Status: In Progress

Heavy in Your Arms

Chapter Four; A Little Lovin'

Elena had hung up the phone and turned to be greeted by Stefan, inches from her. "Did you hear that?"

"That Hayden could be a vampire?" He asked, a culpable look on his face, "Yeah, I did."

She sat on her bed, and took a deep breath. That couldn't be true, could it? Hayden, a vampire? Elena was so sure that her friend was human, but then she remembered she didn't find out about Stefan until later. Hayden could very well be hiding the secret.

"Listen," he ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her back, "I don't think we should worry about it, until we know for sure. I've only met Hayden once but from what I can tell, if she is a vampire then she is under control of it. She isn't our number one priority if she isn't causing anyone any harm. Finding the Grimoire before Damon however, is."

She nodded her head, they had a busy night ahead of them, and it mightn't have even been true, Bonnie's feelings might have been off.

"You're right. So what did you find?"

Hayden had numerous drinks before she decided she was too leave, have something to eat and then sober up before bed. So she wouldn't wake up with a hang over and then not go to school again. She didn't know Mystic Falls high school very well, so she didn't know how they treated truancy.

She had paid her tab, and slipped on her jacket when she saw Bonnie bolting for the back door, and when she was taken by her date, dragged the rest of the way and his red, veiny eyes. The same eyes Hayden's mother possessed when she first caught a whiff of Hayden's blood.

Pushing through the crowd, Hayden ran to the back door as fast as she could in her semi-drunken state. Breaking through the door and into the back alley, she checked each way before hearing some car doors opening. She ran, out onto the main road where she saw Bonnie being put in the boot of a car by her date, Ben.

Running to her car, she made sure to hop in quietly, and started it up, keeping the headlights off. She waited three seconds after Ben left before she followed suit.

What the fuck was this shit? Bonnie getting kidnapped by her fucking date. Hayden thought she left this shit when she left Auckland and its criminal underworld. It seems like her parent's kind followed Hayden wherever she went.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Hayden cussed the whole time she was tailing this Ben character, all the way to a dingy little motel on the edge of town. She parked on the opposite side of the road of the motel, and had a perfect view of the car park and Ben pulling Bonnie from the trunk of the car, who was visibly unconscious.

Hayden grabbed her metal baseball bat she left in car for whatever situation that would need a baseball bat arose. She had always been a paranoid sort of person.

Getting out of her car quietly, and pocketing her keys, she ran up to Ben as fast as she could, who was busy cradling Bonnie in his arms and trying to unlock the front door of his room. She swung the metal bat as fast and hard as she could, and the man fell to the ground in entropy. Quickly gathering Bonnie in her arms, Hayden slapped her friends face lightly, trying to wake the girl up.

Too preoccupied to hear Ben getting up behind her, "Wrong move, sweetheart." Hayden was smacked over the head with her own weapon.

She didn't know how long it had been, but Hayden awoke to a damp cloth being pressed to her head, and some soft whispering, "Hayden, wake up."

She opened her eyes to see Bonnie and Elena standing over, confused and bleeding. They had spent the time Hayden was knocked out to talk about the Grimoire and their capture, and even about Hayden if she was truly human.

"Hayden, what are you doing here?"

Her eyes squinted at the brightness of the light illuminating the room, which wasn't bright at all, "I was saving Bonnie."

"What? How did you know where I was?"

"I saw you get kidnapped and followed you here, I was at the Grill remember?"

Bonnie and Elena sent each other a look, like they were internally debating something. "Hayden," Elena patted Hayden's head, "I'm going to ask you something. Are you a vampire?"

"What?" Hayden's eyes widened, "How do you know?"

"So you are?" Elena's eyes widened and Bonnie backed away.

"No!" Hayden yelled, but then winced at the pounding headache she occupied, "My parent's are. I'm not."

"Ruth? Ruth is a vampire?"

Ben busted through the door before any of the girls could reply to Elena.

