Steal and Return

I sat there in my white silk night gown staring at the hooded man climbing through my window. My heart beat almost too painfully in my chest. I gulped and felt sweat build up in the palms of my hands.

My intruder got the tail of his dark olive green cape stuck on the lock and tugged on it a few times to get it free. He taps the heel of his buckled boots on the floor a few times to get rid of the snow. He sighs and dusts himself off, making little white snowflakes fall onto the cold stone floor.

"So, miss." He started, walking toward me. I could do nothing but sit frozen. How did he get here? I had guards in every nook and cranny protected me from senile people like him.

"Y-Yes?" I managed to choke out. He threw back his hood.

"I'm here to kidnap you." He gave me a smile that put the stars to endless shame. "I hope that's alright."