Status: Active, hopefully finished in two weeks

Fire and Rain

I Don't Want to Loose You

Dear James,

I don't understand why you would say you just received my letter. I sent it out the same day I got your letter. There is no way I am high, I am in rehab for a reason. I want to be sober and stay sober. They only way I can do that is to stay away from you and your habit. I know that you are using pills and I have known that all along.

I want you to be sober and stay sober. I can't help you any more. You need to help yourself. You need to find a reason to quit. I'm sorry but, I am no longer your crutch or your fall back. You need to get your life together if you want me to be a part of it.

I don't know how I can live without you. We have been friends for so long, we have shared so many great times together. I can't forget all the love we have with one another. I feel as if you have always loved the pills more then me. I feel like I was never able to provide the love that the powder could. Don't me wrong, I loved the stuff as well. Loved, past tense. I don't need it anymore. I'd like to say that I don't need you but I can't. I just don't need any of the problems that you have.

I have been alone so many nights, I would always think you'd be there for me. But, you were not. You never were, and that's what hurts. We could have had a beautiful life together and made each other so happy. But, the pills got in the way of all those dreams.

Today when I walked outside I fell down upon my knees and asked Jesus to help me. I asked him to help me stand up against the pills. I felt like he heard me, I was overwhelmed with a sense of strength. I can't even begin to describe it to you. I felt like there was no way I would be able to make it through a single day without a pill but I was wrong. I have been sober for 2 weeks now.I was hurting so bad at first, I thought I surely would have died. But thankfully I had the help I need. You need to find that strength James. I know you can, it's deep down inside you. You need to find it.

Knowing that you are out there getting high hurts me like. I would rather die then know that you are getting high and not caring about anything. you need to realize that there are people out there that care about you and those people want you to get better.

You are the fire to my rain James. Those endless sunny days we would spend together wouldn't have been as bright if it were not for your smile. Get sober, I want to see you again.

All the love in the world,