"I'm not going to help you," Bonnie replied out of nowhere and Hayden was far more than confused but assumed it was because of a loss of blood, which was now all matted in her hair, dried in clumps.

Ben only gave a sadistic laugh, walking through the small bathroom over to where the three of them cowered and grabbed Elena, putting her underneath his arm, "That's why she's here." He grabbed Hayden, who was still half conscious, by her hair and pulled her towards him as well, "And Hayden, well, she's just an added bonus. They're motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy."

Hayden's hair was discarded and he gripped Elena's arms in his hands, pushing her out of the bathroom before slamming the door. "She wants to talk to you."

Bonnie in the bathtub, but the plug while Hayden was half lying down at the other end; she was still confused. "What the fuck is going on, Bonnie?"

"I'm a witch."

Hayden only groaned, "Is no one in this fucking town normal?"

Bonnie then explained why all three of them had been captured, all about the vampires in the tomb and Emily's Grimoire, all under the watchful gaze of Ben. The whole story reminded Hayden of her ring, and how she was practically invincible with it. With the blow to head she had received from Ben earlier while she was trying to save Bonnie, she guessed that the ring had already come in handy, and it gave her an idea. It hand only been a couple of minutes before knocking on the door ensued and Ben grabbed both Bonnie and Hayden by their arms and pulled them from the bathroom into the main room where two beds and a TV sat. Bonnie walked with practically free-will, while Hayden had to be carried as she couldn't control her limbs properly. She thought that maybe if she pretended to be weaker than she actually was, then she wasn't going to be considered as a threat, which meant she could do certain things without being watched as carefully.

"Keep the two of them buttoned down. Compulsion won't work." Hayden's eyes drifted up to see a young girl, her age maybe younger giving orders to the vampire Ben. "Just use violence."

Bonnie and Hayden were thrown onto the bed, although Hayden's muscles couldn't hold herself up and she fell to the ground in a heap, a slight groan escaping her lips.

"Hayden!" Elena yelled and fell to the ground beside her friend, "Are you okay?"

But there was no answer, Hayden pretended to be unconscious, her eyes closed, her mouth open. "Hayden! Hayden, wake up!"

"What did you do to her?" Bonnie looked over at Ben, who only gestured to the bat in the corner of the room, covered in blood. "Oh my god."

Ben looked uncomfortable. What was to happen if one of the girls died? He had hit her pretty hard, and he didn't want Anna to be angry at him again.

He walked over to the girl on the floor, and tapped her lightly with his foot, "Hey, wake up."

Hayden's eyes burst open, and she threw her leg out, delivering a swift, hard kick to the mans thigh, and she heard a loud resounding snap. His screams could be heard and Hayden jumped up as fast as she could, and climbed on top of him, punching in the head as many times as she could before he grabbed her hands and snarled.

This was it, she thought, she was going to die again.

The door to the motel room hit the wall as it opened with vigour, and Hayden watched as the man beneath her screamed in anguish and pushed her off him, scrambling to get away from the sun. Hayden watched as Stefan appeared at the doorway, pushing open the curtain. "Elena, Bonnie, get Hayden and get out!"

Hayden felt her arms being lifted up and she was carried outside.

Hayden drove straight home after the whole ordeal, she didn't even wait for Stefan to come out of the room, she just hopped in her car and left. The whole reason Hayden had agreed to leave Auckland was because of all her mother's supernatural friends, she had simply wanted to get away and live a normal life.

She remembered the looks on Bonnie and Elena faces, though she couldn't pinpoint what they meant. Julian didn't say anything when she walked through the door, bloodied and ripped clothes, and she appreciated that. Usually, if parents didn't see their kids all night and then halfway through the next day they would loose their shit, but Jules always had an understanding with his employer and knew she would tell him if she wanted too.

