The Stranger in the Cab


The second week of winter had been nothing but a complete pain in the buttocks. For starters, my pet goldfish went missing (yes, missing. I got out of the shower and BAM – empty fishbowl. I suspected that my lovely roommate's wicked 7-year-old stepbrother stole it and ate it). Then, my mother called me with the most depressing news I've heard in my life: Sandra, my younger sister was getting married to the British guy she had been with for 3 years.

Not that I wasn't happy for them – I was. My only problem with the invitation-accompanied-by-threats that my mother barked through the phone was that it was a wedding and thus it was a family event. And God only knew how much I hated family events. When I was a kid, my teacher gave us this essay question about the pros of being in a big family and I wrote in big, squiggly letters across the paper: 'Are you demented?'

Because that was exactly how much I hated big families. From my personal experience, big families had caused me nothing but trouble and a near-deaf-experience, along with a lot of Advil. The moment I found out I got accepted into a college far, far away (okay, maybe 3 states away), I was overjoyed. Being a college student meant I could use excuses like "I'm sorry, mother. I couldn't come to Cousin Jerry's wedding. I've got a lot of assignment and very little time to finish them!" and add a fake, sorrowful sigh.

But this was Sandra. I just had to come. Mom had already threatened to show my humiliating childhood photos to my aunts and uncles – and that would cause a whole chain reaction of "oh my goodness, have you seen Kara's cute little butt-cheeks when she was a child? I swear, she still have those cute little butt-cheeks until now, even though she's already 24!" amongst my relatives. And I literally had relatives all over the world.

And here I was, in London. My red hair was all frizzy, my fingers were freezing and I had a frumpy expression on that scared little children away. I think I heard someone calling me a gremlin before running away, searching for his mommy.

Yeah, you betta' run, kid.

I had been standing out in the cold in Heathrow like an idiot for almost half an hour, watching the black cabs whizzing away out from my sight. The numerous people crowding in front of the airport were in a rush, either to hop into a flight or into a cab. It was a little overwhelming for me. Plus, people were getting cabs first and I had no idea which one was available and which one was not.

So when I was getting desperate, what with the cold wind stabbing my face and the fact that I couldn't feel my fingers any longer, I decided to be a little bit more aggressive. That was when the first problem I had in London started. And I wasn't even out of the airport area yet. Yay.

"I'm getting in this cab and there is no chance that you're going to take away the warmth that this cab has to offer for me, missy."

I looked at the guy in front of me oddly. He had dark hair, brown eyes and was really pale from the weather, his cheeks were rosy and…if it was any other day, I'd say he was attractive. But this wasn't just any other day and my patience was running out.

"Yes, because I'm in Thailand now where it isn't snowing like crazy and I'm perfectly warm. I saw this cab first, buddy. Get out of my way."

It was then I realized that his hand was over mine on the door's handle. We glared at each other for a moment before I yanked the door open and throw my flimsy bags into it. Jerk Guy tried to snatch me away from the vehicle and we ended up doing some sort of an awkward dance beside the cab. One thing led to another and I crawled inside the car forcefully and I somehow ended up dragging Jerk Guy along with me too. Even in the backseat we were still fighting.

"Are you serious?" I hissed for the umpteenth time that evening. "Cut me some slack!"

"So where are you lovely couple going to this fine evening?" the cabbie asked. He was probably the most oblivious person that I've ever met simply for the fact that Jerk Guy and I looked nothing like a couple and that there was nothing 'fine' about that evening.

"Oh you're mistaken, sir," I hurriedly said with a little chuckle at the end. "W-we're not a couple—"

"The Dorchester," Jerk Guy replied, loudly. The car started to move.

I kicked his shin. He snorted and said, "you call that a kick?"

I would've strangled him with his scarf, I really would. But then I saw that he was so cold that he was shivering all over. We were heading towards the same direction too. I shot him one last frown and edged as far away as I could from him, uttering a "hmph." Well, it wasn't my damn fault that he wasn't wearing enough layers. Sharing a cab with a stranger wasn't so bad, right? It wasn't like he was going to do despicable things to me or anything, right?


"So Carrot," he said after a while. "Since you're all nice and quiet now, I'm assuming that you're heading to The Dorchester too?"

Ignore him, Kara. Just ignore him.

"My name is certainly not Carrot," I finally snapped.

Good job, Kara. Good job.

"Then what is it, Carrot?" he continued on with a questioning look.

"Stop calling me that!"

"I will if you'd tell me your name already!"

"My mother told me not to talk to strangers."

He scoffed. "I think getting in a car with a stranger is even worse, don't worry."

And so it continued. By the end of the excruciatingly long ride, I wanted to punch someone in the face.

