Status: New Story!!!! Read and comment!!

Revolution of the Heart


“You fat-headed, stubborn beast! I-I don’t love you anymore! I-I never did! Do you understand! I hate you!” I pushed him away and pounded on his chest, blushing because I knew that tears streamed down my face. They mixed with the raindrops that poured down on us on the street.
“I don’t love you, oh, why don’t you understand? I don’t, I don’t!” I screamed repeatedly in hysterical shrieks.
“Elizabeth! Elizab- Stop!” He grasped my hands and pulled them to his chest, wrapping me into a hug as I sobbed into his all too familiar cotton shirt.
“Shhh, shh. Elizabeth, shh, you’re okay” He said gently, rocking me back and forth.
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. I never loved you,” I sobbed, more to remind myself than to assure him, as he sat us on the cobblestone ground and circled me in his arms. It was just a con, a job, a commitment to my country.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, just a preview. Before you read on!!!! Bear with me, k? I'm slow at beginnings!
Comment, pretty pretty please!