What If...the Two Most Dangerous Words

Chapter Two

I hear a banging sound, and high pitched laughter. They are in Zach‘s room. Pushing myself up on my elbows, I see the clock.3:42. “HOLY CRAP!” I scream. “PRACTICE IS AT 4!” I hastily remind myself as I sprint for my closet. I quickly pick out a t shirt, and grab my converses only now realizing I never took of my wet tank top. I sprint to the bathroom as hastily apply eyeliner. As quickly as possible, I straighten my hair then head for the hallway. Going downstairs, I see mom already left.“Figures….” I mentally complain whatever I’ll text her later I tell myself. Grabbing my keys, I jog to mom’s 2010 AVEOS. Sliding into the sleek leather of the plush seats, I wonder if I will have time to make it to practice. If I drive, probably not. But if Chandler was driving we would be there in the time it took me to pull out of the driveway. Stop thinking about Candler! I scold myself. Running a red light and 2 stop signs I make it to the soccer field, luckily without a ticket. 
Being sure to grab my ipod, I jog onto the field to join everyone else. Then I see Chandler. He’s staring at me with a smirk on his face. His blonde hair swept over his forehead. I notice he isn’t wearing his lip ring to practice…figures. His Chocolate brown eyes so dark I can’t even make out his pupils. I stop next to him and start settling down without another look, because I know if I look up I will be smiling like an idiot all practice . He creeps up behind me, placing a hand on my lower back, “Your late” he says to me right next to my ear. His voice made my heart skip a few beats. That can’t be healthy. I turn to see him staring at me, waiting curiously for my reasoning for why I was late. “I uh….. Over umm slept.” I stammered. I look into his eyes. He has a lopsided grin playing at his features, holding in the instant urge to laugh while brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. I stare at him stunned for a second, then I hear our coach’s booming voice “All right! Lets line up!” by the time I turn back to face Chandler he is already lining up in his position. “Stupid Coach….” I mentally complain to myself. Even from across the field Chandler can tell I’m annoyed our moment was interrupted. I look into his eyes and he has a well-it-is-soccer-practice look. I hear the whistle be blown and my thoughts are muffled by my ipod. I see Chandler make a goal and I start cheering. He gives me the weirdest look. Confused and hurt I sit down trying to push down the feeling. Throughout practice things were awkward. I couldn’t get Chandler to look at me. Finally when practice was over I cornered him by the goal post in the deserted field. “Okay, what’s up with you?” I demand, my voice coming out a little more harsh than I thought. He slants his gaze at me, his hair falling in front of his eyes “ I don’t have a problem.” he finishes with a smirk. “Let me walk you to your car.” he finishes with a lopsided grin. I know then that he isn’t mad. Without a second thought I head towards my car. Just as I make it to my door, his calloused hand entwines with mine. I look up into his eyes only to see him watching me. My cheeks heat up and suddenly I become every interested in my converse. He runs his thumb along my cheek. I look up right as he engulfs me in a warm embrace. Like him reminding me he's still my best friend, but a little more than that. More comforting than anything. I place my arms around his neck while his hands travel up and down my back. Just as I was enjoying our stolen moment, he breaks free of my grasp. Pouting a little, I look into his eyes. “See you tomorrow.” he murmurs into my hair. There goes my last bit of sanity. Then, he lets go of me, and walks to his car. Leaving me standing there in shock. I get that all too familiar gut wrenching feeling when I realize that hug didn’t mean to him what it meant to me. I remind myself he has a girlfriend and all I will ever be to him is a best friend.

“. Even though I’ve liked him since freshman year , every time he looks at me with those eyes, or holds my hand a little longer than normal, or when he pushes loose curls behind my flushed ears, my heart melts and I think he still feels the same way about me. I still remember when he told me he liked me and I crushed his dreams by not saying it back. The next week he moved on to Lorelei. Great best friend he is.