When I took my luggage and to run away from his as fast as possible, I realized that he was gone. Vanished! I looked at the cabbie in silence before realizing that I had to pay up. For his ride too.

That leech!

Ugh! Well, at least he was gone from my life. One less problem to deal with.


Despite the cold weather, London was a really beautiful place in winter. Everything looked so calm and serene. I honestly did wish that I could say the same for dinner that night. My family and the Evans family were present at the dinner, occupying the entire posh dining area.

"Oh, Kara!" Aunt Jillian exclaimed, clutching her pearls dramatically. No, seriously. "I haven't seen you for so long, dear! You didn't come to little Jackie's baby shower last month!"

"I'm sorry, Aunt Jill. I had a life outside attending baby showers and stupid clichéd weddings," was what I would say. But I just smiled serenely and gave her a reason that I always gave to people: busy with college.

"So nice of you to care about your education so much," Aunt Jill continued after shoving a fistful of baby showers photo to my face. "But Kara," she said in a small voice, as if she was going to tell me something that was really embarrassing or confidential. "Sandra is getting married first you know, when are you going to find yourself a manly man and jump the hell out of him?"

Of course, my Nana who was sitting next to her just had to hear that. The elderly woman shook her head disdainfully and retorted with a "Kara, don't jump the hell outta him, dear child. I want you to take him by the collar and hump him so bad his wang needs to be in surgery the next day for being too pumped up with blood."

I bade goodbye to my appetite.

My cousin, Beth was sitting across from me, practically sprawled on her husband. Those two couldn't be separated. It was impossible. Plus, they would make out every 5 seconds. It was getting quite annoying with all the orgasmic sounds coming across from the table while I was trying to eat my chicken chop. She chuckled and said in a slow, patronizing voice, "Kara, Kara, darling, I'm younger than you and I have a ring on my finger. You need to find someone, fast, darling."

Because finding a life mate was significantly better than aiming for my masters.

"No thanks. I'd rather have a brain and my freedom," I said as politely as possible. Before any of them could say anything, I excused myself and walked around the crowded room. I maneuvered myself around people who were chattering, taking group pictures and mingling – but it was so crowded that I ended up bumping into someone anyway. Quite horribly, I ended up spilling his drink on his shirt.

"That's Kara," I heard someone behind me said whilst sniggering. "She's always some sort of a jinx and a troublemaker in any events."

"So that's Kara? The sister of the bride? My God, her sister is hotter than her."

"I'm sorry," I said to the champagne-stained torso.

"The least you can do is apologize to my face, Carrot," he said. When I looked up, I saw him sporting a smirk. I silently screamed.

"Leech! Where's my money?!"

Someone near Leech (that was his new name) said something to her friend. "That's Kara, sister of the bride. She's being rude again."

"But Sandra is so sweet and loving person. What a shame she has a sister like Kara."

"—I'd continue talking but you seem distracted by what these people who clearly needs to get their nose out of your business have to say."

"What?" I said. Then I realized he was rubbing his camera against the dry parts of his shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry! Is it damaged?"

He chuckled. "No, don't worry. It's just a tiny splash."

"Really? So I don't have to pay for anything, right?"

"Cheap," he said. I frowned at him and moved away. I needed to get some air. Even as I got out from the room, I noticed some curious stares after me. Yes, I was the older sister who didn't have a manly man at my side yet. But before I could manage, Sandra stopped me.

"Kara! Where are you going? Take some pictures with us!" She said jubilantly. Of course, with those huge crystal blue eyes staring at me pleadingly, I felt instantly guilty. Curse those eyes. "Kieran spilled his drink on himself though…wait, let me find him."

"Who's Kieran?" I asked but Sandra was already off. David and I stood there, watching her frantically searching for this 'Kieran'.

"He's my friend since high school," David said, smiling. "I also invited him here to be our wedding photographer."


"How are you…Kara?" He asked. "I know why you don't like to attend these things and…" he trailed off, looking sincerely worried.

I remained silent for a bit, at loss for an answer. How was I, actually? I came here expecting nothing less of hell, but after being away from the family for so long, it was as if all the stupid emotions were back and I did not feel good.

"Eh, David," Cousin Josh said, coming out of nowhere as he propped himself against David's shoulder. Josh looked as if he had a glass too many champagne. "Be careful of Kara, no? She might steal you away."

David grimaced and opened his mouth to retort but I beat him to the punch.


Josh stumbled back, clutching his nose as all the voices died down and all eyes were on me. I was rooted to the ground. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sandra dragging Jerk Guy to us but stopped in her tracks when she saw the tensed scene in front of her. And being a PR major, she instantly snapped into damage control – assuring the people that it was nothing and to continue on with dinner.

