We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

You Two Love Each Other

So, I did it… I had that conversation with Ryan. It may have been two or three… or five days after Alex had mentioned it. At first, he seemed totally fine with it. He was happy actually. But as the tour started to wind down and we talked about me leaving, he didn’t seem so thrilled about the whole idea.

I’ve thought about this for so long that it’s nearly driven me bonkers! I want to go and do it… a lot actually. I miss being involved with music. Ryan has his thing going on… why can’t I?

But then, I’ll have to be away from Ryan for three months. Since we’ve moved here, we haven’t really been apart… at all. And then I’m taking Liam away from his dad. That can’t be easy on a one year old…

But I’m doing it! I’ve made up my mind. It’s something I have to do for myself. Ryan will accept it in time. Or so I hope…

I actually leave in the morning. The All Time Low tour had ended a few days ago, meaning Ryan was back home. Since that day, he’s kind of given me the cold shoulder. I was ok with it… for one day. But once it carried over to second, I got a little ticked. So we’re not really talking…

That night, I went to bed before he did. Liam actually fell asleep early, so I was going to take advantage of it. The two of us had a long day of traveling tomorrow. We both needed our sleep.

As I was lying there, staring at the wall, the door opened slowly before it closed too. Ryan’s feet shuffled across the carpet until weight was eased onto the bed. I thought he was lying down too. But that was until his arms snaked around my middle, followed by his lips leaving a gentle kiss in the crook of my neck. Even though we’ve been upset with each other, his actions made me smile.

“I love you,” he spoke gently with his lips staying right where they were.

“I love you too,” I pushed out softly.

“I’m sorry I got mad,” he went on.

“I hope so,” I muttered.

“I am… I promise,” he pressed on.

I let out a teasing sigh before I rolled over to be able to face him. In the little light that we had in the room, I could make out a small smile on his face.

“No matter how mad I get at you, you’re still the most amazing woman in the world,” he said while running his hand through my hair.

“You’re supposed to say that. You’re my hubby,” I snickered.

“I know, but… it’s true,” he beamed.

I just smiled and reached over to leave a soft kiss on his nose. He was being super cute. Why was he doing this now? I have to leave in a few hours and he’s just being the cutest little thing.

“I’m not happy about you leaving for so long with Liam…” he started.

“I know, but…” I started to say. He cut me off though.

“I know you want to get back into music. And I think, with our situation, this is the best way for you to get back into the swing of things,” he added.

“Thank you for realizing this,” I told him.

“It’s just going to be weird not having you and Liam around for a while,” he sighed.

“But you got Kirstie and Tom! And Charlotte and Jesse!” I grinned.

“You’re suggesting that I hang with Kirstie for three months?” he asked with his eyebrow raised.

“You two love each other,” I teased while pinching his cheek.

He just made a face, causing me to giggle. Once they stopped, I reached over and gave him another kiss that turned out to be more loving than anything. We hadn’t had any in a few days! It was so worth it.

I was happy that he voiced this though. Me leaving with us still being mad at each other wouldn’t turn out well. Now that Ryan had ok-ed this, I was even more excited to be going. I was going to miss everyone so much, but it’s still such an amazing opportunity. I’d be crazy to turn this down.
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Ok so... my family got a puppy today and it's a tan cockapoo... and my sister got to name it... and she named it Tanner :3
