Status: New Story!!!! Read and comment!!

Revolution of the Heart


The man with the brown eyes had escaped. It came as news early in the morning. He, supposedly, had jumped from the operating table as soon as the bullet was removed. He knocked out the doctor (Not Williams, of course) and crept out of the medical camp without anyone noticing. At first, I was a bit outraged, but then I became worried. Was he okay? Wait, Elizabeth, what are you doing? I thought. He is the enemy, after all.
Williams, of course, had a fit when he found out.
“He was the only officer that could have given us intel! The other ones were too stupid or stubborn to admit anything!” he raged as he came to the tent to alert us what had happened. I shook my head, trying to find anger within me, but only evoking the image of brown eyes.
“How did he escape, with his uniform and all?” asked an older nurse.
“That’s the part that gets me. He stole the doctor’s clothing! Left his uniform right there.” Williams said angrily. I nearly laughed aloud, as did some other nurses. Williams grew red.
“This is no laughing matter! We now have an enemy in our midst!” he growled. That shut everyone up rather quickly. Williams stormed out of the tent. I followed him, mainly to see if he had any more information. He was talking to some officers near the tent where the new prisoners captured…where the British were being held. I walked behind him. He bid the soldiers good bye and turned to face me.
“Damn Brits. Sly as foxes. Well, whatever the case, the officer couldn’t have gone far. Apparantly the doctor hadn’t done much more than remove the bullet.” He said, half to himself. I nodded reassuringly.
“I’m sure he’ll be found,” I said calmly. Williams nodded. He reached to put a hand on my shoulder.
“Just in case…be careful, Elizabeth. You are the one who found him, you might be at risk.” I shrugged.
“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” I said.
“Still…I’d feel better if you were cautious. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Williams insisted. I shuddered inwardly. Oh, brother.
“Yes, well… I am here now. Might as well do some work.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter...a filler, really.
Another round of appluase for Lady of the Moon for her wonderful commment! Thank you, thank you.
Meanwhile, I'm going to start updating once to twice a week instead of daily. So far i've been using the chapters i had written over Thanksgiving break, and i am running out of chapters that i have already created :o Therefore, less updates. But they'll be the best long chapters i have ever written :)
*No Historical Fact for the Day :( Next chapter :) *