“Okay, we are officially lost.” I hear Chandler say next to me crunching brittle leaves as we walk along the forest floor. “Really?” I say with a little more sarcasm then I meant. He gives me this look, almost a look of admiration, then I reach out for a tree for support. I notice how cute he is when he’s concentrating with his deep brown eyes watching me intently. Immediately I push that thought out of my mind. I CAN NOT think of Chandler like that! We’ve been friends since we were eating glue in pre-k! I can’t like him. “Sophie!” I hear Chandler almost yell from next to me . I assume he has been trying to get my attention for a while since he stopped walking,  and the level of his normally calm voice “Yeah?” I ask distantly. He gives me a look letting me know I scared him for a second. “Where exactly did Olivia say she was going?” he asks with concern in his voice. “All she said was we had some things to work out and she would come find us when we fix it……. Whatever that means.” I finish in a mumble. He gives me a quizzical look. At first I’m confused until he takes a step closer. On instinct, I close that gap between our bodies. He looks down on me with such passion in his eyes I feel my knees almost buckle. “I think I know exactly what she means.” he says huskily meeting my gaze. I give him a look of confusion and interest at the same, curious of the reasoning for his statement. Then, he takes his hand and cups my chin, lifting up my face to meet his gaze. ”What the he-” I am cut off by his lips. Now I was so confused, because we have been best friends since as long as I can remember and then Chandler comes with his cute hair….. And smile with really cute dimples, and his tall tan body…and his amazing personality, and messes everything up! After that second I knew I had fallen for him. Hard. Instead of giving into my gut-wrenching fear to run away screaming like a baby, I kiss him back. I feel his cold lip ring brush against my lower lip. With every emotion I had ever had for him. After a few seconds of bliss I notice I am feeling light-headed, and at this point I can’t tell if its because of the fact I’m kissing Chandler. Chandler! Or the fact I haven’t taken a breath in about 15 seconds. Since I’m a hopeless romantic I like to think it’s the first. Almost like Chandler senses my light headedness, he breaks the kiss and sits on the littered forest floor, resting his back on a mossy tree stump. Following his actions, I sump next to him, lost in my own thoughts. I look over at him and I’m terrified when I notice he won’t meet my gaze. “Did he not like it? Oh God! Am I a bad kisser!?” I ask myself desperately, replaying the situation over and over again in my head trying to see where I messed up so badly he can’t even look at me, then he takes my hand in his, and my breath catches in my throat. “So I guess this is what Olivia wanted all along…” he mentally states out loud giving a light chuckle. All I can do is nod in response. “ You know I really like you….right?” he asks a look in his eyes that make him seem fearful of my response. “ Yeah” I state embarrassed immediately. He chuckles to himself at my nervousness. “Yah, I picked up on that.” he says with a smile in his eyes. “So I guess where a thing now?” he asks timidly, refusing to meet my gaze. “But were best friends ….” I blurt in a mumble. Without giving me a response, he leans in to kiss me again, but I lean away worried about our friendship. He looks back at me with a hurt expression. We stare at each other, me regretting my actions the whole time until we hear Olivia’s booming voice. “I swear that girl has no idea how freaking loud she is!” I scream to myself mentally. Standing up , we walk back to the camp-site in awkward silence. Of course, Olivia’s waiting for us. The second she sees our expressions she looks upset. “ What happened!” she screams at an unnatural level for any normal person. She begins interrogating us, her long golden hair bouncy up and down as she does. Her blue eyes racing with questions. Chandler looks at me with a frown plastered on every feature of his face. I feel Chandler turn away from me and walk towards the river. “Olivia, not now…..“ I state upset. Regretting everything that just happened. “What have I done?” I ask myself.
