Demented Lust

There Goes Lucy

“Lucy…” The voice that called out to her was quiet, and unsure, but it was always enough to get Lucy up. Hell, it was plenty enough to wake up anyone; the pleading she would smother your name in simply shocked you out of a dream. Sleepily, and reluctantly, she rolled off the top of her bed, landing on soft, pink carpeting.

“One day, you’ll break your neck Lucy.” She bitterly joked under a yawn, trying to stretch into the carpet, and hold a few last seconds of shut eye. Delilah’s head snapped into Lucy’s direction, and her eyes widened a little. The change in expression she wore was little, and she hadn't made a sound. But when Lucy opened her eyes and looked her friend over sleepily, she heard every word she needed to.

“Nooo, I’m not crazy. I’m just talking to mocking myself, you know. Making a funny?” Lucy explained with a sarcastic but warm smile. Sitting up and stretching again, she got up and picked up a folded outfit from atop her drawer. Then she turned to face her dorm-mate again.

“I know,” Delilah answered only when their eyes met, with a unique smile of her own. Lucy picked up her clothes from the top of her dresser, and went into the bathroom.

“So what are the plans today Blue?” she called through the door.

“Well I finished my song” She could hear the smile in Delilah’s voice. She was dreadfully quiet, and to outsider almost unregistering of the world outside her own mind, but Lucy has been her Dorm mate since freshman year, so of course she was no outsider. She knew she loved people, she just didn’t quite understand them.

“Did you now?” She answered as she looked herself over in the mirror. Wearing jeans and a blue sweater instead of her normal slacks sense she didn't have a race or mechanics that day, for once. “You know, I never heard you sing before.” She thought out loud.

Lucy heard Delilah’s nervous, airy laughter before turning on the water to brush her teeth. She couldn't even imagine her singing. Come to think of it.

“I’ll hear it one day.” Lucy looked at Delilah and promised before getting a response she made her way to the kitchen area of their dorm, made some cereal and started eating.
Something told her to look up, and when she did she saw Delilah staring right back. They made awkward eye contact.

“May I help you?”

“Um, the time..” It was 6:45, Class didn’t start till 7:46…

But Speed leaves at 6:32, and there first classes are spread to far apart. They can only walk together and talk for those first 20-30 minutes of the day, then she’d have to wait until third period, and that’s not the same. Then there with Conner, and well, like I said before it wasn't the same.

“Oh my god!” Her food meant nothing, “I’m gonna be late.” and Lucy gets up and runs to her satchel. Delilah gave knowing smile, one that said

‘late to being with him’

“Shut up!” Lucy moaned

“Love you too.” Delilah replied, then smiled “Have fun~”

“I hate you!” Lucy barked running out the door, and down the stairs. But she only went down the stairs half way, before stopping, shaking her head and running straight back up, peaking her head into Dorm E-94

“You,” She pointed at her,” eat that. Your body needs the energy” And then she left.
Other than Conner, Delilah was the only person in the world she could call her best friend. And she got sick way to often.

But Delilah was the last thing she needed to worry about.
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