Status: Active, hopefully finished in two weeks

Fire and Rain

No More Pills

Dear Lord,

Taylor is no longer with me and I have nobody else to turn. I just finished reading her letter about how she wants to see me again and how she wants me to be sober. I guess this is a wake up call. It is a sign, she turned to you for help and now I am doing the same thing. I need to get my act together. I am tired of living for the pills and chasing a high a can never find. Will you please forgive me?

I'm just going to start taking one day at a time now. I have always taken the easy route in life. I walked down all of the easy roads with my back against the sun. The news of Taylor's death was like a cold wind, it turned my thoughts around and forced me to face all the evils that I have done. I have hurt so many people and worst of all I have let myself down. I have nothing but time now. I have time to change and make rights to all the wrong. I have hours upon hours to talk to you, I just hope that you are listening and you can hear my pleads for help.

Taylor's death came like a sudden downpour. Her burning passion for live caused a spark for me, she was the passion in my life even though I knew the only thing I was doing was bringing her down, I was putting out her fire.

How am I going to keep on living? What am I going to do next? I just can't stop thinking about her, I want to be with her more then anything. I need her back in my life. Life is not life without love. I have lost my life when I lost her love.

All the sorrow and sadness in the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it has taken so long to update, I sort of lost the inspiration for this story. There will be one more chapter then the story is complete. I will probably finish it today.

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