pain was unbearable.

I couldn’t see anymore and I felt very dizzy.

Eventually the blood loss and disrupted airflow to my lungs and brain made me pass out on my own grave.

Even in my pain, the irony wasn’t lost on me and then the darkness rushed to greet me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I cried while writing this chapter. We finally know what happened between them. It also explians why Severus was never a very pleasant person to be around and also why he left the Dark Lord's side. I thought that making Severus cry over the loss of the baby wasn't really in his character, but I was uncertain as to how else he would react. I think I made him too human. Oh well. Let me know what you think. Probably two more chapters left. Maybe one, but I doubt it.