We Could Leave This Town and Run Forever

…Or A Good Dog…

“Hey Chase,” I smiled, walking onto the set of the show.

“Hi Kirst,” He returned my grin.

“Where’s Morgan and Jason?” I questioned.

“They’re probably off making out somewhere,” He chuckled.

”What?” I shot at him.

“They’re dating now, didn’t you hear?” Chase asked.

“No!” I said.

“Oh it was probably because they told everyone yesterday after filming and you left right after…” He trailed off.

“That’s crazy,” I giggled. “They’re dating on the show and now they’re dating in real life.”

“I guess when they’re making out on screen they realized that they actually liked each other,” Chase shrugged. “It seems to happen a lot on shows or movies, they date on screen then they date in real life too.”

“Like Ryan Gossling and Rachael McAdams in the notebook!” I squealed.

“Oh gosh,” He groaned playfully. “Let’s go out to the set.”

“There you guys are,” Michael, our director said. We sat down next to Morgan and Jason and I of course had to harrass them for a minute about them dating and not telling me but then Michael corralled us and said he wanted to give us the ‘game plan’ as he put it.

“So what’s going on?” I asked.

“Okay so you guys all know our pilot is premiering next week,” He started. “And we have that and the next two episodes and Morgan and Jason are already boyfriend/girlfriend when the series starts and later on we were going to have Chase and Kirstie get together but MTV’s ratings are down and they’re really counting on this show so they changed it.”

“Changed what?” Morgan questioned.

“Well they decided they wanted the first four episodes to air next week and have a two hour premier thing and they want something to happen with Kirstie and Chase in the fourth episode,” Michael said.

“And what would that be?” Chase asked him.

“We’re going to have everyone saying that you two like each other the whole episode and you two deny it but as always, Kirstie gets you two in some crazy situation,” He said.

“This sounds just like my life,” I snickered, causing everyone to laugh.

“Kirstie, you’ll be doing this video project and you get the two of you locked in a closet on campus and the episode ends with you two making out hardcore, leaving our viewers hanging,” Michael beamed, obviously proud of his idea.

“That will leave them hanging,” Jason said. “Wow, way to taunt the viewers.”

“That’s what we’re going for,” He replied. “But we have to get moving in this filming if we’re going to finish shooting it in four days and let the editors have it for two then have it ready for the premier so let’s get going.”

We ran through the whole thing and filmed the first part before we finally got a short break. I headed over to the refrigerator to grab a water and I closed the door and let out a big scream.

”Don’t ever do that again!” I shot at the mischievious McFly boys who scared me half to death.

“Wow, I didn’t know I was that ugly,” Tom chuckled.

“You’re not baby,” I cooed, kissing him sweetly. “But Danny is.”

“No girl can resist this,” He said while pointing at his face.

“I can think of one,” Ky teased.

“Make that two,” I added.

“Sorry mate, you’ll find a good girl one day…or a good dog, either one,” Harry teased, patting his back.

“So what are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“Ryan is busy so I can’t talk to him and I was bored watching them so when they finally finished, we came to watch you,” Kylee whined.

”KIRSTIE! COME ON!” Michael yelled.

“Ugh,” I groaned. “We have to finish filming this episode in four days and Michael is grumpy. I gotta go.”

I ran back onto the set and the guys and Kylee all grabbed some chairs and sat around by where all the crew and camera people were. Right now we had to film the ending for the episode where Chase and I were locked in the closet.

“I can’t believe you got us locked in here!” Chase groaned, saying his lines.

“I’m sorry okay! You think I meant for this to happen? I don’t know how half the stuff that happens to me does but it does,” I said the next part. “We’ll just wait until someone comes and then tell them to open the door.

“And we’ll be out,” Chase said, taking a step toward me and I leaned up against the door.

“We’ll be out,” I agreed.

“What if I don’t want to be out,” He lowly said, bringing one hand on my hip and the other around my neck.

We were supposed to kiss right then but as I looked at Chase I busted out laughing as did he.

“Cut!” Michael yelled. “What’s wrong you guys?”

“I’m sorry,” I choked out through laughter. “It was just funny.”

“Well you better start thinking it’s unfunny because you’ll be kissing him a lot so let’s try this again,” He said.

Chase and I picked it up right where we left off and he put his hand on my hip and the other on my neck as we pressed our lips together. I ran my fingers through his curly hair as we deepend our kiss. Chase picked me up without breaking our kiss and I wrapped my legs around my waist. He was one good kisser, although not as good as Tom. It was really weird to kiss anyone but Tom but it’s not me kissing Chase, it’s my character kissing his so it’s not a big deal, right?
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you've got supernatural in the mean time haha

Kirstie and Chase
