We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

Liam... What?

After everyone hugged Kirstie and teased Tom a little bit, Kirstie and I babbled on about having babies. Mine was just due a lot sooner than hers. But it was still so exciting!

Once the baby talk was over with, the conversation quickly changed to music. Shocking, right? Ryan really wanted to know more about what Tom and the rest of McFly could do for him.

“You know, since the Busted tour ended, Charlie started doing his solo thing. That leaves James and Matt without a band…” Danny spoke up.

“Horrible idea,” I quickly butted in.

“What? Why?” Tom countered.

“Matt and her… have a past,” Ryan explained.

“You’re married and about to have a baby with this guy. What’s Matt have to do with anything?” Tom battled back.

“It’s just weird!” I complained.

“You two got along fine on tour,” Harry joined in now.

“Yeah… until Ryan came. Then he kept giving me dirty looks!” I groaned.

“I think you guys would work well together. All of them write. Matt can play bass. You and James play guitar. All of you sing. All you need is a drummer,” Danny said.

“How hard can it be to find a drummer?” Ryan smiled. He was getting excited about this. I wasn’t!

“We’ll call them to see if they’re interested for you if you want,” Tom pressed on.

“That’d be great,” Ryan grinned.

I can’t believe this was happening. I know the thing with Matt and I was years ago, but… it’s just… different. But I guess if that’s what Ryan wants to do…

It’s not like I’m going to be around it anyway… I’ll going to be staying home with the baby. Speaking of baby… I think I just… had a… no. It can’t be. I’m sure the baby was just kicking and it hurt a little more than usual. It’s nothing out of the…

“Ow,” I tired to be quiet, but it really hurt!

“What’s wrong?” Ryan asked quickly as his eyes fell on mine.

“It’s nothing,” I assured him.

“Why’d you say ow then?” he questioned.

“I’m fine,” I smiled at him.

He looked at me for a few more seconds before he finally looked away. Throughout the next five minutes, these pains… started to hurt even more. And it was so hard for me to hide it! Ryan caught on rather quickly… and he made me go to the hospital! The whole McFly gang, including Kirstie, tagged along too. My due date wasn’t for a few more weeks. I’m sure it’s nothing!

… but it was something.

I was in labor! Yeah, I was shocked too… along with everyone else! I wasn’t expecting the little guy to come so soon! But after nearly seven hours of labor, Ryan and I welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world. Oh my gosh, I was so overwhelmed by everything. And then I saw Ryan holding that little boy… and I lost it!

“Baby, don’t cry,” Ryan quickly cooed as he rushed over to sit by my side.

“It’s just… everything’s so amazing right now,” I pushed out.

“You haven’t even got to look at him yet,” he chuckled while holding the baby out for me that was tucked into blue blankets.

The second I saw him, all I could see was… Ryan. He looked so much like Ryan. From his nose to his lips to his little chin… right down to his big brown eyes. Oh, he was so cute! He was just… perfect in every way possible.

“We better give him a name before every busts in here and wants to see him and we just call him baby,” he taunted.

“I like the name Liam,” I told him through a small smile.

“I like that name too,” he replied through a bright smile.

“Liam… what?” I asked, unable to think of anything.

“Liam… Gavin,” Ryan came up with it.

“I love it,” I couldn’t contain my smile.

“Liam Gavin Key,” Ryan beamed as he took his little boy.

Once he was tucked into his tattooed arms, he started bouncing the baby around the room, causing him to coo. It was so cute. All I could do was smile. The sight in front of me was just way too cute. But I knew in only a matter of seconds my friends were going to be rushing into this room. I needed to soak up every moment I could until then.
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Omg Kirstie you need to watch Supernatural. They have this thing called Ghostfacers! It's so funny! I kind of want to watch it now... but my sister's watching Harry Potter...