The next day Chandler acted completely normal, but ever since then he has occupied his time with little miss Lorelei. She’s perfect, much to my dismay. She is THE head cheerleader, ruler of the school, and any other high school cliche you can think of.. As I pulled into the driveway, I had a wave of dread and fear wash over me the second I saw Blake’s motorcycle . Hesitantly, I grab my bag from the back of mom’s over the top car, and trudge through the front door . Walking in I was pleasantly surprised to see mom and dad actually home. Too shocked to comprehend a sentence of question into words, I simply walk past them, not even bothering to ask about dinner even though I was starving. Walking up the endless stairs to my bedroom, I see something that makes my heart stop beating. Blake is waiting in front of my door. Calm down Sophie you can handle this. I scream to myself when I see those brown eyes. “Miss me?” Blake asks with a smirk as he makes his way across the hall to meet me. “Not really, no.“ I say not meeting his eyes. “You look really good.” he says almost to himself as he finishes with a smirk on his cute face. He reaches over and plays with a piece of loose hair . “Can‘t say the same for you.” I say only half meaning it. He smirks with a chuckle realizing I was lying. I see Zach snickering next to the staircase at my reaction. “Whatever.” I finish in a whisper. Don’t get me wrong I’m in love with Chandler its just Blake is just so….intense. I can smell his sweet breath on my face. “Uh, well I‘m going to go to um …..bed?” I manage in a pathetic voice, but it came out almost as a question . He starts to lean in like he is going to kiss me. What the-
“Hey bitches! What did I….Holy shit.” Kyle finishes in a whisper. I turn to Blake and he stares at me with a disappointed look crossing his eyes and takes a step back. I walk to my bedroom grabbing my s bag from when I dropped it. I reach for Kyle and drag him to my room. “Okay Sophie, calm down. Calm Down!” I chant, trying to soothe my racing mind to a function speed.“What was that about.” I ask myself. I throw myself on my bed without even stopping to take off my converse. Kyle interrogates me with endless questions as I try my best to answer them, Just when I feel remotely tired I feel my stomach lurch from lack of food…..and I can’t go downstairs without seeing Blake and make a fool out of myself again! Kyle went home so I cant talk to him anymore…Feeling defeated, I reach into my purse searching for my phone. I knew exactly who I could call. Scout. She has been my best friend since second grade. But I always turn to her for advice. I’m always jealous of her good looks. Her long brown hair always looking perfect. Tan skin all year long. The whitest teeth you have ever seen. Bright green eyes. Yah she’s pretty. But I love her to death. Searching through my contacts I find Scout’s name. putting the ringing phone to me ear I wait for a response from the other end of the line. No answer. Great, now I’m left alone with my own thoughts.
I  feel my phone vibrate on my bed. Chandler. Great just what I need.
After hesitating, I hit the ignore button. I felt like I cheated on the sweetest guy just looking in Blake’s direction. Then I realize Chandler doesn’t even like me. Why did I even think of Blake like that? Throwing myself off my comfy bed, I make my way across my bedroom towards my closet. I grab one of the Chandler’s shirts and some shorts. I sprint towards the bathroom, making sure no one sees me. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I head down stairs not caring who sees me. Making my way to the kitchen I assumed everyone was asleep. I assumed wrong. Stopping in the foyer, I see Blake sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. I start to turn around then I realize it’s silly for me to avoid him.“It’s your house. Why should I have to leave every time I see him?” I ask myself. I take a move towards the refrigerator. He notices me, but doesn’t say anything. Just looks at me. All of a sudden I feel self conscious about my choice in clothes. My over sized shirt. So over sized it covers my all of a sudden very short shorts. Tugging at my shirt, I reach for a glass. After pouring myself a glass of milk I grab an apple an retreated to my bedroom. “What? Do you not want to eat with me?” I here Blake say in a very un Blake type of voice. He never sounds unsure of himself like this, but I can still hear the cockiness in his velvet voice. I turn to meet his gave and am taken aback. He isn’t looking at me like this babe he wants to get with. No, he’s looking at me with want in his big brown eyes. “Wow….” I state to myself. “I think I’m going to eat in my bedroom.” I state simply, trying hard not to meet his eyes. I hear him chuckle to himself and then head to the sink and washes his bowl. I stand there for a second trying to mull over the situation, then I feel a hand on my back. My breath catches in my throat as realization comes crashing down on who it is. Blake. I felt like hugging him. I felt like calling him a douche bag and never talking to him. I felt so many things at once. Then, I feel Blake turn me around to face him. The second I see him, I notice he looks like he wants to kiss me. Then he leans in and his lips an inch above mine. “Goodnight.” he whispers in an alluring voice. “Oh god.”I scream to myself. I knew this was wrong. In some many ways. The whole time the only thing I could think about was Chandler. I grab him by the shoulders, and shove him away, even though deep down inside, it was the last thing I wanted to do. Not bothering to look at him I state “Yeah…” in a distant voice. Then I head towards my room in a fast walk. Throwing myself into my room, I slam the door. Sliding down, I rest my head against the wall. “What just happened?” I ask myself mercilessly, over and over again all night.
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Geez that took forever! I hope you like it :)