She had gone straight to the fridge where some of Ruth's blood was kept; strictly only for emergency's and Hayden, along with Julian thought this was one of those times. The wound on the back of her head cleared almost immediately and she ran to the shower so she could rid herself of the day's events; the dried blood matted in her hair, the ripped clothes and blood on the front of her shirt.

Hayden wasn't the type of person to cry about what happened, her death and resurrection, her being pushed around and abused. She had suffered through things far scarier and far more life-altering than a couple of rebel vamps in a motel bathroom.

"Miss Hayden," Julian came into the living room, and he stretched his arm out to her, holding a glass of neat whiskey, "How are you feeling?"


"Would you be up to visitors?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and looked up at the elderly man in front of her. "A Master Salvatore is here to see you, along with Miss Gilbert, they're in the foyer."

Had seeing them only yesterday not been enough for them? She sighed, nodded her head and signalled for Julian to let them into the sitting room.

"Hayden," Elena fell into view in the archway of the hallway, "I'm so sorry."

Hayden had to smirk at her friend, and her friend's boyfriend. "Why are you sorry? It's not your fault."

"It kinda is, in some way. I'm caught up in this mess which means all my friends, all of my family; all the people I love are caught up in this mess as well."

"Elena," Hayden had to stop her friends rambling, "I've been through worse. Yesterday, it was nothing. Sit down, calm down."

A smile, a genuine smile claimed Elena's lips and it was the first one in a long time, she did as her friend said, but not before hugging her.

"You too, Stefan." Hayden smiled and gestured to the couch that Elena was sitting on, that was opposite the chair she herself was sitting in. "You guys want a drink?" She didn't wait for an answer, just looked at Julian and he nodded his head, leaving the room.

"So…" Hayden looked down at the glass in her hand, a took a large sip, "You're a vampire, Stefan."

"I am," he nodded his head once and his eyebrows furrowed, "Elena mentioned to me that both of your parent's are vampires."


"Miss Gilbert, Master Salvatore," Julian passed them two crystal glasses with whiskey and then left the room.

"Dad was changed about…" Hayden paused to think properly, "three hundred years ago, and mum about six."

There was a pause, before Elena and Stefan looked at each other and then back at Hayden, who know had no liquor in her glass. "If you're father is over three hundred years old then I'm assuming he isn't your biological father?"

Hayden, who was looking down at her glass, smirked, "I was a … supernatural miracle."

"You're a –"

"Vampire-human hybrid. Yeah."

There was a silence in the room, before Stefan spoke up, "You're father, he wouldn't have to be Alexei Romanov, would he?"

Hayden nodded. "Why?"

"I met him, your father, in the 1930s while I was in London, yeah. He owned a large mansion on the outskirts of town, and he let all of our kind board there to be safe from the sun, but your father, he had a ring, just like mine. It's amazing, you … you look so much like him."

Hayden had to scoff, "Yeah that's him." She had always resented her father. She had heard hundreds, literally hundreds of stories about him. About how kind and giving he was, how such an amazing being he was, yet, he couldn't spare a day of his immortal life for his daughter; his flesh and blood.

"So being a…" Elena struggled with the word, "Hybrid, do you have any vampire attributes?"

Hayden shrugged, and called out for Julian to bring her a refill before answering, "Yeah, uhm, I can't be compelled, I heal quicker than the average human, but no where near as quick at the rate a vampire does, my emotions and hunger is magnified, the sun hurts my eyes but other than that nothing."

"And by hunger you mean…?"

"Food, Elena. No blood."

"And you are the only hybrid you know of?"

Julian entered the sitting room once more, with a large bottle of whiskey, and filled her glass before going to leave once more but Hayden stopped him, "Julian, am I the only hybrid we know of?"

He stopped to think before nodding his head, "I think so, Miss Hayden, living at least."

"Julian, he knows?" Stefan held a look of confusion on his face, watching as the old British man left the room.

"He's been my caregiver for sixteen years; he knows everything about my lineage."