Well this was lovely. I wanted to cry. I hated myself for wanting to cry but damn it. I hated family events. I hated this stupid winter. Even though it looked calm and serene, the coldness of winter would stab you and hurt you in the end.

"Hey, Carrot—" Kieran began but I did the only thing I wanted to do then. I ran.


The actual day of the wedding wasn't that bad. I was the bridesmaid and even though I loathed my dress because it made me look frumpy (or maybe it was because that was just my default look), I've gotta say, I had a lot of fun – but that was probably because I drank a lot. Plus, everyone was too busy with trying to beat Nana at tequila shots (Nana won in the end but passed out 10 minutes later, mumbling something about how he wanted an Italian 'stallion').

There wasn't any snowfall that day so Kieran brought us to the Westminster Bridge for a photoshoot before getting back to the reception. I took the opportunity to enjoy the view of London in winter when Kieran was busy with the newlyweds. Sandra was in a gorgeous strapless white dress – but then again, she was gorgeous in anything.

And then out of nowhere a bird pooped on my ribbon clip in my hair.

"You are probably the unluckiest girl I've encountered," Kieran said, laughing hysterically at my sour expression. I removed the hairclip out of my hair and looked around.

"Wait, where are the others?"

"And probably the most absent-minded one too," he said. "You live in your own little bubble, don't you?"

"That's not exactly an answer," I said, sighing. I was too exhausted for this.

"They've went back. I told them I wanted to be here for a moment. I can take a cab back to the hotel. If a certain somebody were to steal my cab though, I think I can walk from here," he said, raising his eyebrow again. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole situation. Looking back, it was pretty funny.

"I wasn't the one stealing the stupid cab; on the contrary, you stole my cab."

"What the hell were we thinking?" He said. "I faintly recalled being in some sort of a weird tango with you outside of the cab."

I laughed. "I know right?"

When the laughter died away, carried by the sudden gush of wind, he took off his jacket and wrapped my shoulders with it. I looked at him questioningly. Jerk Guy was being nice?

Oh no, I made him feel sorry for me. Was I that pathetic?

"No, you're not pathetic," he said. "But I do have a feeling that you really dislike big family events, huh?"

I snorted and nearly choked on my own breath because mother of Aunt Jillian's pearls, it was cold. "Dislike? I loathe them. Not only because it's always noisy and my family is kind of nuts…"

"They really are," he interrupted while nodding solemnly. I chuckled and sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Every time there's a family event of this proportion, they…kind of always compare me to my darling little sister, Sandra," I muttered. "If it's not Sandra then it would be their daughters or sons. I never really gave much thought of it and have this awesome ability of ignoring it. But, I don't know," I said. I looked at his deadpan expression and quickly added, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you all of this."

He finally smiled and said, "I think you are much more interesting than the guests that Dave and Sandra invited."


"Plus, they're still family. Even if they're not right in the head. Weddings don't happen every day."

"Oh, Kieran. You poor, naïve child. Weddings happen in my family every day."

"Not your close relatives, say, your one and only sister? I always use reasons like I'm busy with work and college to get out of them anyway."

"Huh," I breathed out, nodding thoughtfully whilst rubbing my chin slowly. Because it made me look wise. "I have the same excuse too."

"If it's any consolation, and this is not out of pity, but I think I just might like you, Carrot."

"Really?" I said, throwing him a confused laughter.

Well, I think I might sort of, kind of, liked him too.

Darn his ruggedly handsome looks and that stupid smile on his face.


The snow fell down lightly on us that evening. I leaned against the ledge of the bridge and looked up to the sky. And then I heard a shutter clicking beside me and spun around to face Kieran who was viewing back the picture he took 2 seconds ago.


"Honestly, you're just too beautiful for me to not take a picture of."

"Was that a pick-up line?" I asked, smirking. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"What? I'm just being honest. Can't a guy be honest nowadays? Anyway, it's getting colder out here," he said, trying to casually wrap his arm around me. When he finally did, he looked at me to see if I would whoop his ass but instead, I just wrapped mine around his waist. I found him to be comforting somehow. It was a nice, fuzzy feeling. "Let's go back. Not to the reception, not to your family. I want to thank you for the cab fare. Let's ditch the reception and let me take you out to a decent dinner."

"Let's take a cab," I said, grinning goofily.

When we got into one, he asked me the same question he asked me when we got into a cab together the day before.

"What's your name? Kara, was it?"


He threw his head back and laughed.

"It still sounds like Carrot. So I'm just going to affectionately call you that from now on."

Even though I hated nicknames since I've got enough of them in the family, I think I was starting to warm up to 'Carrot'.
♠ ♠ ♠
1 o'clock in the morning. I'm at the point where I don't know if I'm tired or not. HMM.
First ever one-shot. Feedbacks would be much appreciated :) Hope you guys like it :D