Status: Abort or Give Birth?

Innocence of the Pack

Mother Where are You Today

As Willow slid his lean body out of the car his muscles bending and pressing up agaist his muscle shirt was enough to make a girl drool. Somewhere beyond my slight daze my mind wondered if Sonny's body was sculpted like Willow's.

“You coming, Olivia?” Willow said with a smirk, breaking my out of my own little world of fairies and unicorns.

“Y-yeah.” I stuttered, blushing once again and sliding daintily out of the very high up jeep in which Willow's rough large hand grabbed mine tiny hand to help me down. The ground bellow me was rough and hard from the colder weather which made me breath puff out slightly like I'd taken up the bad habit of smoking or something.

I looked up to everyone else and noticed something, “Hey, why are you all wearing summer clothes? It's too cold outside for that stuff.”

Katie just smiled at me with that damned knowing look again. But this one had more sympathy then anything.

“What's up with that look!” I hissed with my hands in tight fists on my hips.

An evil smirk ran across Sonny's handsome face; “She's cute when she thinks she's in control.”

Willow's large hands placed themselves on mu sides, “I'm sorry Olivia,” His voice sincerely sorry, “It'll all make sense soon.”

Fear began to make the blood in my veins pulse uncomfortably fast, my vision becoming switch like. Pleadingly I looked at Katie only to see her smile sadly and mouth “It'll be okay.”

I looked to my dearest brother for help only to see him guiltily looking at the dismal gray sku, and for a moment time stopped.

For a moment I didn't see Sonny smirking at me, my new friend betraying me, my brother letting me het hurt, or Willow's figure as he began to tremble with anger.

The only thing I saw was my mother, her face red and blotchy from crying; eyes bloodshot and swollen. This was the night Beau said he'd come home but never did, this was the anniversary of my dad's death. I knew she felt so alone, I knew she knew I was useless to her but she just kept me out of pity. So whatever they decided to do to me, it was only fair I got the full penalty, for I deserved every once of pain for not being a better daughter for me mom.

But time started again as Sonny paced up in front of me, tilted my face with his rough hand much like his brothers and pressed his chapped, damp lips against my soft cheek.

Then with sudden abruptness Sonny snapped his head away as Willow let out a savage terrifying growl, his stomach muscles that were pressed up against my back, fist clenched harder into my poor side.

“Your going to hurt her.” Tutted Sonny, then like slow motion his tan fist slammed into my face making me see stars at the explosive pain of it all. Black resolve began to form around he corner of my sight making everything slightly fuzzy. Slumping back into Willow I began to close my eyes, only to open then one more time to see Willow holding Sonny by the throat. Looking up with bleary eyes I saw the familiar face of my betrayer of a friend Katie, then the black decided to knock my bemused ass out.


Opening my eye's slightly confused, I saw a forest canopy pass by overhead, it was cold out and a dull throbbing had settled into the left side of my face. Flicking my eye's up I saw Katie's face, she wore a stoney expression and her stormy eyes had turned dark; a soft catlike growl settled in the back of her throat.... weird.


...I was warm. Something familiar smelling was cuddling me. A large hand was running through my tangled hair.

Blinking my eyes I was shocked to find Beau looking down at me worriedly. Joy filled his pretty green eyes when he saw my eyes opening.

“Hey Sissy.” He murmured kissing my forehead, In which I cuddled into more missing the feeling of my brother. Then the thought of my face came into my head and I jumped out of his arm's.

“Beau where's the bathroom!” I asked without explaining why I wanted to use it.

“Um down that hallway and the first door on the left, why” but I was gone before he said 'why'.

Getting into the hallway I slowed down, “What have I gotten myself into.” I thought dismally.

Sighing I walked onward into the bathroom.

Entering it with contempt the brightly colored bathroom startled me as I turned the light on, nor bothering to shut the door. Looking into the mirror I gasp.

The girl looking back at me had a huge black/purple bruise forming that had swelled slightly, but it was barely noticeable.

Soft knocking on the door frame alerted me.

Looking over I saw Willow's sexy face contort with sorrow as he reached forward to touch my face, in which I cowered back; scared of what he would do.

Now he just looked sad.

“W-what are you guys going to do to me?” I stuttered scared out of my wits of him.

Realizing he'd lost my trust he began walking up to me, while I indirectly backed myself into a corner.

He placed his warm hands on my shoulders.... his hands were bigger then my narrow shoulders.

“Look Olivia, we're not out to hurt you. I don't know what was wrong with Sonny this morning. He was supposed to explain what's going on to you then use chloroform to make you pass out so it'd be less of a struggle to get you hear. But Olivia I can promise you one thing, we will not hurt you.”

Nodding I leaned forward on the man I knew I could trust. Finally starting to realize how dangerous these new people were.

He “Awwed” and wrapped his arms around my and let me snuggled into his chest, “Don't worry though I made sure Sonny got it way worse then you.” he growled protectively.

Even if he hurt Sonny, he hurt Sonny because Sonny hurt me. So Willow was okay in my book.

“Now come'on.” He muttered.

“Everyone should be out there now waiting to explain this to you.”

“Oh, okay.” I said slightly confused.

But what ever, at least I knew I had to friends here. Willow and Katie, even if I still felt slightly betrayed when she let Sonny punch me. But whatever she carried me back here.

My thought's trailed off as we entered the room again... this time full of people I didn't now. I gulped, hopefully they weren't anything like Sonny.

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Chapter 2! :)