The three of them sat in the sitting room, talking for the next hour and a half, about Elena's life, Stefan's life and even more of Hayden's. She found out that Elena was in fact adopted, and was researching her birth mother, trying to find out more about it. Stefan was trying to look after his brother, Damon (who was also a vampire) getting over a major heartbreak after searching 145 years for a woman who as it turns out, didn't want to be found.

After bidding goodbye to Elena and Stefan, Hayden was half drunk and realised she didn't want to drink alone in the confines of her mother's mansion. So, driving to the Mystic Grill, Hayden headed straight to the bar asked for a whiskey, neat.

She wanted to feel the burn as it slipped smoothly down her throat.

"Whiskey and neat?" Damon's voice came from beside Hayden and she saw him sitting by himself, same drink in hand, "I knew I liked you."

Hayden rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smirk from gracing her lips. After everything she heard about him from her little talk with Elena and Stefan today, she knew she should have stayed away, but she just couldn't. He was heartbroken, and she knew he didn't have any friends. Maybe that was what he needed? A drinking friend?

"One in the afternoon and drinking? Don't you have school?" He smiled and sat down in a chair next to her.

"Probably," She downed the whiskey in one gulp and signalled for another. "But, uh, I never really was the school type of girl."

"I see, and what type of girl would you be then?"

Her bottom lip stuck out a pout as she thought about it, "The kind of girl who knows."

"Mhmm," He sounded interested, "Knows what?"

She turned, sipping at her drink, "That you're a vampire."

He looked about ready to snap her neck, right there and then, but she provided a smirk. "Relax, Stefan told me. Not that he should have had to, my mother is a vampire after all."

His shoulders relaxed and his eyebrows un-furrowed, "I see. I heard you were trapped in that little mishap yesterday, along with Elena and that witch."

"Yeah, a bat to the head is what happens when you try to save someone, huh?"

He whistled, "A bat to the head? And you're here? Drinking? Impressed."

"Thank-you," her glass met Damon's in a toast and the two of them sipped their drinks.

Hayden could count how many more drinks the two of them downed and how long they were their, but by the amount of people sitting down to eat with their families suggested it somewhere around seven, and Damon and Hayden still hadn't run out of things to talk about.

"Have you ever been in love?" He was clearly drunk and the two of them were practically sitting in each others laps, still drinking.

Hayden nodded her head, her eyes half closed in her drunken stupor, "I have. You?"

"Oh, I was so bent over on someone, but she just ripped my heart out."

Hayden had a genuine sad look on her face, "I'm sorry. I really am."

He looked down at her, "You really mean it."

She nodded her head and wrapped his arm in a hug, "I do."

"What happened to your true love?"

Hayden sighed loudly, and downed the rest of her drink, before leaning into Damon, whispering, "He died."



"How'd he die?"

"Well," Hayden smirked bitterly, "Turns out my dad doesn't approve of me dating."

Damon gave a large, drunken gasp, "Your dad murdered your boyfriend?"

Hayden nodded her head, "Yeah, he's a vampire too, so killing someone who is fucking his little girl kinda gets his goat."

Damon looked confused in his drunken daze, "Both of your parents are vampires?"

Hayden caught her lip in between her teeth, realising that she may have given her secret away. "Yeah, both turned in the last couple of years."

"Damn. Doesn't sound like too much fun."

"On the contrary," Hayden smirked, quickly leaning into Damon, her lips awfully close to his, their noses brushing, "I have the house to myself all the time, which is very fun."

"Mhm," He licked his lips, looking at her plush, pink ones, "I say we blow this joint."

And blow the joint they did. Deciding to ride in Hayden's car, they were before her house in minutes, especially with her reckless, drunken driving.

"This is your house?" Damon looked at the large mansion before him, and he had admit, it was pretty big.

Walking through the door, and into the foyer, Hayden removed her leather jacket and shoes, before turning around to see Damon, bottle of whiskey from the bar, in hand and standing at the doorway, waiting for an invitation.

