We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

Just Watch

Lately, the couples have been spending more time to themselves. But today, we were joining forces again. Tom said something about a castle that we should all check it out. So, here we are… on a boat, going to this castle that’s on a lake.

“You and Ryan should get married in a castle!” Kirstie quickly threw out with this new excitement coming over her.

“What if it’s haunted?” I countered, causing everyone to laugh. “What?!” I added.

“Just because you watch ghost shows, doesn’t mean everything that’s old is haunted,” Ryan snickered.

“Yes, it does! The Ghost Adventures Crew says so,” I muttered while crossing my arms.

“That show…” Kirstie mumbled.

I just stuck my tongue out at her, making everyone laugh yet again. Luckily, we made it to the castle to dock, so the Kylee teasing stopped. As we stepped off, I took in the huge structure in front of me. It was so monstrous. I felt so small!

“Yeah, wedding’s happening here,” Kirstie added.

“We’re not getting married in Switzerland!” Ryan spoke up.

“It would be amazing,” Kirstie kept on it.

“Well, when you and Tom decide to get married, you can get married here,” I snickered.

“We’ll get married where Kirstie wants to get married,” Tom added.

Of course, Kirsite let out an aw before giving him a kiss. I rolled my eyes playfully before we were guided around the castle. It was absolutely beautiful. It would be a nice wedding venue, but… it would be so difficult to plan everything.

Towards the end of this little tour, the four of us split up into couples. Ryan and I went our own way while Kirstie and Tom went another.

“It’s so pretty,” I sighed once Ryan and I were over looking the lake with his lusty arms wrapped tightly around me, sharing his warmth.

“It is. And it’s even better that I’m here with you,” he added, causing my cheeks to burn red.

After sharing a round of I love yous, we just stood here enjoying each other’s company. This has been such a cute day. I’m glad we all decided to come. While we were still in this embrace, we saw Tom and Kirstie over looking the same view we were, just on down more. Kirstie had just walked up to the rock railing and looked straight down.

“Maybe… we should have our wedding here,” Ryan spoke up, breaking our silence.

“Why?” I asked, looking up at him only to find a mischievous grin o his face.

“Just watch,” he whispered before starting to walk.

I watched while he crept up behind Kirstie as she was still looking down. Once he was close enough, he picked Kirstie up by the sides, making her scream so loudly. He lifted her up just a little bit, but I would guess she thought he was going to throw her over into the water. If I were her, I would probably be scared, but… it was so funny.

“I hate you!” I heard her shout at Ryan as I walked over.

“Oh my gosh, that was the greatest thing in the world,” he said through his laughter.

“You were going to throw me into that freezing water!” she kept going.

“Tom would have saved you,” I giggled.

“I’m not going in there,” Tom spoke up.

“I wouldn’t have thrown you in Kirstie. I’d just make you think I was,” Ryan snickered.

“I’m going to get you back!” she shot at Ryan.

Everyone but Kirstie shared another round of laughter before we started back for the boat to make it back to the main land. All the way, Kirstie wouldn’t talk to Ryan. But he was teasing her still, so… She’ll lighten up. She was in Tom’s arms anyway. So she’s happy. Ryan just gave her a good scare… that was frickin hilarious! But there’s not doubt that Kirstie will get her revenge.
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omg that's awesome! On my sister gifts, I put from Ky Foust on it... she didn't like it too well... haha

