We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

I Was Afraid This Would Happen

A few days ago, Tom told us that he wanted to plan a little vacation for Kirstie. I just thought he came to me for ideas. Little did I know, he wanted Ryan and I to go with them. Suddenly, Ryan and I were extending our little Euro trip. We were going to Switzerland! I’m so excited! Snow!

Tom told us that we had to keep it a secret from Kirstie though. He wanted to surprise her. I thought it was super cute. I wasn’t about to tell her. I could only imagine her face once she sees all the snow.

“I’m so excited,” Ryan sang once we were nearing our destination.

“Why do they get to know?” Kirstie groan since she was behind us. She could hear everything.

“Because Tom likes us better,” Ryan snickered.

“Tom for sure does not like you better than me,” she quickly threw back.

“Because you would know…” Ryan muttered playfully.

“Ky, if Ryan were planning to ask you to marry him and he told me, I would tell you,” Kirstie randomly spoke.

“You would sell me out like that?!” Ryan quickly turned around to look at her.

“Yep… so Kylee needs to tell me what Tom’s planning!” she quickly turned her attention to me.

“I can’t! He told me not to. I can’t break a promise!” I tired to hold in a giggle. Ryan was still glaring at her in a taunting way.

“Then she would be a promise breaker,” Tom added.

“And that’s bad,” I played along.

“Not as bad as a proposer seller outer,” Ryan mumbled as he turned back around in his seat while crossing his arms across his chest.

“Of course I wouldn’t tell her, Ry…” Kirstie spoke up, “… unless she asked me…”

“I feel so loved,” he pouted.

“Aw, I love you, baby,” I cooed before hooked my arms around his middle to leave a soft kiss on his cheek.

He tried to hide it, but I still caught a glimpse of that smile. It was so cute. Kirstie was still trying to get out where we were going. I chose to ignore her. I was wrapped up in Ryan. And plus… I wasn’t about to tell her!

Finally, as we were making our descent, the pilot said that we were going to land soon… in Switzerland. Of course Kirstie caught on and had a little freak out. First, she was kind of ticked because she was afraid that she didn’t have the proper attire. Tom had it cover though. She had nothing to worry about.

But once that subsided, she started to get extremely excited. I thought for sure she was going to cause her chair to rip off of its hinges! Thankfully, before she had the chance to, we were now grounded. Once they started letting people off, Kirstie bolted off of the plane, leaving the three of us behind.

“I was afraid this would happen,” Tom mumbled playfully.

“Maybe we’ll lose her in the snow…” Ryan snickered.

Tom and I rolled our eyes playfully before we waited for a few more people to move so that we could get down with our little Swiss vacation… and track down Kirstie.
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