Biting her lip, Hayden sauntered over to him, she watched him at the doorway, drinking. "Wanna come in?"

"Yeah." He nodded his head, just looking at her lips made him lick his by instinct.

"Please come in." He smirked, stepping through the entrance, he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body, his lips crashing against hers.

Here she was, kissing Damon Salvatore; heart broken wreck in her hallway when everyone she had come across blatantly told her to stay away. Why wasn't she listing to them?

Because you're drunk, her mind told her. And she had to laugh. She was talking to herself.

"What's so funny?" He pulled away from her, sipping from the bottle.

She only shook her head and was about to press her lips against his once more before a voice stopped them.

"Miss Hayden, you're home, sorry for bothering you," Julian blushed and left the hall and walked into the kitchen.

"You have a butler?" Damon asked in amazement and Hayden only giggled. Gripping his hand in hers she dragged him up the stairs and towards her bedroom, where she pushed him down on the bed.

He gripped her thigh in his and spun them over in a second, him straddling her, his lips found hers in a frenzy, and his tongue grazed her bottom lip, which she only bit it and allowed him access. This was Damon Salvatore; amazing kisser and heartbroken drinker? What had everyone so petrified? His kisses were addictive and delicious, which only made her want him more.

Hayden's hands pulled at the hair at the nape of his neck as his hands ghosted over her stomach underneath her shirt. A loud moan escaped her lips as his hands gripped her breasts through her bra.

"This needs to come off," His lips left hers for only a second, so he could her shirt over her head. His lips found her neck and trailed kisses down her chest and down her stomach. His hands gripped at the button and zipper on her jeans and teasingly, he pulled them off her hips to reveal matching underwear.

In his admiring gaze, Hayden used his lack of attention to flip them over, her hips straddling his waist, and in passion, ripped his shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. Damon only smirked, leaning back with his arm propped under his head like a pillow as he watched Hayden kiss his chest.

What was with this girl? Vampire parents, living all alone in a house with butler, and best friends with Elena. He couldn't help but think that Hayden was most definitely better than the annoying blonde and the witch.

Hayden had just finished unbuttoning Damon's jeans with her teeth when a loud knock sounded on her door.

"Hayden, you in there?" It was Elena.

"Shit," Hayden swore quietly and got up off her bed, grabbing Damon's shirt she threw it at him, and pulled him up from the bed. "Yeah! Hold on! Just getting changed."

Damon only smirked at Hayden's attempt to get rid of him, and he lay back down on the bed, his arm behind his head.

"I am not even kidding right now," Hayden pulled at his free arm but it did nothing, whispering, "They told me to stay away from you!"

He gripped her arm in his hand and pulled her down on top of him, "Let her find us. It would be so much easier if you didn't fight it."

His arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her pinned against him, "Come in!"

Elena didn't even realise it was a boys voice as she opened the double oak doors and walked into the large room, not until she saw Hayden on top of Damon, both of them half naked.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she looked away and her arms awkwardly crossed over her chest.

"Elena!" Hayden struggled to free herself from Damon's iron grip, standing up, and falling over her clumsy, drunk feet, she eventually found her way over to her friend, "What's up?"

"I was just, uh," she looked her friend in the eyes, trying to not cast them down, "Wondering if you wanted to talk, hang out or something, but clearly you are busy so I will just leave now."

"No!" Hayden gripped her friends arms in her hands and smiled a thousand watt smile, "I would love to hang out! – Damon, fuck off."

"Or maybe…" He patted the bed next to him and his eyebrows raised, eyes casting towards the two girls in front of him.

Hayden's mouth was agape and she grabbed the thing nearest to her, which was a shoe, and she threw it at his head, which he caught with ease. "I am serious. Leave."

And he was gone with a gust of wind, out the window, his clothes gone with him, and Hayden sighed in happiness before turning to her friend. "Now, let me get some clothes on, I'll get Julian to make us some iced chocolates and we can watch a movie."
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