We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

Just Needed a Second

I managed to talk Ryan into leaving the little guy at home tonight. He was staying with a close friend that we were able to make while we were out here. I wasn’t sure the little guy was ready for all of this excitement. Maybe when he’s a little older… at least six months…

“I’m so excited for you,” I smiled after I gave his cheek a quick kiss.

“I am too. I’m glad you’re here,” he smiled back.

“Gotta support you, baby,” I continued to grin at him.

“You’ve been really good at that these past five years,” he replied.

I didn’t know what to reply with. That was so cute. So, instead, I gave his lips a gentle kiss. Once we parted, everyone was shooed to the stage. After they took their places, all the McFly guys, minus Harry, and Kirstie came to watch with me. The turn out was pretty impressive. I was surprised to be honest… and I had to go rock with the rest of crowd. I may have worked my way through the crowd to be with everyone. Hey! I haven’t done much since I’ve been pregnant. I was going to enjoy myself tonight… with my husband up there on stage!

They’re set was amazing. They had a great balance of Yellowcard and Busted… and they did, in fact, rock up the Busted songs. I liked it… a lot. Ryan even played ‘Fool with Dreams’. You remember? The Christmas present song. It was so beautiful. It almost made me cry again!

After everything, I worked my way back stage and bolted right to Ryan, wrapping him up in a big hug. I didn’t care how sweaty he was. That was so amazing. He was rocking out with a new band in a completely different country. I thought they were pretty darn amazing.

“Good job guys,” I grinned once Ryan and I parted.

“Did you like it?” Matt asked with so much excitement in his voice.

“I loved it. You guys work well together. I’m glad you decided to do this,’ I replied.

“Where’s Kirstie?” James asked, looking around.

“I don’t know. I parted from everyone once you guys started,” I countered and his face seemed to… fall. Like his whole facial expression… That was… odd.

“I saw you rocking out there,” Ryan cut off my thoughts about this whole James/Kirstie thing.

“Well duh!” I giggled.

“I think we should go hang out with everyone that came,” Matt spoke up as he hooked an arm around Ryan’s shoulders.

“You want to come, babe?” Ryan asked while glancing down at me.

“No, you guys go have fun,” I told him.

He smiled at me before he kissed my cheek and took off with Matt. I’m assuming they found James and went out to greet the fans that came. When they took off, I went on the look for Kirstie. I found her and Tom by the exit, standing in the doorway.

“She ok?” I asked, thinking maybe it got too hot for her and she needed some fresh air.

“Yeah, I’m fine… just needed… a second,” she replied.

I looked at her oddly, but she just smiled. Something was up. I looked at Tom for answers, but he just shrugged once I did. Maybe it’s just a pregnant thing. I was moody. I hope that’s what it is. But then again… I couldn’t really see what else it could be. I guess if it really bothered her, she would tell me… or at least I’d hope…
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