Status: New Story!!!! Read and comment!!

Revolution of the Heart


My name is Elizabeth Victoria Henderson. I am a spy for the United State’s Continental Army. I wasn’t originally trained to be a spy, mind you. I was born and raised in Boston. My mother and father owned a small shop on a busy street in the city. When the Massachusetts Government Act was placed in 1774, my parent’s shop lost much of its patrons, mostly because my parents were both loyalists in most ways. I was always a Patriot, a Yank. My parents never saw what led me to be such a rebel, they thought of it as a phase. But I knew that my patriotism and hate for the British ran deep. When Boston was occupied, my parents chose to stay, chose to serve the stinking red coats and their gold coins. I left. My parents, whom I loved very much, had crossed a line. I could not, would not serve anyone who served the king. So, I went to nursing school, joined the nurse ranks, somehow, ended up behind enemy lines and most drastically, fell in love with a British Army Officer.
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Short chapter, i know, but it's because it is an intro! Comment?
*Historical Fact*
Boston, Massachussetts was occupied by British soldiers in 1768.
In 1774, The Massachusetts Government Act was passed by Parliament, It became a law on May 20, 1774. The act is one of the Intolerable Act designed to suppress dissent and restore order in the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The highly independent nature of local government there was preventing British officials from controlling the residents.The Massachusetts Government Act repealed the colony's charter. It was kind of a big deal :)